Lvl 58 boost killed tbc

He should come to Gandling, were 99.5% Horde now. What a wonderful utopia we have forged.

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I’m not 100% sure since I’ve only glanced at retail, but as far as I remember, the only big thing retail has in terms of shop services that you could make an argument for “putting the pressure on competitive players” is the WoW token. Everything else (boosts, mounts, etc.) doesn’t really matter in the grand scheme of things. Leveling alts is extremely easy and fast, especially with heirlooms (at least this is how I remember it in WotLK, dunno how much it changed but I heard that you don’t even need 1 day of /played to ding max level in SL). As for gold, I dunno, I guess it depend on the expansion and how much BoE/craftables really matter in that expansion. For example, you rly don’t need gold much in WotLK - craftables are extremely sparse and weak there, consumables are super cheap, and raids are extremely accessible (no convoluted attunements or anything).

I mean, for comparison, I’ve played on WotLK pservers where you could even buy raid gear with RMT, and yet I’ve been able to get multiple chars to ICC25hc level without spending a single dime. So… yeah I kinda don’t see your point here.

I personally don’t care that much about boosting, I feel like people are taking it too serious I didn’t buy boost, I levled from 1-60 during pre-patch, and what is the difference, really? WTS SM BOOST! WTS STOCKADTE BOOST WTS STRAT BOOST WTS SP BOOST WTS WTS BOOST.
Yeah I couldn’t buy boost when I levled this shammy to 60 before the portal opened, really doesn’t make a darn difference if people got a 70 they’d either buy boost or not level at all…

And with “70’s will buy a boost, I mean literally buy a boost from 1-60 through dungs”
They can buy a 58 boost too doens’t really matter anymore.

No, I don’t just mean things you can buy, but the systems you feel compelled to do daily/weekly and ofc the token like you mentioned.

See below:

Sorry for being unclear.

Ah okay but that’s another whole matter, I thought you were talking about RMT and P2W stuff only.

Well… yeah. You’re absolutely right. I hate how far they’ve gone with dailies, weeklies, repeatable farms and convoluted borrowed power systems on Retail, and that’s a large part of why I don’t rly wanna touch it ever again. To this day I still don’t understand why they didn’t stick to how the game was in WotLK, in that sense. Sure, you had stuff like dailies and repeatable farming you could do, but you could as well just focus on raiding and that’d work too. The game was incredibly accessible back then, and I think that’s a large part of what made it so successful. Maybe the problem is that they’ve given up on winning new players and so they’re focusing on abusing the old ones with all these addictive systems. Either way, it definitely doesn’t entice me to come back at all.

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Ofc its not enjoyable especially if the world is empty and nobody leveling.
Lmao enjoy your boost I wont tell you to use it or not since its in the game already and too late. I think we need FRESH servers to make up for it and fix this situation.

I dont know “the elite” that u talk about I think youre over generalizing. In my opinion. Maybe the boost didnt kill Gandling since it was DEAD Already. And it certainly didnt save your realm either. But yea the fact that all realms are region locked and empty at night… is nothing new. Even before the boost it was like that. But now with the boost nobody is leveling the whole world is a big boost fiesta.

Like i knew, and most of the ppl prob didnt pay for copy char service, cause nobody rly play vanilla if its not FRESH anymore/if they have to pay for their characters.

So the fact that blizz is offering TBC Portal boosts dont mean that its worth it. Maybe as a casual player you wont notice the diffrence/ or simply dont care enough about that “empty world azeroth”.

Maybe youre used to empty worlds in WoW but im not used to it.

Anyways take it easy!!

No we don’t and i hope they never come. We need all the attention on the server we got and i don’t want blizz to humore 20 guys who scream Fresh every day.

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You’d need to have “fresh” TBC every 6 weeks to keep a significant body of people actively levelling.

True, imagine playing fresh MC + Onyxia for a few months unironically.
Once every 15 years is probably enough to scratch that itch.

The feeling of fresh leveling where everyone does dungeons and quests together is the best thing ever, it only lasts a month as you say. Same with TBC, no one in my guild does TBC dungeons anymore (normal or heroic). The occasional alt finds a pug group to level, and that’s it.

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yea i know what u mean but once u step into FRESH azeroth again…

it will be epic xD

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There will never be a fresh =)

I know this is a troll post but I do see a lot of people saying this as if they don’t realize the 58 boost is a once off… do you think people just used the boost and that was it? They can’t just keep boosting. I’m currently leveling both a druid and paladin (altaholic) so if you don’t see people leveling that’s down to players isn’t it?

I’m the same as you - I had an alliance priest on a different server. Did a little raiding and quit Classic. TBC came and a friend convinced me to roll horde on a different server. Got to level 27 and realised I’m missing too much, I don’t have time to level quickly. People were raiding with their blood elf paladins before I hit 25. Boosted my warlock and I’m having a a great time. I probably wouldn’t be playing without it either. I refuse to use the mount though.

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whos a troll watch yourself goblin

I have two accounts, two boosts and have also levelled two other characters to mid 60’s at the moment. I have seen plenty of people levelling just not enough to make killing specfic mobs hard. All seems good to me and original post is just wrong.

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and now u pay for 2 subs cause u wanted 2 boosts … lol

You just gonna troll everyone Innerskky?

Im telling the truth

You can still troll and be telling the truth.

TBC-C would die with or without the boost, for too many other reasons!