Lore Tidbits #6

younger races

Draenei characters: " You wot m8 "


Young to Azeroth then?

Dwarves are older than elves, I think

Speaking of Draenei/Eredar. The race rose to power about 25000 years ago, and the Draenei fled Argus roughly 13000 years ago, at the height of the Eredar civilisation.

This was changed from the flight from Argus 25000 years ago, in Legion. It seems the old lore sticks to many rpers, though, so the change is still fairly unknown (or at least I get that impression).

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Humans, pandaren, orcs, goblins, trolls - the only playable races that live under 100 years. They really are a minority.

I think they meant “to be found on Azeroth”. As in, many of those came later than the night elves.

But if you look at it from a certain angle, quite a few of them came before the night elves did.

Well I doubt it’s an angle the Highborne would be willing to consider.

Liu Lang died at 122.

(In my own headcanon pandaren lifespan is comparable to humans, with 100+ being exceptions - but in canon, Liu Lang is the only example we have).

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I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or not, but Liu Lang grew to be precisely as old as the oldest recorded human in RL history.

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Chris Metzen on Twitter: ““@XaranAlamas: @ChrisMetzen Quick question: What’s an average Pandaren lifespan? Roughly humanlike? 100s? 200s? Thanks” Roughly human…” / Twitter

Metzen confirms it.

Roughly human in a setting where some get 10000+ years old is still very vague.

I think it’s very safe to assume that by ‘human’ he did not mean ‘10000 year old human’


I don’t mean that humans get 10000 years old, I mean that many others in the setting do, so ‘roughly human’ in that context may not be as close to human as one would assume - certainly it would make Liu Lang’s 122 ‘roughly human’.

That’s not -too- old given the fantastical elements of the setting really. Wasn’t Antonidas really hecking ancient before he got his city dropped on his head?

This is in line with mage lore from the Last Guardian, where Khadgar notes that some arcanists can live up to 200+ years of age. They are, however, wizened, wrinkly and frail. The magic they use doesn’t seem to slow the ageing, it seems, they just don’t die of old age.

Which is why Aegwynn being a hot piece of Guardian even after hundreds of years and still being able to give birth was such a shock to him. She was able to slow (or stop) the ageing process with her magic.

He was “only” 71 years old according to the Warcraft 3 game manual. That would make Terenas, Cairne and Drek’Thar among others older than him.

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Dwarves arent, Earthen are tho.

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It’s believed among dragons that the mortal flare for giant shoulderpads started in an attempt to emulate the wings of dragons.

Avenger’s Pauldrons (quest) - Wowpedia - Your wiki guide to the World of Warcraft (gamepedia.com)


More specifically, 200 is the average lifespan of a (human) mage, but by the end of their lifespan they are highly wrinkly and physically frail. Indeed, it only extends their lifespan, but doesn’t stop the aging - for that you’d need some serious magic.

And also in-universe people thought “Aegwynn” was a title used by a powerful bloodline of female mages, because a mage living up to 800+ (and stop aging) was beyond the scope of an average mage’s power, requiring a little more juice (or special alchemical procedures!). People who weren’t in the know assumed it was 4-5 mages, each living couple hundred years and then passing on the title and the wealth of knowledge they’ve amassed to their daughter to continue their work. Kind of like a matriarchal Rule of Two come to think of it.

Aegwynn was a Sith Lord