Loot sellers in pugs raids

today i pugged the new raid again (normal) killed the 1 armed bandit the item best in slot dropped a enhance shamie won the roll explain me how the f it is posible that they can win those items first of all vs classes that actualy are using 2h in there specs and to make it even better he was traying to sell it for 500k where is this game going to having people in raid needing on stuff that they dont need to emty the pockets of people that actualy need those items this game is going downwards in my oppion the greed of people is just insane and a other thing how is it posible aswel that 1 person can win 3 items from 1 boss you need to explain me that 1 aswel blizz people are waisting there time on doing those raids hoping to get a usefull item while there are others that just exploit others time

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This is you:

And you should get banned for this. Its considered spamming.


getting banned couse i olmost diddend use the forums over 10 years prollie and i diddend saw it was set on a alt of me for some reason ? lol get a life simple minded monkey i just wanted to state the way how loot sellers are messiing up the game-time of other people you prollie 1 of those people

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That was a weak attempt at trolling, bro. We’ve seen your kind a lot; be original, at least.

I have a suggestion for you, though. Use an AI tool; it can make life easier for everyone around you, even when you are trolling. Begauze if you dond, like in diss egzample wee diddend tek yor trolink seriuzly.

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the F you mean whit a weak attempt for trolling ? this bigben is 1 of my alts the pala is my main now for this season where i reposted my message yesterday i even posted it twice by accident i dont know where the f you get it from where i am trolling like i stated in my message i just simple wanted to state how loot sellers are messing up the game-time of other people

Your post is literally a copy-paste of the one I linked.

Its not about “profiles”. You are the same person that has posted the same thing twice with 2 different toons.

Its the defenition of Spaming.

And now, you are trolling. A cheap attempt at that…

Learn from the master: Slapface. When you are at his level of trolling then I wont downvote your trash posts. Because atleast Slapface was entertaining.

you can downvote what the F you want i wanted to post this from my main char for this season and not a alt thats the reason and i dont give a sh.it what you have posted i wanted to post that so i done it