Loving the Arathi Brawl against bots

Unless you get someone who wants to do that achievement were you need to win after being 500 points behind, and then the group can’t pull it off. :stuck_out_tongue: I lost a game like that right now, as unbelievable as that is.


Pvp achievments from a pve scenario… nice gj blizz

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No, not that much. but almost every game has people afking while trashtalking all game “Alliance is garbage Alliance cant winQQ” Too many queueing for bgs just to insult and whine while hoping to be carried. The people who in queue in bgs often are the ones zerging for hks in the middle of nowhere


Ah nightmare haha.

Tbh he has the right idea, might aswell get them while its like this. I remember needing that achievement, so i decided to grind conquerer on my rogue at the same time, ended up completing the rep with 700+ ab’s played and still didn’t have it.

Omg now i got hype to try it, sounds like fun. What are the chances they don’t nerf it before i got time to play it at weekend? Can you people stop talking good stuff and positive remarks about it before i can do it too please?! They might not detected the fun yet! Just hold it in untill saturday noon ok? :pleading_face:


Yeah, to be fair, if I didn’t have it already, I would be more eager to try it, and admittedly, this IS the best chance nowadays since you can’t just queue with 15 people anymore and stomp some random group (or at least I don’t think full premades are easy to pull off anymore), but losing against those bots … that really did suck.

I’m loving it too, I would pvp err pve in BG’s all day long if it was AI

PVP BRAWL = BOTS Genius blizzard next step ranked arena pvp with bots ffs blizzard what were u thinking ?

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Lol it didn’t replace current PvP options, it’s just another new option to participate, new content, why so hate? :stuck_out_tongue:

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We also had wintergrasp as a brawl last week. generally there arent 2 brawls in a row. See it as a pve week event, to give people something with some action to do instead of the trial of style

It gives pvp achvs man some of us worked our butts off to get some of them but thats not the point why it is on the pvp bracket then if its a pve thing btw wintergrasp is part of epic battlegrounds now blizz does a good thing and brings back a fan favorite bg like wintergrasp then it does something pathetic like this bot clownfiesta… blizzard put it on pve tab and remove all pvp achvs from it.

When blizzard cant get rid of the pvp botters they just make everyone into a bot.

Only positive thing this brawl brings to the table is finally alliance can win bgs Xd

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Blizz killed bg botting in legion.

Trial of style is on? Omg just my luck in such a busy week. How many days? Maybe i can fit in friday evening crunch allocating my time between ToS and AB thingy. Surely will be brawling in style then :rofl:

I’ve done a handful games so far. I’m lovin’ it quite a lot.

The potential for these AI bots seems huge. What Blizzard can’t do with it…


Yep and there should be new rewards from it as well since the 8.1.5. patch , if i remember correctly

Oh yey and crap same time, stylish brawling it’s gonna be then!

Just done one on this and rather enjoyed it. Pleasantly surprised at some of the bot AI. I wondered it is was all a con and the teams were both human players and Blizz just pretended the opposition were bots to get people into pvp. Horde won so it played out the same as with real players :stuck_out_tongue: (I’m joking!).
Other BG’s may be interesting with this, especially the larger ones but I do hope it doesn’t end up detracting from normal pvp as a means to easy wins/gear/achievements.

This brawl was added so that Alliance can see how it looks like to win that battleground. The tactic of running aimelessly around the map and using nothing but filler and spender spells is finally working!

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