Lunar Festival - 9th February

Absolutely! Some night elves might give you the thick brow look, but fingers crossed you’ll woo them over with the extra thicc bbq sauce.

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Dont worry, we have veggie patties!


Already plenty of activity in Moonglade the night before, was super nice to see.
Looking forward to tomorrow!

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Tonight’s the night! The majority of the event will happen in the vicinity of the Stormrage Barrow Dens in Moonglade. So if Nighthaven seems quiet when you pop in, just scoot that way!

We will move from there to Nighthaven later in the night for the Costume Contest after the first three activities so that it is convenient for people to stay around the town to mingle after the event concludes.

Event map:

On top of the games and contests we have

  • Fizzleplug’s ice cream stall
  • Siavash, Eldryn and Tavari’s drinks menu!
  • Pumbo’s burgers!
  • Shaaila with her fun oddities & curio!

The vendors are free to set up their stall where they see best around the activities (please see the map linked above).

I have no idea how many people will turn up for this event - and admit I haven’t prepared for something quite large as last year’s two-day festival in Darnassus - but I hope everyone will have a good time. :slight_smile:


I’m sorry guys, Kassy Cho from twitter said we’re not allowed to celebrate this holiday unless we are Asian or know an Asian who has given us permission.


It’s okay, we’ve been given permission.


And here I was about to cancel the whole thing to have a chill evening all for myself…

FYI: I will be hosting the event IC on a trial character Falros (later on Falrós). My friend will co-host on Horde side as Pakoda. I will multibox and use Winterflow to act as the moonkin Hootkow during the Moonkin Dance competition.


If you still require any assistance with anything, I’m happy to lend out a hand on Ercia whilst I’m about. Otherwise good luck with how the event goes and looking forward to enjoy it myself!


I give my permission.

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Well, we’re not celebrating Chinese New Year, we’re celebrating Lunar Festival.

So the only permissions we need is from night elves, tauren and dwarves (going by the NPC ancestors)

And since a night elf has set the event up and invited us all, I say we have all the permission we need!


Thank you! I will poke you in the afternoon.

In general if anyone would like to help with the event a little, please help us keep the area clean of the Minions of Omen that were added this year!


Tough crabs for her then, she doesn’t decide that. :smile:

Stupid people trying to dictate what we can and can’t celebrate.

Miss me with that stupidity pls.


Just gonna pop this to the top as the event soon begins!

Due to my DnD addiction and Saturdays being the night my evil DM aka my bf hurls us into the dice hell I unfortunately can’t participate but wish you all a great time!

Also if anyone Hordeside captures screenshots (preferably without nameplates and the like) and would like to write a small article or summary for an article to be based on, feel free to poke me and it’ll be added to the upcoming Horde newspaper.


Thank you for this wonderful event! I had a blast, and Pumbo earned alot of new fans!


I’m thankful for the event as well! And to all those who came to my stand, thank you too.
It’s been another great Lunar Festival!


Thanks for the event, it was extremely well-organised and managed! Although I was a little overwhelmed by the numbers of people present (which isn’t a criticism by any means - it shows just how popular this event was more than anything), I thought it was really cool, especially the Moonball Tournament which was great fun to watch*.

The only feedback I might have for the future is perhaps there could have been a bit more clarity regarding the fortune cookies, since I noticed a lot of people got quite mixed up by the two queues and joined the wrong one, only to have to turn around and go to the back of the other line and miss out on having one due to the finite number on offer.

Can’t wait for the next festival you host, whenever that may be :+1:

*can’t believe zenys let the team down though, smh


It’s a great festival, and Albanne is particularly glad to have attended! (It might have been used to provides Angst for a scenario.)


Thank you everyone for this year’s Lunar Festival. Truth be told, the amount of people attending was far beyond what I had anticipated because of the heated faction war, event location and the rather specific event theme.

Thank you for the feedback Loras, I hear you - the way the fortune cookies were distributed could be improved on if repeated at another crossfaction event in the future! I had made 50 items (25 for each faction, it takes some time to make them and I wanted to make sure all of them would be distributed. On hindsight I should’ve allocated more to the Alliance than Horde as well). The amount of people queueing up to get one was simply far more than I had dared expect and I sweated silently seeing the super long lines.
I am sorry about the hassle caused by the limitations of crossfaction trading and hiccups with communication, it was my bad. People were not meant to shuffle between the lines.

I too think the Moonball Tournament was fun to watch (and fun to host!) whereas the Moonkin Dance contest suffered from a couple of technical issues slowing it down, and we could’ve dropped two people in every round from the beginning to make it go a little snappier. The Moonkin Dance Contest was an experiment I wanted to try out for the sheer hilarity of the concept - unsure if I’d do it again though, let me know what you think!

After not having hosted something of this scale for a year I remember just how time-consuming and exhausting it is. I literally spent my whole Saturday finishing preparations for the event. I’m rather relieved it’s now over, and will probably sit back from organising something this big for the rest of the expansion. :sweat_smile: But if people had fun, it was worth it!

Before I hit the bed though, I would like to extend big big kudos to:

Ryder who co-hosted this on Pakoda. Couldn’t have pulled this off without you, you were beyond helpful both before and during the event. We tried to stay in touch via btag to the best of our abilities during the activities. Thank you ever so much! I know this was the first time you did something like this, and man you did a splendid job.

Thoriac, Loryn and Alynthia for helping with the fireworks and million smoke flares. You did an amazing job giving the landscape more festive vibes and worked great together. And thanks Ercia too for helping with them in the beginning of the event!

Fizzleplug for doing his ice cream stall again! The menu tailored for the festival looked amazing!

Siavash, Eldryn and Tavari for providing drinks! You guys had plenty of traffic from what I saw!

Pumbo & his burgers! He made new happy fans!

Shaaila giving people fun and hilarious wares to browse! If the examples you gave me before the event were anything to go by, many characters must’ve been boggled by them!

Tinwetar for helping distribute the fortune cookies!

I hope I didn’t forget anyone! As usual my apologies if someone whispered or tried to get my characters’ attention durnig the event - it was just so hectic thorough.

Thank you everyone and happy Year of the Pig.


Was a really great event and brought a hell of a lot of people together. Been a while.


Looked like they definitely did, and the amount of people who showed up to attend was crazy.