Lvl 58 boost killed tbc

I am discussing it, you however seem to post this every single day.

I don’t want to stop playing as I like the game and I’m not the one claiming claptrap.


I personally liked the boost, without the boost i wouldnt play. The thought of leveling all over again, from scratch, really put a bad taste to it. But jumping straight to outland, sounded nice to me.

I was quite specific so I don’t know why you don’t seem to understand. Try reading it again. I wrote “the main argument” and then I went on to explain it.

Like you wrote yourself; ppl have different opinions and yet you somehow seem to think you can argue against it (some ppl not wanting to see boost and store crap in the game, mainly for the reasons which I gave in my previous comment).

EDIT: Reading some of your other comments it’s clear you don’t understand it at all. A waste of time indeed :stuck_out_tongue:

Personally boost killed the interest I had. Just cheapened the whole game. Every game these days is riddled with boosts and in game shop items - was hoping to have just one, main stream mmorpg game where that was not the case.


Some people see it that way, but it doesn’t affect your gameplay at all, it’s not you skipping the boring Classic levelling to get to TBC levelling. If you don’t find it boring that’s great, you can do it all you want, some players don’t want to do it and get to the current levelling content quickly.

It is only a skip of 58 levels, not pay2win and ingame items in WoW are not altering the game for you. They are not immersion breaking unless you let them do that.

You guys can keep saying that but it wont change how ppl feel about it. Like Dovino pointed out already: It’s a waste of time.

I’m not trying to change peoples minds, just show them another point of view exists.


Well, look at the state of the game. Bots are running rampant, no GMs to be seen anywhere, support basically non-existent. To top it off they spent development time on adding cash-grab boost, toys and mount (which were not there in the original) instead of polishing the product and fixing bugs. Sure my gameplay is not really affected by it (well, tbh enrage and blood craze talents still don’t trigger as they should so yes it is actually affected, indirectly) but that’s not the point.

No, it’s just the game is made, finished and doing changes to it to appease people who don’t like it is only killing it for the rest.

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sad story man :frowning:

I’ve leveled 1-56 pretty much solo outside doing quests. I haven’t seen more than a couple of players throughout the journey doing the same.

This is on a high pop server btw.

I doubt it has anything to do with the boost though. I feel like people had plenty of 60 characters prior to TBC release.

WoW Classic is a prime example of a remake that was screwed by developers not caring enough. Alliance was screwed by devs right from the start and that made the incentive to play Alliance nearly zero for most people. Followed by faction biased developments such as AV changes after coordinating games using 3rd party software (LOL).

Bots running rampant, no active Game Masters left in the game that was designed to be supported by active personnel. What do you expect happens?


You started playing with wrong expectations, “NoChanges” is still mainly true except for same Faction BGs, the Worldbuff save thingy and maybe one or two other things I might have missed because I enjoy the game as much as I did 2007

Anyone who claims boost is contradictory to the “NoChange” is simply ignoring that by this game mechanics is what they meant.

And the simple truth is if more people either don’t care about it or buy it its a change that is accepted by the community which in turn makes it that all the “naysayers” are the ones for whom this game isn’t made


Just one tiny counterpoint: It takes people out of the world. If I level a new character - there are far fewer people levelling with me.


People who dislike leveling would rush through it anyway and wouldn’t want to be slowed down so what makes you think they would level with you?

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It definitely helped. Small servers also didn’t really grow any and are back to or lower population than towards the end of Classic. See far less people leveling, and I’m not sure but there might even still be layers active because honestly there’s been so little communication from Blizz this time around about any of that compared to real classic.

Sucks, cause leveling and seeing little to no people when you’re doing it takes a lot out of it even if you can complete most of the quests solo. Feels more like retail, people are few and far between. Trying to sort through LFG spam on high pop servers is also absolutely awful and yes I know there’s a board addon but it doesn’t work terribly great and requires a new window somewhere on your screen anyways.

Between Blizz selling boosts and all the people that were able to get to 60 through mage/paladin boosts before… Yeah, I sort of expected it. So now I sort of… level a little on my own, and wait for maybe Fresh servers.


You are being absolutely asinine.

This quote is laughable.

Yes your argument was that some people don’t like that you can pay for progression. But you yourself said “It devalues the experience to THEM”.
Like i said before not everybody is the same so if some people think it Devalues the game the solution is simple, just dont buy a boost.

But why are you “mad” at other people who use the boost to skip to 58? It’s the way they choose to play the game and it has nothing to do with you.

I see your opinion on the whole boost is that you want to remove it (or better they never implemented it), mine for instance is that i don’t care because it has no effect on me or my gameplay if player X has a boosted char or not. And yet other defend the boost and want to keep it.
I see all these opinions as Valuable.

I just want to understand why you people are so strictly against it that other people can skip “progression” to 58.

So, more quest mobs equals quicker levelling, some realms have a low population and Dungeons are over-rated at low level anyway.

The vast majority are already in the 60s anyway, anyone you see out in the world is in all probability an alt, most buy dungeons boosts to the mid 50s anyway so you wouldn’t see them.

I get you both…

on the one hand you have everything to yourself and can burn trough the quests without issue.
on the other hand the world feels empty if you run trough strangle and never see another player.

I for one like that i have every mob to me and don’t need to wait for any respawns, for me the game starts at outland now the rest is just necessity.

You didn’t understand my point. That’s not a solution at all. The boost is in the game so it has already made my impression of the game worse. I’m not mad at all. I just think it doesn’t add anything to the game and its just there to milk money (even more so with the mount). I would also prefer if they didn’t add stuff that wasn’t in the original since the purpose was to make a faithful recreation (at least from the start).

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