Loving the Arathi Brawl against bots

I just tried out the Arathi brawl against the new bots, and I actually had a good time. The AI bots probably need a bit of a buff, but I thought they performed overall fairly well. BGs would probably be a lot more popular if we good always choose to play against bot teams instead of real opponents. :cat: (It was curious that Alliance got the honor faction bonus, and I also don’t feel the game should require two tanks for the brawl!)

Good job on the visual updates for Arathi Basin. Still the same feel, just more modern. I like it!


Yes, I suspect this will be a much better use of the AI technology.

If only they let players of all levels access it, as that would add a sorely-needed mix up the levelling experience-- and for people like me who really don’t like PvP.

LMAO - you guys.
PvP without having to face another player …… oh wait that’s PvE


Yeah, it’s PvE, but it’s actually fun in a weird way. :slight_smile: It also really shouldn’t award Conquest points, but I suppose it’s a nice catch-up! It’s hard to lose against the bots as you can really easily trap them at their first node (farm/stable).

It doesn’t enforce roles, actually, I was wrong about that. It just looks that way, but I had a round with 2 tanks, 0 healers, and 13 dps.


Going to try it now

It’s pretty bad, the bots deal little to no damage and stack up gloriously for you and your team to just aoe them down over and over again.


The bots are obviously based on normal alliance tactics :wink:


I never claimed they were THAT bad.


Horde players probably can’t tell the difference between a Brawl and a real AB.


The Bots need some work, but overall this shows potential

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They need an upgrade to their health and damage. They do use some tactics as a Rogue and druid ninja capped the farm. Their names should not show their roles.
And why can’t I mind control them?

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AI in name only - no mind to control :smiley:

Wait what? You are saying about Brawl Arena in capital city or there’s more?!


Warfronts are hell with bots…
Island expeditions with alliance bots…

But then again i was thinking if they could introduce bots for arenas would be so great…

Bots are a good idea for those that want to get used to an activity and great idea to train bother then that no good.

Bots are linear/straight forward/anticipated and so on, that will never offer the pleasure of player strategy or weakness.

Warfronts and island expeditions (excluding the Pvp) with bots they have no actual feel at least for me. When I heard Warfronts I was so excited at the begining thinking it will be something like warsongglutch, tolbarad, etc. But then again the dissapointment in my eyes when I found out that is no more then a linear scenario.

So as long as we don’t transform this game in to a bot fest I am happy with it.

In fact it would be a great idea to put bots in to dead content like ashram or tolbarad etc… so players can still do that content and enjoy it if there are no players available.


They haven’t called it PvP.
And yes it is PvE, it can still be entertaining. I will try it because it is PvE.
The only thing, that indicates something with PvP is that you queue via the PvP tab (that’s a mistake blizzard made - however not a huge one, because most players know it is PvE)

Are alliance players that bad in PvP that even alliance players make fun of them?

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I want to say “yes”, but I believe it’s largely psychological at this point. When I was farming honor a few weeks ago, every BG was doom and gloom even before the gates opened. There was a pervasive sense of lethargy and demoralization that sucked the motivation and fun out of it quickly. If a BG didn’t go well within the literally first minute, people would just leave, and in a 10-man BG we’d cycle through 20 or more different players.


Few questions (I’m getting hyped)

  1. are the Q times for the brawl ‘short’ ? (less than 10m)

  2. do you get the defilers reputation in this brawl ?

If yes, looks like I’m finally getting that tabard this weekend :slight_smile:

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Felt genuine. Never seen hord play that good !!! Didn’t even seem to be a russian premade !!! Sad somewhat that they still lost with all their effort :frowning:

Most random bg players are terrible nowadays. People were dead serious back in the day where honor wasn’t worthless. And about ally I have 70% win ratio, no idea what blizz is on about. 50% of the wins are more or less gy camps as well…


Yes and yes. Queues are (nearly) instant since there are no real opponents, and you do get reputation. You can even get achievements there.


There is nothing genuine about that Ai, they literally come in a conga train to be aoed down.

The whole brawl is just a free pve win.