Lvl 58 boost killed tbc

Oh you didn’t say people are forced to buy to play competitive?

I said convenience things and systems, which include all kinds of systems, not in any way limited to things you can buy. Why RETAIL is bad, IMO… It’s really off-topic here tho.

To be a little specific: In Legion it was daily and weekly stuff, world quests, mission table, artifact power grinding. It just felt like chores after some time. Then there’s tokens, store mounts, boosts, dungeon finder and raid finder that I dislike, as well as PvP equalization, transmog, classes being too similar for my taste. I mean, there’s not much I like about it tbh, hence why it’s not for me AT ALL. To me classic is just superior in every way and I don’t want any of that retail garbage in classic.

your whole comment.

Yes you talked to esto on an open Forum so why is me joining the conversation a problem?

You said:

I for one get from that that you find WOTLK bad and quit because of it.

You wrote that after you gave of the impression you quit WOTLK because it was bad so i assumed it got worse and you got the information from Content creators or other sources.

Yes you said WOTLK was 10x better then what retail is today AFTER you said it’s bad and you quit and that it got even worse after WOTLK so why would i take that statement as WOTLK was actually good when you yourself started your post with WOTLK was going bad and thats why i quit.

You tell me i need to learn to read maybe you need to check what you type before you post it.

I didn’t say it was a problem for you to join. You were seeming to have the problem with it when you said you didn’t care about it, lol.

Yeah, I realized it might give the wrong impression so I added to it to clarify that I didn’t think WOTLK itself was bad just that it was when they added some of the bad systems. It’s all there for you to read, which is common practice to do before commenting on it in a forum.

Please stop trying to make a “gotcha” moment. It’s not going so well for you, haha.

Sad attempt at deflection but okay, haha.

You never said what system are bad you said “stuff” was added that was bad.

I read all of it and i explained to you in my post you failed to reply to again why WE as the reader might not get what you tried to say because it was poorly written.

You saying its 10x better then retail is now does not tell me that you liked WOTLK it tells me you liked it more then retail now. But i can come to the conclusion that you dislike WOTLK because you start your post with “WOTLK is when things went bad and i quit originally”.

Either way that stuff is offtopic and we sould either talk private or let it be at this point.
I realise this sounds like i want to silence you and i don’t want that sorry. You are still free to give an answer and make your points but if we wan’t to talk about that topic more we should find another way as to not spamm this thread.

Just so you know, WotLK did have a boost to 55 and it was free. It was called making a Death Knight and after a number quests, most of which gave you a blue, you get a full set of decent gear.

And you paid for it as you needed to buy the expansion.

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Well, you were kind of taking it out of context of the entire conversation. Maybe it wasn’t intentional. I already admitted that I felt the need to correct myself on that point so I’m not deflecting, just felt like you were coming after something that wasn’t even my opinion.

As an example I dislike the dungeon finder (the automatic one with TP to the dungeon), but yeah lets give it a rest to not spam this thread with off-topic.


Did it? I see TBC really lively and running.

write a book about it

but nobody cares

Thats true nobody cares what you say, atleast you get it yourself.

Nobody care but thank you for pushing this topic

How is boosting a character relevant today? Unless we talk about bots - and there were always bots. Removing boost won’t change much, they can do automated leveling anyway.

Most boosted mains are already Karazhan geared or so… what’s the issue? I remember Vanilla content “dead” 15 years ago when TBC came, not much changed.

Most people had already many 60’s so in case they had their first 70, it was very unlikely to start lvl 1 char (unless it was paladin, shaman - boost has nothing to do with this anyway), they just continued their old 60’s what I’m doing now.

As mentioned already, boost helped inactive people to catch up with class they want or it helped people who skipped Vanilla completely.

Thanks to boost, I could jump in to game with druid and enjoy the release, tank all the dungs while the hype was there. If I’d have to start from level 1, I’d just simply avoid doing it and would probably go on with other 60’s I have. Or could probably join the game much later when I had more time.

And you could see so many happy faces there was suddenly 1 more dedicated tank in the game. I think this was amazing move from Blizzard.


Sad that retail tryhards pay money to destroy classic

Sad to see that you can’t get over other people using a catch up mechanic ONCE per account.


just get multiple acc and buy again

Noboy except some whales do that stuff.

I’ve got the boost on both my accounts, and I haven’t used either yet. If I choose to use them or not is frankly none of your concern, I certainly wouldn’t level a char 1-58 in the old world, I really don’t find it enjoyable.

Now I’m able to jump straight into content that I do like. Many of those chars that you dungeon, raid and trade with would not exist if it wasn’t for the boost.

The boost didn’t kill the game, the self-righteous, gatekeeping, elitest community is the thing killing the game…


So you think it’s better that somebody doesn’t bother levelling a new char than them paying for a boost and contributing to the mmo experience from 58-70?

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He’s playing on Bloodfang horde, which looks very low pop according to When he gets to 60 he’ll probably struggle for dungeons too, especially as a rogue. If he transfers or rerolls on a busy server he’ll have a much better time, I’m casually levelling a hunter there (lvl28) and have ran several dungeons so far.

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