Lordaeron belongs to the Forsaken

You WILL listen to Erevien’s demands. You WILL read every iota of his pamphlets and you WILL take them seriously. You will own nothing, not even a tree, and you will be happy.

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Dinosaur bones become oil…is the same true for all the dead Forsaken bodies in Tirisfal Glades?

Sounds like it’s time for an Explorer’s League expedition…

Stick to Southern Tanaris and dig up old Sandfury bones.

Why are we even still talking about “Lordaeron” ? The majority of the remaining former Lordaeron citizens are the Forsaken and they mostly want nothing to do with their fallen kingdom anymore. They rejected its legacy and decided to forge themselves a brand new identity in Undeath. Calia herself acknowledges that Lordaeron is gone for good. As for the people who survived the Scourge, they assimilated into Stormwind society.


Not really the same thing. Humans who want to take Lordaeron back want to do so by eradicating the undead rightfully living there. What Alleria and Umbric seek to do is convince Blood Elves that they belong to the Alliance. There has been enough blood shed between the few survivors of our race from that pos called Arthas and his incursion into our lands, hopefully we make peace when the game ends (because we won’t now due to the importance of factions for the gameplay).

There are some signs that they are still bound to their old Kingdom in some way…even under Sylvanas, the Forsaken shouted “For Lordaeron” from time to time (although “For the Dark Lady” and “Power to the Forsaken” were more common).

They didn’t remove the old flags with the Lordaeron symbol outside Undercity.

They didn’t destroy the tomb of Terenas meaning they didn’t put the blame on him for what Arthas did to them.

On the Argent Tournament Horde faction shield, the symbol representing the Forsaken is the symbol of the Kingdom of Lordaeron. IIRC it’s sometimes used even on Forsaken ships or other stuff.

And probably there are more examples, these are just the first ones that came in my mind.

I don’t think it’s as much to do with “wanting nothing to do with their fallen kingdom” because even under Sylvanas, they defended Lordaeron against both Scarlets and Scourge (Alliance soldiers as well to a lesser extent.) It wasn’t just a regular defense that they held either, it was a rigorous and vicious defense. The Apothecaries around Tirisfal and Silverpine were very dangerous towards both rogue undead and the living.

I think they’ve moved on from the Menethil legacy and they want to form their own new society, but still have Lordaeron.

I also think they moved away from the “Human” aspect that they once were as Sylvanas sent ambassadors to both Stormwind and Quel’Thalas. Those who went to the former never returned. Now, that is bad. The Elves suffered the same as the Humans, yet the Elves allowed Sylvanas’ Ambassadors to return to the Undercity, whereas the Humans of Stormwind…we can only guess what happened, but they never returned to Lordaeron.

Most Theramorians were evacuated from Theramore.

They then got captured, some enslaved and/or tortured to death by orcs.

But we do not know what happened to the majority of them.

No, they were forced away from their inherent humanity by Sylvanas’ henchmen. The moment she dissappeared and the Desolate Council took charge they returned to their more human ways.

Sylvanas didn’t like that and had all but one of the Desolate Council murdered, even when they ran back to her for safety. Her excuse? They doubted so they deserve death.


It has humans from Kul Tiras, Lordaeron, Gilneas and Stromgarde, dwarves and gnomes of Khaz Modan and Thalassian survivors.

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We are talking about what happened between the events of W3 to Classic WoW.

Sylvanas sent ambassadors to Quel’Thalas and Stormwind. Those who went to the latter never returned. Both races of these nations suffered, yet those in Quel’Thalas allowed the ambassadors to return to the Undercity. As mentioned, those who went to Stormwind never returned.


your alliance fanboyism is hard to bear. I wonder why you weren’t banned yet.

I wonder that too at times, old nemesis.

The Horde will triumph. And the alliance will fall. Like they deserved since MoP.

Man, you suffering from multiple personality disorder? Just above you called yourself an horde fanboy, and now you’re shilling the noble and good Grand Alliance??

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As an added benefit, I did find that the bodies of Forsaken ambassadors are amazing alchemical reagents. Want to help me run a few more experiments?

Actually, now that I think about it, killing ambassadors is a clear and open act of war…therefore for this reason the Alliance declared war on the Forsaken before Vanilla even started :sweat_smile: (which could explain their future actions in Vanilla against the citizen of Southshore and Hillsbrad, and their resentment against the Humans in general)

(Blood Elves were almost wiped out by the Scourge and initially they only refused to talk with the Forsaken ambassadors sent in Quel’thalas, sending them away instead without killing them, so if the Blood Elves could recognize them as an undead faction independent from the Scourge, certainly there’s no justification for the Humans (Stormwidians), Dwarves and Gnomes to kill them on sight as Scourge members, considering the Forsaken sent only the most preserved and recognizable citizens of Lordaeron and the Alliance didn’t even suffer a Scourge attack directly against their nations in the south at that time yet, and the death of Garithos and his Alliance Remnants in Lordaeron at the hands of Sylvanas is either not known by Stormwind, or not consider as a legit reason for openly killing ambassadors both by the Humans and the Forsaken)

Exactly and let’s not forget Sylvanas herself as a Banshee killed several of her High Elves comrades under the orders of Arthas in the attack against Silvermoon, so if anything it’s the Blood Elves who had a lot of justifications to kill the Forsaken ambassadors on sight, not the Humans of Stormwind.

(Although I recall Sylvanas later helped them with the first death of Dar’khan and the rescue of Anveena in the Sunwell trilogy so probably that contributed to raise the trust level in her and the Forsaken quite a lot)

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Well it’s as Lor’themar says - that when she was raised, it broke the hearts of the Quel’dorei forces. I don’t think the High Elves, especially Lor’themar, blamed Sylvanas specifically for what she had no control over, but that still didn’t ease the tensions between Quel’Thalas and the Forsaken, in the start.

I think this is something that Blizzard tried to mirror with the War of Thorns. Not have Malfurion being raised and breaking the hearts of the Kaldorei, but him being killed in defending the Elven forests. (Obviously, that wasn’t something Sylvanas was happy with as she wanted to kill both Malfurion and Tyrande.)

EDIT: The reason why the War of Thorns failed where the Scourge Invasion of Quel’Thalas succeeded was the reliance on books and novellas. The Scourge Invasion was all told through the game. We knew that Arthas had changed and we knew who Sylvanas was.
We also knew who Malfurion and Tyrande were, but nobody knew why Tyrande wasn’t in Darnassus when this broke out, until the first of the novellas released.

The reason it failed was all the smoke and mirrors surrounding it and the subsequent storylines, because as Star Wars also found out the hard way Mystery Boxes can only ever get you so far, until you have to cough up a solid payoff.

One of the many retcons that bastardised them, from the solid identity they’ve had. Probably one of the most disliked retcons Blizzard ever did and after Shadowlands that says something.

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It’s not about blaming her, but about whether she could be trusted or not. The people of Quel’thalas didn’t know whether or not the Forsaken had truly broken free from the monster who had killed their kin and ravaged their land. It could all just have been a trick for all they knew.

We don’t know for sure that Sylvanas wouldn’t have raised Malfurion into undeath, and I haven’t read anything mentioning that Tyrande was her target as well. The one she wanted dead was Malfurion, and it’s only after that plan failed that she decided to burn Teldrassil completely. That’s the story we were initially told.

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