Lordaeron belongs to the Forsaken

Actually the daughter could already be on the scene without our knowledge. Neither she, nor anyone else has to know who she is, and every human female of the right age might fit. So I wouldn’t really be surprised if it suddenly turned out that Taelia or even frickin’ Vanessa van Cleef was somehow the Menethil heir all along, considering the quality of Blizzard’s usual setups.

Apart from that, the Scarlet Brotherhood claims to have Calia’s “son”, the true heir of Lordaeron. It seems quite likely that to challenge that, we will try to find the real heir sooner rather than later. So when it comes down to a decision the heir will probably on the scene, if she isn’t dead.

Why assume that Blizzard would want the region to be “under control” anytime soon? They don’t have to finish Lordaeron’s story, they could just continue it. What they kind of have to do is to redefine the Forsaken, and give them a “home”. And that will probably play out in Lordaeron. But they certainly don’t need to settle all disputes over the land to do that. Indeed, Blizzard told us repeatedly that Horde and Alliance identity are very important to them, so I find it hard to believe that they would essentially take all reasons for future conflict between humans and Forsaken away.

They might. Or they might not. The church of the Holy Light was accustomed to dealing with priests, not with having the Light actually interject its opinions through Naaru. And if people can accept that the Light can be used to do wrong, like when the Scarlets used it, I don’t see why they couldn’t see Calia’s existence as an affront to the Light as well.

That’s certainly true. And I am sure Calia will have a central role in a future plot about the Light’s ambitions. That doesn’t necessarily mean the villain bat, but that is a possibility as well. I’m much more certain about her being used in that Light-plot than I am about her playing some role in leadership. Remember that Golden deliberately made her incompetent in political matters, naive and undereducated. They pretty much had free reign on defining her background. And they settled on an unimportant princess that was kept away from matters of government and that eloped with some footman.

Sure. But to be fair, the writers can pretty much push any character in any direction they like, and it will work if they want it to work. So yeah, we can construct scenarios in which Calia will unite Lordaeron. But if we are looking for likelihoods, meta-reasons like dev intentions are actually more important than the history and optinions of the characters in the world. Especially in WoW which has a history of not exactly caring much about continuity.

And with Calia, I am just not seeing it. If the devs wanted her to lead the Forsaken, she would already be doing so. If the devs wanted her to be a likely ruler, they would have given her a background that qualifies her. If the devs wanted her as the sole heir of Lordaeron, they would not randomly have invented her offspring.

What they did do is give us reason to think that Calia is easily manipulated and has some part in a Naaru’s plan to play. I see her as a pawn rather than a queen at the moment.

Man, you should receive a medal for keeping lore section alive.

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I wish he didn’t honestly. Toxic people like him bullied all the normal people away, especially if every thread turns into a spam thread on why the blood elves (and Horde) are better (or worse) then this or that race etc.

Even if someone even so much as hints at a question where something that should belong to the Horde (or Alliance) is instead in the hands of the other faction or a neutral faction, we’ll get a spam thread and the bullying starts.

(Admittedly, I am kind of guilty of that too)

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I am not a bully. I just have contrarian takes on the lore. Nothing bad about that.

Nah. Last time i checked, all those so-called nurmal pe-opele, was capable only to butthurting extensively around bfa plot point which has been made by blizzard for sole purpose to split the horde, as part of story narrative.

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The issue isn’t that you have contrarian takes on the lore. In fact, with so many different points of view and opinions regarding the lore, I would argue that there aren’t really many takes I would consider totally “fringe” anymore.

The issue is that after a while, it becomes clear that your goal isn’t to discuss lore but to antagonize those who disagree with your “hot” takes. And that absolutely gets tiriring. People don’t really have any interest in talking to a wall, especially if it is about the overally low quality lore of their passtime game.

While I get what you are saying, this thread, funnily, is an example to the contrary. Here, people, regardless of the colour in the background of their forum avatar, discussed about something as contested as Lordaeron holistically and civily for the most part. Hell, even Erevien, regardless of his history, actually attempted to discuss for once why he thinks whatever he thinks.


The blood elves need to get out of the horde

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Didn’t you say you’re leaving?

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Not until Sylvanas is still Here.

Ackshually, most of Lordaeron’s towns (Tarren Mill, Caer Darrow, Brill and, strangely, Southshore) are property of Alexi Barov.


I am touched.

One note. Lordaeron means a lot to many people. But the only playable race, is the Forsakens. There is no Lordaeronian race (like Kul Tiras).

If the goal is to bring peace in Azeroth, yes it’s a good idea. But do we need that? Personally I believe, we need the opposite.

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Or Wheldon Barov, who is the Alliance equivalent in Chillwind Camp and who gives a similar quest to kill Alexi. Actually, upon further research, it seems that neither quest is canon. Before WoD, Wheldon and Alexi founded Barov Industries together but during it they got greedy and betrayed each other. They are both recruited by the players as followers, and that is the last we hear of them.

To be honest, while I get that the Barov family was supposed to be this far-reaching, powerful family of Lordaeronians, owning the deeds to so many large cities and important settlements was always kind of insane. I get Caer Darrow, since it was their Family Seat. But the rest? That didn’t make much sense.

Lore-wise it doesn’t matter which part of the population of the former kingdom is playable and which isn’t. There are a lot of Lordaeronians who aren’t Forsaken. The Argent Dawn was founded by Lordaeronians and is still full of them. The Alliance housed enough Lordaeronian refugees to field a meeting with their dead relatives. The current acting supreme military leader of the Alliance is a Lordaeronian. There are still Scarlets around, as well. There are also undead like Alonsus Faol that aren’t Forsaken.


As I tried to hint by writing “Ackshually”, I see scholastic discussions about WoW lore with some ironic distance. Imagine Lord Alexei and Lady Illucia, and later the Barov Brothers, travelling around, pulling out a piece of paper and menacing Sally Whitemane, Lord Mograine, Varimathras, Sylvanas and Magistrate Maleb with a cease and desist order.


What I mean is, no players that choose to be Alliance and Human, consider himself Lordaeronian citizen. And Scarlet Crusaders or Argent Crusaders, are not playable factions.

We are discussing about players here I suppose. If it was a movie, yes the living ex citizens of Lordaeron, would maybe have our support. Depending on how the movie was directed.

PS: you make me wanna buy the books. I love WoW lore. Especially the Forsakens.

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I would pay a second subscription to see that in game. Especially if the quest line ended with Maleb, the inexplicably level 60 elite monstrosity of a town magistrate beating the crap out of them with his bare hands.

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lordaeron belongs to the alliance, not that banshee or the spooky skeletons

I mean rightfully the Throne belonged to the Menethil family, and as long as there is a menethil still alive, then the throne rightfully belongs to her.

Lucky for you however, the Lordaeronian humans are not very kind to women, and they don’t allow women to rule as a independent Queen. So there must always be a king. Therefore, technically speaking even if Calia wanted the throne she can’t have it. Which is why even tho she was older than Arthas, it was Arthas that was preparing to be king and Calia merely existed to be a Princess. Nothing more, nothing less. I’m not saying I agree with Lordaeron’s politics but that was the case.

Of course the Forsaken Lordaeronians don’t believe in this anymore, as we see Sylvanas became Queen. So they had a change of culture in a way

Lol No. Keep dreaming. Mongrel.

I want my Abomination boys back at every corner of UC
I have so many cool memories tied to this place

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