Lot of Alliance crybaby here

Fixed it for you.


Queue times has an effect on the will to win, on average. It serves as an additional motivation.

For example, horde didn’t start tryharding in AV until queue times rose for them. The first couple of days of AV once BGs had been released in Classic, Horde was INTENTIONALLY losing because it was more honor per hour to lose fast and get bonus honor from NPCs and then queue again with a queue time of less than 10 minutes, than it was to be stuck in an AV to try and win after a long fight.

This was back during the first wave of premades doing those 7 minute wins.

Then the queue times skyrocketed, and more and more became motivated to actually give a damn and try to defend and win.

This is yet another sociological problem permeating the alliance side. Your queue times aren’t long enough yet in comparison to the horde side, so your gratification of waiting to join a BG is still nearly instant.
And we all know what instant gratification does to you.

So the horde side, stuck with that delayed gratification over and over and over again, cares more about winning because otherwise they get sent back into that long queue time with almost nothing to show for it.
So the delayed gratification serves as the ultimate motivation to suck as much honor as they can out of every AV, on average.

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How is it crying?
Its just simple facts, like water is wet, stones hard etc.
Zugzugs is so simpleminded, they sit under roof during rain and telling to people outside (those, who happens to play alliance) hey dont become wet you silly noobs, look at us, we dry :laughing:


this one made me laugh so hard hahahahah

Nice trolling :+1:

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So you made a topic where you cry because you believe others cry?


More like you two are the trolls (which, to be fair, you’re both pretty infamous for that), meanwhile I actually did the math. Since there aren’t official figures of populations published by Blizzard, census projects are all we have to go by.

And according to the census projects, the faction split is close to even in EU.

Meanwhile, all you two do all day is post unsubstantiated claims while not even presenting a basis for them. What you two tend to post is eerily similar to reading a teenager’s twitter posts about nonsensical stuff. They also tend to be short like twitter posts as well.
Perhaps you two are used to it, eh?


I’m beyond certain that I’ve already said this exact same thing to you before:

Alliance were crying about premades because they were the ones who got thrown into 15v40 games and were the ones who got completely screwed over by half your faction premading.

7 minute losses were much better honor for hordies than 30 minute wins.

Except that whining was mutual. The amount of whine posts about premades was approximately equally divided between Horde and Alliance

This is why you dont open a thread before you had your first coffee.


If premading was an exploit, people would’ve been banned or at least warned like they do for terrain exploiting in wsg.

Blizzard disabled premading in AV because they got tired of the neverending crying on the forums (both by horde and low-iq alliance).

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Git a life, bro.

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your lvl of trolling is behond racial dude
there is 3 hordes per 1 Ally

this is not true, it was fake Alliance that cried because :slight_smile:
After the first FIX there were NO MORE 10 MAN ROOMS, no premading classes or anything.


Blood elves dont exist in classic

I agree with your statement that the EU pop is balanced overall.
Yet you still ignore the fact that PvP Players are more likely Horde than Alliance.
-> Alliance has way less people who play PvP
-> Faction imbalance regarding to PvP.
-> no Queue times for Alliance and 30-40mins for Horde
-> premades were possible
-> Blizzard changed the queue algorithm after they advertised #nochanges
-> after they did some changes, it would be nice to get some changes on the AV map - it is horde favored and everyone knows this.
The backdoor to DB is way more easier than the backdoor to FW keep, if you get there.
The chokes of Alliance are jokes.
The chokes of Horde are mostly impossible to pass.

Just because you don’t see it happen, because you’re too busy zugzug turtling doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen.

Blizzard fixed it again because premaders completely by passed their initial fix, which was just outright disrespectful.

Premading ruined the game for Alliance more than it did Horde. The people who were individually affected by it though, were people that wanted to farm AV rep and people that actually wanted to have fun. 7 minute Drek rushing was efficient, not fun.


Best reply ^^.

But we exist in TBC, and since TBC Classic will probably be a thing, can I ?

Do you know that there is a backdoor to Horde base also? But you don’t care or know about that do you becasue Hrode base is so easy to take compared to Alliance base.

Have you noticed that alliance have 3 chokepoint gys that make breaking out impossible if you get trapped in them?

Have you noticed that the distances to objectives are ALL longer for alliance?


I have played emulated Vanilla since 2015 and have an Classic Alliance 60 exalted in AV. So yes, I have noticed and adapted to all kind of things in this recreation of Vanilla.