Lordaeron belongs to the Forsaken

Lol they are a race of simps.


I’m afraid that by saying this it would also make Calia the leader of Forsaken since she is rightful heiress of the throne of Lordaeron.
Though I do want more for Forsaken than a bridge-top in Orgrimmar

It does!

It also belongs to the Alliance since many humans from Lordaeron fled to Stormwind in the aftermath of the Third War.

It also belongs to the Scarlet Crusade and the Argent Crusade.

It belongs to all of these group because in all of these cases we’re talking about the survivors of Lordaeron, about its people.

The Alliance can argue they have the living survivors of Lordaeron, including nobles and heroes such as Turalyon himself and that the dead have no succession rights. The Forsaken can argue Lordaeron is still their home and they have nowhere else to go.

Everyone can argue whatever. In the end it makes no difference. IC’ly legitimacy only means so much without the power to hold it. OOC’ly I’d be amazed to see Lordaeron under total Alliance control again since that would mess up the Forsaken.

That said, a neutral Lordaeron ran by the Argent Crusade seems slightly probable if you’ve done the AC quests in Cata. Stratholme, Tyr’s Hand. They’ve been slowly taking over the most important locations in the Plaguelands.


I mean, yeah, this is the most probable outcome, and frankly, it is the most “bi-factional” one, as well. Nobody has any strong feelings towards the Argents, and I am under the impression that most people like them, overall.

In the case of a neutral, Argent-led resurgent Kingdom of Lordaeron, everybody and nobody gets what they want. The Alliance folk get a kingdom mostly run by former living Lordaeronians with the caveat that it isn’t and will never be part of the Alliance, therefore there is no “Deus Vult, now that we have Stromgarde, let’s go liberate the Holy Land” nonsense, the Horde folks get to keep the Alliance out of former Forsaken territory with the caveat that they will not hold it themselves. Hell, it would be the mirror to Kalimdor’s neutral Moonglade. Seems like a perfect “Blizzard solution”, tbh.

Forsaken could reclaim Alterac as their seat of strength. As per BFA, they had already started fortifying it. It isn’t Lordaeron, but it is a former kingdom and it is near their former territories.


Quite like this concept tbh. Lordaeron is one of those places that gets hotly controversial on an in-story, RP-OOC, RP-IC directive. If Blizz did some kinda Argent Resurgence there, i’d honestly not mind it.

After all, that faction has and by the looks of it, will always, represent a kind of unity between both factions regardless of their race and prejudice.

This is more of a personal rambling, but, honestly, I get why. Lordaeron means a lot of different things to the majority of the playerbase, whether they are involved or not in the lore.

For old-timers like me, it is the place where Lothar fled, where the Alliance was formed. It is the place where the first Horde broke, it is the epicenter of what echoes remain of that misty, bizzare, ancient world.

For people familiar with WC3, it is the birthplace of the Scourge and the Cult of the Damned, the homeland of Arthas, and the birthplace of the Forsaken. It is the core place of the best written part of the story.

For Alliance people, it is the equivalent of Jerusalem, that distant north, fallen realm that hopefuly will be restored one day.

For Horde people, especially Forsaken mains, it is their home, the place of their first adventures once upon a time, in a distant past.

For people who do not care about the story, it is the place of Southshore vs Tarren Mill, the place where you had to pass an inch away from Undercity in order to reach SM, the place where you could suddenly get mauled by an elite worgen 8 levels above you in Silverpine, a place full of memorable experiences.

And for all, it is one of the truly tragic places in the setting, in the literary sense of the word. From the Scarlets trying to survive in an apocalypse and succumbing to corruption, the Argents barely holding out in a run-down chapel, to the Battle of Darrowshire, Tirion holding the body of his dead son and vowing to restore the Silver Hand, from a Forsaken needing a blanket trying to warm themselves, to a human farmer trying to survive in whatever plot of land he still has beset on all sides by enemies, it is the only place where Blizzard writers laid down the bullcrap and created a truly memorable meta-narrative.

It is, bar none, the most important place in the setting, in a meta sense.


Andorhal has potential as well. It’s at a strategically valuable position and also firmly in forsaken hands since Cataclysm.

Well said @ Bazherak.

reminded me of this:


The story of Lordaeron is one of ongoing tragedy and an unresolved story.

If a holy order like the Argent Crusade were to re-establish the capital maybe it would provide some hope in returning the Kingdom to it’s once proud and particularly religious history.
The most likely candidate to lead the resurrected Kingdom would be Calia as the last of the ‘living’ Menethils and, the only one left with right of succession to the human kingdom.
This is irrespective of whether they choose to reform bonds with the current Alliance or remain an independent faction.
Whether people like it or not, her current state makes her the perfect bridge to bind the living and forsaken peoples of the former Kingdom under one banner.

I agree with the posters above that say it is the Jerusalem of the Eastern Kingdoms and the old world. Being the birth place of the original Alliance and a major Horde settlement, it will command a lot of attention and interest from either side.

If a future expansion were to ever refocus attention on this continent, a focal point will likely be this city, it’s Kingdom and it’s future direction and alignment.
It’s a cornerstone of the old lore where any changes to the status quo has ramifications that will be felt faction wide and further afield symbolically and geostrategically.

Also, no idea what Dalaran is doing. Last we saw of that Kingdom the city was floating around the Broken Isles. Do they even care about what’s happening to the rest of their land that isn’t part of the sky city?.. or does anything outside the city limits belong to the Kingdom of Lordaeron.
I’m beginning to wonder if they’ve purposely discarded their previous lands and holdings left on the ground there, without the intention of reclaiming them.

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She has a daughter that might actually still be alive. And could be of age now.

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Goddammit, I love Kingdom of Heaven. Its Director’s Cut is one of the best semihistorical movies I have ever seen.

Yes, they could, but I was including Andorhal in the hypothetical Argent Lordaeron kingdom, which would encompass Tirisfal Glades and both Plaguelands, I assume.

Honestly, I have no idea what are they trying to pull off with Calia. I liked the prospect of a living Menethil heir, but her whole special snowflake schtick and shoehorn as Forsaken Leader confuses me. Given how unpopular she seems to be among the Forsaken playerbase, I assume joining the Argents and becoming queen of Argent Lordaeron would make sense. Hope she isn’t just villain batted due to an upcoming “muh evil light” expansion as her presence represents a glimmer of hope that the devs still have plans for Lordaeron despite WoW going fully IINNNNNNNN SPAAAACE nowadays.

Space, the final frontier
These are the voyages of the Starship Lordaeron
Its continuing mission
To explore strange new loot
To seek and destroy new life
And new civilizations
To boldly go where no Azerothian has gone before

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I don’t think that she can be considered as any kind of bridge.

She has made it abundantly clear that she considers that Lordaeron as a kingdom is gone.

It doesn’t help that she abandoned her supposed “subjects” (be them living or otherwise), to fend by themselves for almost 20 years without a proper royal figure to rally them, after her brother tore down the entire kingdom.

Honestly, trying to use her character would required doubling on an already forced plot arch that is already being bent to the extreme for the sake of hastily salvaging something that fills in the vacuum left after ousting Sylvanas out of the scenario.

And neither the Forsaken nor the Scarlets, or Argents, should be shown as caring one bit about this girl that left them all to deal with her brothers actions, and just now seems mildly interested in returning.


Depending on where will the story of her family go, I suppose (husband & daughter)

That would work easily in the game without factions. But with what we have, it might be used as a new reason for the tension between the factions (say, some forsaken learning about what was done with their living families by other forsaken).

It’s donated to a total neutrality and with Kirin Tor monopolized the mage fantasy (seriously, when the last time magisters were in the focus of the horde story? Or the Academy of Arcane Arts and Sciences in the alliance)

I can imagine old Alterac and Dalaran lands becoming the horde territory.

Horror story time (actually, that’s more or less what I can see, and it would actually work rather well):

At least that’s what she says in the pre-patch:

Valeera Sanguinar: We have much in common, I think. Both caught between two worlds, belonging fully to neither. Yet being able to move between them offers certain advantages.

Calia Menethil: I thought to be a bridge between the living and the undead. My first attempt ended in sorrow. But I have not given up hope, Lady Sanguinar.

© https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Death_Rising

Scarlets are a big missed opportunity, so I do not expect any interesting story with them.

 are not quite united as far as I can tell. From the Classic days till now there are those who actually would not mind to quit the horde if they could go back. Several times in BfA I saw the idea of “you can’t go back now”. But is it really the case now? I can imagine some trying to use Calia as a ticket to hop into the alliance.

gl hf


Does that make Dalaran Deep Space 9?

Your both right I completely forgot about the daughter.
Still though the laws of succession would likely still apply even in her un-living self.
Whether or not a living human would accept her (looking at you Scarlets) is a different matter entirely.

It’s quite possible her general outlook and personality will gradually shift more in line with that of the traditional concept of a Forsaken in her quest to unit her peoples. In that way it would go some way to cementing her position as a potential candidate for forsaken leader and alleviate some of the concerns of the playerbase as being to removed thematically.

Although this is purely speculative, if they do want to keep pushing her as a bridge, the mental attrition inflicted on her in future events might darken her perspective depending what difficult ‘questionable’ choices she would be faced with and how far she would be willing to go to achieve her goals.
Hitting her ‘slightly’ with the villain bat might not necessarily be a bad thing. Some of the best written villains are the ones who believe, and make the audience question if what they’re doing could be considered right.

Remember she is still very new to her current state of being and she might end up rather zealotry depending on what influences her. She might even find ‘purpose’ in Oribos and the Shadowlands. In addition, overtime existing as a rotting corpse might start to fray at her sanity.

It’s a new character the lore has only just about tapped in to and personally I think it would be premature to write her off based on what we’ve seen of her to date. People do change and they way she seems to have been setup would allow for this transition to occur quite seamlessly. There are a number of directions her arc could go and a path with a darker tone is still open even though it has yet to be explored.

It really does depend on how Blizzard shape this character once she takes on a more prominent role. They would not have given her such a detailed model if this was not in some way intended at least originally.


That’s a questionable assumption. Usually rights count until death, not until the final destruction of the soul. Obviously, our world doesn’t have undead, so no provisions for it are necessary. But if there were undead
would there be any? Especially if until a few years ago the prevalent religion was pretty clear on undead being evil? Not to mention the practical problems with succession if you can just ranimate dead kings/heirs at any time and throw the line of succession into chaos.

You can’t really argue law here, and the line of succession is nothing but law.


Some scarlets managed to stay among the alliance, not many though, in Dalaran on Broken Shore you can see scarlet pilgrims, and there is one on Darkmoon isle, one in the priest class hall. So, some of them could.

We still do not have any info about why the whole transition happened in the order (dreadlords likely, but still) where originally you could see other races, not just humans. (one could think exploring this old topic is a better idea than villianizing Yrel cause, you know, draenei have so many regularly present characters that would give some comments about how different parts of their society see the ongoing events
 ok, who am I kidding, other races have similar problems)

I am not sure how the devs are going to handle her interactions with the forsaken, but, without going all the way into a wall-o-text mode, key part is:

Record of undead emoting positive emotions are rare, though there are reports, however, that some Forsaken have slowly experienced a sharpening of their dulled senses of touch, smell, etc., as well as an increase in the flashes of positive emotions that have otherwise become so rare since their fall into undeath, when influenced by the Holy Light. The drawback however, is that they also become disgusted with themselves and are likely to increase attempts at their own self-destruction; for regaining these senses would force the undead to smell their own rotting flesh, taste the decay in their mouths and throats, and even feel the maggots burrowing within their bodies.

© summary from https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Forsaken

So, while restoring more of former self is a boon for some forsaken who would wish to be “less undead”, Calia’s presence alone, as a conduit of holy magic, could be devastating for the others, who chose to move on and embrace their new self.

I get that the devs will likely just pick whatever convenient and ignore the other details as they seemingly tend to do from what I see in the Legion+ content, but if the path would be fully following the established lore, the forsaken would change next to her regardless of them wishing to do so.

In a way, there is a potential for some drama since Calia is currently away - will the forsaken spot the difference in how they feel and think between the time when Calia was among them in Orgrimmar, and now when she is away.

That’s something rare in WoW to my knowledge. Could she be a good villain? She could be many things. But with the recent track records and the devs talking about how awesome Baine / Sylvanas / Saurfang are, and what I usually see as a feedback (I’ll skip personal view of them) is very far from how the devs imagine their own stories, there is not much “hope” so to say.

gl hf

On that note, I’m not entirely sute what the fate of Capital City will eventually be, but I remember doing the dungeon quests in Stratholme during Cataclysm and, being the lore nerd I am, actually reading the quests while my party was losing its patience. Korfax and Eligor were mumbling a bit about cleansing Stratholme and turning into a new capital for the Light. They could go that route even without Capital City and the Tirisfal Glades. Besides, according to Exploring Azeroth they already hold the Scarlet Bastion and the Silver Hand is also present in the neighborhood at the chapel my blood knight desecrated once upon a time. Good ol’ days.

Not as relevant, but the Scarlet Crusade and the Argent Dawn having the same color schemes as the Knights Templar and Knights Hospitaller makes something about that comparison just vibe perfectly.

That aside, while the argents might be planning to build their own neutral kingdom, there’s also Turalyon who, if you click enough on him, mutters a bit about some old Alliance lands out there that they should reclaim now that the Horde is down. So
 Yeah, a lot of possibilities. Yet they could work this out with a compromise that would make no one happy and give bits and pieces, as you’ve said. Plaguelands to the argents, Hillsbrad to the Alliance (they’re rebuilding Southshore anyway), Tirisfal back to the Forsaken (while Lordaeron is uninhabitable, do keep in mind there has been no information about Deathknell which is locked away in a valley with natural mountain defenses).

You’re right, it is very much a grey area and from our understanding a dead person would not qualify. It’d be a pretty big stretch to try and inaugurate a dead potential heir to throne (who at the moment doesn’t even want it).
Even more so, for someone like the Scarlets and their sympathisers to stomach it. This is if they would tolerate it at all considering their current world views and doctrine.

However with her being the only Menethil visually introduced on the scene (that’s sort of alive), 
and her daughter for the time being sequestered away in areas unknown, she is still the most likely candidate to bring the region under control or act as mediator from a relatively neutral standpoint to begin with.

Her daughter is the only other that could perceivably challenge her on equal footing as claimant to a vacant throne, and her resurrection not via unholy means but, by those of the holy light itself could cause her to be viewed as something of a rallying figure and unliving saint. A representative of the holy light and it’s ‘unquestionable’ will.

It’s already been established that Lordearon was the spiritual capital of the human Kingdoms, so it wouldn’t be so farfetched that her presence alone couldn’t be viewed as the ‘Lights will’ by many of it’s inhabitants and something more of a miracle than a curse in this instance. This is considering the unique circumstances under which she was raised. Her resurrection at the hands of the naaru Saa’ra is still as of yet unexplained but, be under no doubt with the intended purpose of having grander designs or mission.

Now I’m not saying for a minute that Calia would gain immediate support or go unchallenged. Far from it. She would definitely have many detractors from both the humans and amongst the ranks of the remaining Forsaken (like the current majority view of the playerbase :wink:).
Her daughter may even be used as a foil against her, depending on who she is influenced by and who currently acts as her ‘protector’ and regent (You see how this could potentially become interesting).

I’m sure many former (and would be) nobles of the former kingdom would love to try their hand at elevating their status in a power vacuum such as this. This is if they see a prospect of a Renaissance for Lordaeron on the cards. This coincidently sort of fits well with the dark ages, plague ridden land slowly recovering. There a number of parallels that can be drawn from our own history and used as reference for story telling.

But that said, there is definitely room for her to gain substantial support if she is pushed in the direction of being a reclaimer and source of salvation by the writers. Where her outlook is gradually changed with this in mind once she finds as she put’s it ‘her purpose’ by the end of the Shadowlands or soon after.

If this does turn out to be the case then I would expect more notable appearances of her in the near future.

Most likely the Scarlet Crusade would act against her rise where the Argent Crusade/Dawn may eventually be persuaded to be in favour of it, if similar or mutual goals and intensions could be shown to be shared.
Support from the forsaken would have to be won via their other influential leaders such as Lilian Voss.

Ultimately though, it would be who could succeed in winning the hearts and minds of the people dead or alive.

Again, this is all purely speculative of one potential way the writers could look at revisiting Lordaeron. This is whilst incorporating the use of Calia playing a major role and how that would interact with the other characters and factions introduced to us so far that could conceivably have a stake in the the area.

We could very well end up seeing Calia fulfilling a role as a genderbent Charlemagne. Similar to how Yrell was presented as a Joan of Arc figure for the Draenei in WoD (albiet with more sucess than her historical reference).

End of wall of text.

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Without any story in-deepments Forsaken need fix, I feel very sorry for them as no other race in WoW now. Trolls got fixed in the end of BFA. If we look how much time Blizzard fix trolls after Vol’jin, we can expect something next expansion or later.

Calia I feel it far away from horde and forsaken, no matter her uniqueness.

Undercity belongs to the forsaken and blight can be cleared, as World Tree to outgrow fire. It can be balanced again if story want it.