A retcon to having been evil all along… my favourite! /sigh
Moruzond and the infinites I’d say are the most interesting of the fallen flights we know so far, because in most our encounters they’ve been trying to avert massive disasters, while at the ideological juxtiposition against the Bronze over the discussion regarding a singular true timelie versus many divergent ones.
In Uldaman they are (for now successfully) keeping the knowledge of regaining their aspect powers from the warms. Not sure if that’s a bad thing, either.
Rafaam, the guy who had resurrected Galakrond in Hearthstone, will be featured in Dragonflight : https://www.wowhead.com/news/hearthstone-character-rafaam-spotted-in-dragonflight-galakrond-hints-327929
Once again, just like RPG books, it seems Hearthstone lore may definitely bear some canonicity from time to time
Not sure if Nightborne and Void Elves should really become Demon Hunters…let’s keep some differences between them and the parents races…otherwise all elven races are just basically the same eventually and there’s too much homogenization in the game already…after all after the defeat of the Legion, the recruitment of new Demon Hunters is not strictly necessary anymore…
(I remember that guy who also immediately after Legion was over, he immediately wanted Orc and Human Demon Hunters too )
“I’m going to sacrifice everything to defeat the enemy, who has already been completely defeated!”… I don’t think Blizzard’s writing has stooped THAT low… yet
We have another source, which makes it more likely.
We don’t have full confirmation though since:
A) This is alpha.
B) The devs haven’t talked about it.
C) This is an addon with two flights of time-travelling dragons. Context matters a lot here.
I guess it is more likely happening than not, now, but I would very much like to not panic about the RP consequences of a time-skip just yet, if I don’t have to.
Hellaynnea will likely comment - perhaps with a small hint of smart-asseyness about Thalyssra due to her being of “Night Elf” appearance.
EDIT: I think I’m a little unhappy with this news because we got nothing between SL and DF. No new changes to the world. It’s still just a glitchy, phased mess but that is what happens when you only update certain areas (Darkshore and Tirisfal.)
Weird…I clearly recall two-three months ago the devs had openly said chronologically Dragonflight was “almost immediately” after Shadowlands (so I assumed it was year 35 in a previous post)…as usual they change their minds pretty quickly about stuff
Actually I had said she was going to declare she was already pregnant, so I lost that bet Still the news about their marriage are good news, overall I like him being her husband and I also like the idea that she actually managed to “steal” him from Lady Liadrin (despite the relationship between Lor’themar and Lady Liadrin was only just barely hinted in a book and quickly made non-canon anyway, but I still like that idea because I don’t like Lady Liadrin very much, lol).
About her appearance being “Night Elfy” (I prefer the Nightborne over the Kaldorei visually), it’s okay as long as she’s not openly called Regent Lady / Queen / Grand Magistrix (over Rommath) of Silvermoon and Quel’thalas…she’s not a Blood Elf so I wouldn’t like very much Thalyssra being called with those titles.
Just like most Human fans wouldn’t like Alleria being called “Queen of Stormwind”, I guess. But after all Lor’themar and Thalyssra don’t seem keen about the idea of unifying their two elven kingdoms into one for now, even if their marriage solidifies the relationship between Blood Elves and Nightborne by a lot actually, so it’s okay I guess.
And for some reason Blizzard always hated the idea of High/ Blood Elf women in power as queens of the Sunstrider (or after the fall of the royal family as well)…the wife of Dath’Remar is unknown. The wife of Anasterian, unknown (it wasn’t Lyandra Sunstrider). The wife of the three (or four? can’t recall now) Kings before Anasterian, unknown. Kael’thas loved Jaina. And now the current leader and Regent Lord (who is basically a King who doesn’t want to be called King at this point) has a wife who is a member of another race (but at least an elven race, thank the Sunwell at least for that.)
Still, what a disaster for High Elf / Blood Elf queens I have seen quite a lot of cool concept fanarts about them but now they will likely never be a reality anyway…
The part that’s confirmed is, that it is a dialogue that can be triggered in the alpha which isn’t supposed to be experienced right now. What isn’t confirmed is that the time skip it implies is actually happening, or when it is happening.
It would be pretty pointless to go so hard on making sure that the time differences between the Shadowlands and Azeroth don’t lead to a time skip, just to turn around and introduce a time skip after we returned. It would be pretty pointless to introduce the Exploring Azeroth books a mere year before a time skip that makes them outdated. It would be pretty pointless to make a timeskip, when you have no way to fill in the time you skipped and update the world where relevant, like with Gilneas and Lordaeron.
And we haven’t seen anything in the alpha story that would actually require the time skip.
Except for dialogue. And dialogue is very changable and context-dependent. I just can’t see any reasoning behind forcing in a time skip like this. Does anyone have a halfway plausible scenario about how this makes sense except from “Eh, Blizzard is stupid.”?
Else I’ll default to “it’s not happening” this time as well.
I think it would go both ways with Lor’themar overriding the high positions of Suramar over people like Valtrois and Oculeth.
Thalyssra and Lor’themar likely just become very respected people among-st the Sin’dorei and Shal’dorei respectively. Hopefully it means a Quel’Thalas update would include Nightborne characters - maybe Valtrois with leyline study within the Arcane Sanctums.
Genn Greymane: “Several years have passed…and I’m still stuck in Stormwind. wtf man”
The cynic in me suspects this could just be a means to bring back their pet characters Anduin and Sylvanas much sooner than everyone expected, pretending they were out of the narrative for some time when they actually weren’t, because for some reason these are the only characters they care to write for. I hope I’m wrong, though.
So if several years have passed and he’s still stuck in Stormwind, does that mean that Calia and the Forsaken have not honored their promise of returning Gilneas to the Alliance in exchange for their help in Undercity??
Go figure
but at least Erevien will be happy about something I guess …
Actually if they are going to have a child, he/she (other than having features of the two races) could have a claim to ruling both kingdoms, so that could be interesting for the future…
Unifying both nations into a new one with a new name as well would probably be too complicated though, and the far distance between the two capitals would not help either…
They’re likely to utilise their highest titles respectively. We know that Blood Elves put a great deal of emphasis on heriditary succession, while Nightborne basically never had to deal with the concept outside open rebellion.
That said a “Return of the King(or Queen)” kind of storyline, where we could locate one of the heirs or heiresses and even have the mage player(or narrative stand in) present them with Felo’melorn, on a quest to reunite the scattered people of Quel’thalas. Could be interesting.
But even if the new heir is a Sunstrider, he/she would not be from the main branch of the royal family (the Anasterian-Kael’thas branch, but that one is dead with Kael’thas), so even as a Sunstrider he or she would not have the right to claim the throne. Basically it’s the same issue with Lyandra Sunstrider who wanted to solidify her claim to Silvermoon with Felo’melorn, but I personally think even if she actually had managed to retrieve Felo’melorn and return to Quel’thalas alive, the majority of the people hardly would have accepted her as Queen anyway after what happened with Kael’thas in TBC.
Also it would be the same issue the Forsaken have now…just because a person bearing the same surname of the deceased members of the royal family shows up, she shouldn’t lead immediately and be given honors and gifts, especially after doing nothing for the people of her kingdom for previous years anyway…
Just a potential idea for the future story of a possible child of Lor’themar and Thalyssra, but of course I know it’s almost impossible to happen and yeah, for the lore of Warcraft in general, unifying kingdoms into a new one is not something that Blizzard does anyway… (especially from different races, unless it’s the Horde or Alliance factions specifically)
(actually they like to divide a faction into multiple ones, like the Arathor Empire and then the 7 Human Kingdoms, or the divisions of the Troll and Night Elf empires, but not the contrary)
It can depend. Lyandra was described as a distant cousin, with no real claim to anything. This is all about buildup and payoff, for the characters and their relationship to the Kingdom. Start small and build the character over time, as they grow and develop.
Problem with Calia is that the Kingdom of Lordaeron no longer exists. The people remain, after a fashion, but they’re more of a hyper militaristic warband than anything. The Forsaken aren’t just former Lordaeronians and they have more cause than anyone to despise the entitled child, who shunned her duties, until she found it convenient to emerge after most of them died terrible deaths, were magically enslaved, freed themselves, got their revenge on her brother and dedicated themselves to consolidating their place within Azeroth. Even more so now that she is filled with the single cosmic force antithetic to their very nature, which actively harms them. Not to mention that she popped up just as they decided to try beating Sylvanas to death with the villain bat, which went over about as well as a blimp filled with lead insted of helium.