Lunar Festival - 9th February

Even though my character was a bit of a sourpuss IC, I myself had a great time. The Moonball part was definitely the best bit!


Thank you for hosting the event! It was very nice and I’m glad so many showed up as well.

And yes, while the raffle and how it turned out was a bit confusing, it wasn’t a big deal in the end. Suffering from success, is what some would say!

Regarding the moonkin dance festival, perhaps I don’t know how relevant it would be to lunar festivals, but whimsical events are always fun to watch (or take part of) and it did have a lot of people cheering on from the public, so having similar fun events in the future could still be an idea! Perhaps more themed to the Lunar Festival, similarly how Spring festivals have egg-carrying and the like.

But overall, it was still a great event, and I even had the chance to meet many who I had not seen in a long time, so I thank you for this as well! Looking forward to the video of the event, if you’ll make one. Or any pictures, if people have taken them! Seeing so many come together for an event is always great and a reminder of the community we have.

Happy Year of the Pig!


Thank you, for the hosts and attendees! Really enjoyed my stay there, with friendly folk and everything!


Cheers for the Evening! it was certainly a blast to take part in the many activities regardless of succes or lack thereof and a special thanks to Acrona for the artwork done on the trinket.

A shame though! that there were so few that knew of the Greatest Wild God that ever lived, Agamaggan The Bramblemane! shame I tell you! :bell: Shame!


Thank you so much for yet another lovely Lunar Festival, Acrona! It was so much fun and thank you for allowing me to help out! It was awesome seeing so many people brought together in one place for this. ^^


As always, great job, Acrona! I arrived very late (too late, arguably), but I still had a blast. I hear from people who did make it on time that they, too, had a blast.

My only piece of feedback comes from what I heard people speak about: the fortune cookie queues. It was a little unclear and, to echo LorĂĄs, this caused confusion. But this feedback has been handled already, from what I see!

The social RP after is possibly some of the most fun I’ve had in recent times. Who knew watching roads as angry Night Elves could be so much fun?

Thank you, Acrona! I hope this was worth your Saturday!


It was great fun! Couldn’t help but show up.

Couldn’t miss out on the year of the pig celebration when you’re a big fan of pork :sunglasses: Heard the night elves do a sick roast nowadays.

Had some nice talks with some tauren folk, watched fireworks, almost got a fortune cookie and did some dancing and drinking before going back to his duties.

Sadly there were a few individuals who thought it was funny to gank me when my PvP hadn’t fully fallen off yet, but they paid the price (my sincere apologies about that and possible interruptions it caused, wasn’t my intention to show up flagged!).

10/10 event. Would join again.


Thank you yet another year with a wonderful event that brought people together. It was fun seeing all there new and old faces. I should have entered the moon all this year again but seems like this year I had more of brain fart than anything, keep at the awesome work.


The event looked like a blast, and I’m really grateful that I managed to come (albeit half way into the event!). Are you thinking of keeping it open to both factions come next year?


Wanted to take the time to thank Acrona for all the effort and preparations she made both prior and during the event. She’s been organizing events like this for years now, and I think I speak for the entirety of AD when I say that we’re all extremely thankful for all the stress she has to endure to keep this server’s community active and running and for all the roleplay she generates both in-game and out.

From Argent Dawn,
Thank you Acrona.


Thank you for the kind comments and feedback everyone. It is appreciated.

I’m not sitting on a high horse thinking the server is active and running because of me or anything like that, but glad people appreciate the time and effort that goes into making events for the community to enjoy. It was close that I’d skip doing this year’s Lunar Festival, especially as I didn’t have a character I’d feel attached to, to host it with In-Character (Acrona is unavailable IC right now). But seeing people happy about the event makes it worthwhile. It always does.

Nothing planned for next year yet! I don’t have plans of organising as many server events as I used to in years past, as I’m putting more time aside for personal creative content. I can’t yet promise what the situation is like next year on that regard - time will tell! If someone else would like to organise something I’d warmly encourage them to.

Most of my video footage is sadly ruined by UI because I assumed the OBS recorder would capture the active game screen like Fraps did, but it always recorded only one of the two game screens that I multiboxed. But I’ll see what I can do from the few clean shots I got + some that Ryder/Pakoda captured!

Lastly, a few of my own favourite moments from last night:

-Seeing people’s emotes during the opening ceremony that was about self-reflection entwined with revering Elune. It was nice seeing the characters pulled into being actively part of it, showing various emotions while at it.

-Hootkow getting tauren moonkin backup dancers!! :dancing_men:

-The Boar Plushie Scene when the raffle was being drawn and a row of characters stepped forward to challenge Falros and claim it their own. Poor Falros really liked that plushie. It was hilarious.

-At the very end of the night when I was walking out of Nighthaven to log out, someone approached me for a quick talk. They said they had never seen an event like this before, and were curious if there would be more? I felt honored to tell them that multiple people organise events like this on Argent Dawn each year, and informed them where they can find out about upcoming server events.
It was a brief exchange, but it always sticks with me when we - as a collective of roleplayers making a spectacle - manage to give someone a whole new positive experience in the game.


Put something up about this on the Observer, great work Acrona!
stormwindo . com


While I don’t agree at all with how you were assaulted when your PvP was briefly on, I do question why you, as a known Horde commander during the Drums of War campaign, chose to show up to the Lunar Festival.

Now, of course I can’t decide what the Cenarion Circle guards who do when confronted with such an individual, but I do wonder if you think this applies to someone like Zeep:

Greetings, druid. Your are welcome in Nighthaven, as well as all of Moonglade. The Cenarion Circle welcomes all beings who respect the authority and command of nature.

While you are here, please be sure to preserve the a balance in all things. Disturbances are not welcome here, and our wardens are trained to cease all hostilities without question.

While I don’t want to get into the whole discussion about consequences etc., do you think it was a good idea to show up? Does it not seem absurd/unrealistic to you? Would you accept character death if someone or several individuals emoted such attacks on you?

For me personally, it took away immersion and left a bitter taste in my mouth. I do know you had a brief encounter with elves who blocked your way or something along the lines (which lets be honest is a very soft reaction), but I think many people were sort of forced to simply not acknowledge you/ignore you. Which is fine, I suppose, but of course not ideal. Either way, my two cents.


Barring Orcs from coming to your Festival? that’s racist.

Cenarion Circle grounds are neutral ground last time I checked open to all despite of affliction, position or race.

It was one orc clad in Horde armour that regardless of intent provoked hostility from the Elves, but the only crime I saw him do was cut the line in the queue :joy:

And I am certain that if his position in the previous war theaters were so high, he wouldn’t go unnoticed and kept a Vigil eye upon by the Wardens of the glade, as every Demon Hunter, Warlock and undead. :thinking:

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Oh, I’m aware of that, which is why I included the quote from one of the Moonglade NPCs into my post. It is open indeed to all of that, provided they “respect the authority and command of nature”. Again, taking that as a context, I wanted to hear something directly from the person in question. In this case, his char was a Horde Commander during the War of the Thorns (and thus partly responsible for the burning of Teldrassil and what followed).

Do you think he fulfills those conditions? I don’t doubt that a no-name Horde soldiers could easily walk in and I don’t really mind that provided they act accordingly, but I’m talking about known figures that actively took part in harming nature significantly.


That whole quote from the Cenarion Circle is open for interpretation, does walking abominations of Undeath and Fel oozing Warlock and (half) demons not fill the conditions aswell?

At any rate, the Cenarion Circle can hardly afford to choose sides in the current war and risk a diplomatic incident by denying a renown Horde officer that may or may not be fishing for an excuse to Blight the entire glade.

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I don’t really want to turn the thread into an off-topic debate, but what the Cenarion Circle can/cannot afford is also equally up for debate.

Another view on it is that Horde as an organisation destroyed a world tree and actively harm the natural world via that / blight / etc, something that is entirely a counter to what the Circle stands for and the Horde is already losing the war without gaining more enemies.

That being said it’s something I’d prefer to resolve in character / isn’t a big deal to me, because even if I disliked it, it was easy enough to distance myself from it.


Thank you very much Shellby - that was kind of you, I appreciate it! :wine_glass::sparkles:

As I wrote earlier, I ruined most of my video footage this time but managed to put something quick together from the few clean ones + clips received from Pakoda! :fireworks:

Thanks all for coming!


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