Low legendary drop rate

got it in plaguefall M0 too =)
dropchance is PROBABLY higher in M0s, also they’ll most likely introduce a currency and some catchup to buy a specific memory sooner or later.
I’d advise not to burn yourselves out for the BiS leggo, raid ain’t even open yet, if you really feel the need to have a leggo equipped go for a vendor one, and then make youe BiS when it drops.

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I’m sorry, honest question; have you read and understood how legendaries work?

What is dropping are recipes. Crafting them is expensive, and time gated. Having multiple recipes doesn’t let you just wear the item today. You have to pick 1 recipe.

And they are upgradeable. Again, this will need a timegated resource. If we invest in upgrading one, we’re committing to it and not having any others.

All people want is fair access to all recipes so that everyone can make the same choices at the same time, not have 20% of lucky players get to choose the optimal ones immediately, and everyone else have to wait a month or choose something less optimal and then waste resources by crafting a second.

Increased drops makes it much closer to a currency system, whereby you do your grind work, then you go to the vendor and choose which one you want. Most people like those.

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What does it change that you need to upgrade it or Craft when only proc from legendaries matter… You act like this is some mystery lol. Then again what’s the point of having “legendary” item that boost your dmg or utility when everyone have the same item. Nothing rewarding about it. Have you played other mmo where people that spend more time were being stronger? At this point they should just put this recipes in the shop and call them anima powers lol.

I hope so. The Maldraxxus paragon mount looks pretty sweet.

I’ve seen 3 of them drop today so I can confirm. It is a good change: more people getting their legendary = less leavers = less chances to join a half finished dungeon etc.


They just need to make them drop from last dungeon boss, simple fix.


I do suspect that the increase to drops will help a lot as people get less frustrated with the numerous runs. If you’ve only done 2 runs to get your drop, it’s not a biggie to finish. If this is your 28th and you have no idea how many more it needs - that’s when people start looking to cut corners :slight_smile:

But yes, tbqh, last boss should have been a thing all along. The current behaviour was predictable to the point of being wilfully engineered.

It’s called common sense. We bought the expac because the seller of it said we gonna have it, not after grind, not after 100 runs. The boost was advertised by Blizz not by Nova, they have to deliver, same as Nova.
Even a KK vs a K2 , the K2 wins 6 times out of 100 in Texas Hold’em. Or you think something is fun only if you WORK HARD?

Idk if it’s low if many people get it at the first try or in the next couple of tries.
I think the only people who are mad are those who roll 1 instead of 6 in the RNG lottery but it doesn’t mean that drop is low :man_shrugging:t2:

That’s great

Wrath happened

After all the rage in this thread earlier on today.

I ran HoA Heroic for my Legendary twice before it dropped for me.

When myth raid release and m+ people Will give zero fs about your ilvl. Its All about logs , aotc, Raiderio

its called legendary for a reason drop rate should be low and doing so its also very rewarding when a legendary finally drops, but can understand the frustration by the low drop rate.

10 memories achievement already done ( by playing two classes to be fair )
looking forward to raid leggo drops :sunglasses:
it does feel good to loot leggo memories

Just dont step on the leggo.

cant promise that, might end up making leggo boots

Yaaay congratulations :smiley:

btw i noticed that my leggos drop when i play mechanics well, may be there were some hidden bonus chance to loot criteria if you perform well
like i got shield leggo in halls as pala before the buff as a last man standing and only one doing mechanics

I wonder what will be the drop rate in Castle Nathria. But yes those changes are actually pretty good , saw 2 legendaries drop yesterday in Plaguefal in one run. (hunter and dh one , sadly I wasn’t the lucky recipient).