Loot Leavers

I’ve now come to understand the frustration that many people do go through, and now I can understand as well why people wish to leave a dungeon when the boss that they want an item from is either given that item or in many cases has not given the item.

I think I’ve spent the best part of maybe five to six hours today just grinding the same 2 dungeons in the hopes of getting the item I want from the first boss in each of those two dungeons. Alas, the bosses do not want to give them to me. Blizzard doesn’t want to give me the fun!!

Has anyone else been in the same situation where you’re waiting for one or two items, but they just do not want to drop and at the same time you don’t want to leave because you’d feel terrible to basically leave a group of people waiting for a tank or healer depending on what you are?


It’s like SL memories part 2. If there is no reason to stay, people will leave.


They need to fix and set the loot like in M+

you can loot only at the end after the last boss


There is no incentive to stay when you only need 1 item and there is no punishment for leaving, it’s about game design. Also, complete waste of time to be power farming heroic dungeons for loot that has no application and will be utterly obsolete very soon


I’ve spent the better part of the evening chain-running heroic Stone Vault as a healer in the hope to get the gloves from the 2nd/3rd (depending which way the tank takes) boss. I think I did it 12 or 13 times today, and no luck. I didn’t leave.

I actually don’t think there’s much harm in leaving a normal or a HC dungeon, though. If someone leaves, the group gets priority, so an empty slot is filled quickly.

Probably true, but it’s something to do. If you’re a healer or a tank with no waiting time, you can just mindlessly chain dungeons while listening to music or chatting on Discord. It’ll make M0 and the first raid day a little easier.

True in part, but after doing the mount quest of 1500 chitins, 1000 venom and 500 blood, I’m happy to do any other forms of farming :smiley:


Its only for 2 weeks more and then it won’t matter anyway. I am in a position where I only need 2 weapons and a neck, most 2 handers drop from last boss anyway, but I am almost thinking of just waiting for M0. I should have enough ilvl to enter as I am now anyway.

With M0, I’ll be making a premade for that as I do not want the frustration that can come from “some” pugs >_<

Yep, I’ll most likely do M0 with people I know too, though there will probably be many good groups in the tool, at least early in the week.

My first raid night is on the same day M0 becomes available, so I’ll probably still wear many of the same items I’ve been farming now. I kind of wish M0 would start a week before the raid, but it’s probably good that it doesn’t.

(Gloves dropped. Done with Stone Vault for a couple weeks now!)

Once M0 drops I’ll be going exclusively for premades through the No Pressure discord. In game PUGs are barely worth it for the easier content that can be queued for.

Too many bad apples in the general playerbase to be worth dealing with.

I mean if you’re enjoying the game, why not, but not worth burning out over pre-mythic 0 loot. I’m pretty lazy these days with stuff like this, no motivation for farming temporary loot, always kinda been this way since I recall as early as WOTLK entering Naxx 25 with quite a few pieces of lvl70 items still equipped.

That mentality wouldn’t have worked in the later expansions but Blizzard deciding to have a grace period before raids opened really catered to slow starters. Though I will say, they might have been a bit excessive in TWW given how ridiculously short the levelling phase was.

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Oh completely understand what you mean.

I’m just getting this out of the way, then I’m going to chill with herb gathering, getting my cooking finished and fishing.

I’ve just been lucky since EA, as normally my little girl is a handful, but she’s been very nice & calm over the last few days. I’m just waiting for the wave of tantrums to kick in xD

You have my seal of approval

Glad the only item from dungeons I needed was from a boss with zero other eligible items on its loot table. Straight 33% chance per run.

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I dont really care about hc dungeon drops, we’ll be past them in no time and the gear i have is more tjan sufficient for any activity currently.


What happens if you get kicked mid-dungeon?
What happens if you disconnect mid-dungeon?
What happens if the entire group dissolves before the end?

If the players don’t get any loot, then it will destroy another RPG element of the game, where a “strong” enemy drops items.
If the players get that loot in their mailbox by the postmaster, guess what, people will do the first boss, abandon the group and then wait for the mail popup to appear.

The solution you propose would make it worse for every case.

To the OP: Is it something that crafting cannot solve?

You re right, so let selfish people leave and make you ruin your queue. thats better :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

For me I dont care I wait 1 min for a groupe

Dps wait for 15 min


The same that happens now if you want an item from a boss that hasn’t been killed yet and you get kicked or disconnect.

Not that I’m in favor of the idea, but if they added this, the likelihood of disconnects and kicks is pretty low for most players. I haven’t seem any votekicks in TWW at all yet.

than u dont know that after u kill boss u can leave and someone else will come instead of you really fast

what about no