Low legendary drop rate

And when will get a fix to the situation of people leaving mid dungeon because their legendary didn’t drop? It is ridiculous that dungeons are now member leaves after first boss > wait for replacement > next one leaves after seconds boss > wait for replacement. Or worst case scenario; there is a group of 3 or 4 who leave after the boss doesn’t drop what they want.

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It’s severely annoying if you just want to do your dungeon world quest and your tank & healer leaves after second boss because the legendary recipe (or soulbind or anything) haven’t dropped. It’s the same story as in WOD with Garrison Inn quests. These were quickly hotfixed to include defeating the final boss, as this was so widespread that it actually broke the LFD system.

Yes I can do that in M0 too but i’d like to keep my M0 lockout for guild group instead of going into that with randoms.

It needs to be fixed, it’s really bad.

Please make it 100% drop chance. There’s no reason to layer another farming mechanism when the items and currencies need to be farmed anyway.

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So ridiculous to see people complain about these legendaries. Legion system was infinitely worse, comparatively all you are asked to do here is to run whatever dungeon X amount of times till it drops, how bad can it be? Still people whining cos they don’t have their BIS a week into the expansion… I miss those days where you had to put actual effort into obtaining a legendary item (vanilla, TBC, Wrath, Cata) instead of it being handed to you for running a normal dungeon and paying a subscription.

very good change. much appreciated. I have a question though. Does being id locked on mythic makes the legendary unobtainable on this week(from the mythic dungeon)?

Only ran spires for hours?
Only hours?


Sounds easy if u look at all the different covenant stuff u need to do for every mount.

Well that teaches me not to make topics at work…

First run on heroic tonight the darn thing dropped :joy_cat:

I am glad the rate has been increased, good to know it was not intended design that some players be running tens-hundreds of times :slight_smile:


Blizzard say nomore RNG for legendary. This is RNG. Yes better way that legion, but still RNG. Actualy i am sick from Sanguine depts. One dungeon to infinity …

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I think everyone who did the pre-buff grind will have one dungeon they hate now :joy_cat:

Guess I’m lucky. I know people who went through 2-3x as many as I did, and I’m sure others will need a number of heroic or mythic runs still to get theirs. But at least it wasn’t intended design that it be quite so awful :smiley:

Halls of Atonement first run and memory drop … :-1:t2:

Its just second week of the game and you all want bis items and legendaries… Wth happend to this community

Just did a mythic 0 and there were like 5 legos drop in 1 run . It’s fine now.

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Yep did plagufall run M0 and got my BIS single target memory. Seem drop chance is very high for M0.

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Does this include getting them from PvP?

Turns out us people wanted what Blizzard intended :wink:

Remember that it’s only the recipes. It’s not the items. The items still need soul ash, which is time gated. The items still need money/resources - which may be time gated depending on the player.

There was never any point in heavily bottlenecking the recipes. It is already bottlenecked. Having 5 recipes don’t mean you have 5 legendaries; it means you pick which 1 you’re going to have for a while, and in a few weeks, you choose whether to upgrade it (because rank 1 is not BiS), or change to a different one.

All we wanted was a level playing fiend whereby everyone gets a reasonable chance to craft the one they choose at the same time, not that some people get literally nothing, or worst option, while others get the best. That isn’t a big request - and happily, it has been granted. From what I hear today, it seems that the drop rate is now high enough that people grinding a dungeon can reasonably expect to get the item within a few runs. And that’s fine :slight_smile:


I don´t think it´s about “needing” the items.
You simply will never get a spot in any group without one.

There will be 100s of runs “looking for DD, ilvl over 9000 and legendary required”

I wonder if the ones from weekly bosses are 100% drop chance. I surely can wait 2 weeks from now for the legendary I want but if there is the chance to miss this and have to wait another full month I am out of this game.

Honestly, it’s also about a sense of fairness.

Legendaries are too core to be “oh, 10% of players will have that one, and 10% that one, and 80% that one”. They’re very fundamental to Shadowlands, and we do need to all have access to the same recipes.

And they are only recipes, of course :slight_smile:

Also yes, I believe the raid ones are 100%?

I doubt so.

You all act like you want bis gear in your mailbox in the first week of expansion… what’s the point of being rewarded or having strong item when everyone can have it in 1hr.

Not sure about that. The world boss ones are 100%, but world bosses are 1/4 weeks. Raids are 2/week so maybe the drop chance is lower.

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