Lvl 58 boost killed tbc

Do you PvP? I would guess yes so that would mean queues of at least an hour and all the bugs still being in the game, even more than we have now.

Some ppl do argue that same faction BGs should not be added. I don’t really like it but 1h queues are also bad so it’s just two different bad options. Bug-fixes? No I don’t mind bug-fixes.

You don’t want them to change things but you want them to change things, mmm.

Yeah, thats totally a valid argument, lol… (sarcasm btw)

If I had to choose, then yeah, screw the bug-fixes.

Why is this Glaive comment a joke? It’s not pay to win. You can get it in the game. You can just use money to get it a bit faster.

I will drop my 2 cents, not that anybody will care.

I am retail player, that started wow journey with TBC.

I dont have friends on TBC and I have just started 2-3 days ago, i have got a boost on a hunter and i am now lv62

I personally wouldnt want to spend like 2 months playing through the old classic content, just to reach the current content. It would be a waste of my time, i got to like lv10 before stopping.

So the boost is a good thing for me cuz now i am enjoying the game, whereas without it i probably would have stopping playing before i reached 58.

That being said. i can see why it would screw with the players who enjoy levelling slowly.

What they could have done, is just have a EXP boost, not a level boost, so you pay for like a 400% exp increase to lv58 or something, so you still play the 1-58 but u go a lot faster

That would allow other players to still interact with players as they whizz past but still drastically creates a lv58 ready for the current content of the server.

With 400% you would not “get the experience”. You need to feel the grinding boredom of getting from 20 to 30. The tediously slow crawl from 30 to 40 (including free gankfest in STV from any willing 70 rogue). The abominably long and uncoordinated questing from 40 to 50 (where a lot of quests starts on THE OTHER continent they are done). And finally the life syphoning finish to 58 that you achieve by sheer closeness of “the end” and willpower to not throw the days you spent already away.

With any bonus speed leveling, aside the original (patch 2.3 so not launch experience mind all) XP nerf (by 20%) it would be just as painless as direct 58 boost.

Low effort troll.

Tell me how does a player buying a Warglaive have an effect on you?


Do you actually think you have an argument here or what is your goal?

A player buying the best Weapons or any gear for that matter takes away the whole endgame part of the game and would make the game Pay2Win.

Just answer the question. How does this affect you? You can just kill Illidan and eventually you will also get a Warglaive of your own. It’s just making the process a bit faster.

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Your low effort trolls are not really worth my attention so i will stop responding after this one but here you go…

It would effect me because every player with enough RL money will just buy his BiS Gear and Stomp “legit” players (inculding me) in PvP. And the Chances are high that they would rob me of a Raidspot if i share the class with them.

If you are legit not trolling and you think you can compare Buying Gear with Real money to people buying a LvL 58 boost i can’t help you.

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I agree man!


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Me getting ganked while leveling at my 20s or so by a freshly boosted rogue is an even greater difference than having Warglaives of Azzinoth or not at equal level, but only one of them is a problem. Why? Leveling in vanilla zones in TBC is great btw. A lot of quests that previously had low droprates got adjusted and it’s overall more of an enjoyable experience. You never seem to run out of quests. Why is end game the only thing that matters?

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I guess what he is trying to point out is, none of the boost options shouldve been a thing because some people play tbc for its authenticity and nostalgic experience from retail tbc and tbc private servers on some players. They hate the boost option from the shop but… they wouldnt mind the mage boosting dungeons and etc, because some part of the playerbase consider that as an addition to the game. While many, are against that.

There couldve been different ways to fix all of this, what couldve been done is… The level 58 boost option shouldve been on selected low populated servers not all.

Secondly, just how some dungeons have requirements to enter it, every dungeon should have a 5 man group to enter one and it should be organised.

Hope that this makes sense in some way.:pray:t3:

I can level from 1 to 58 in a few days. To get glaives can take anything from 1 reset to 500 years. See the diffrence?

Also having access to really strong end game gear takes effort. Auto swinging a mob while leveling doesnt.

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The add on works fine on the full server one of my toons is on, and if you are looking for a group then you’d need to look at something anyway…

The same could well be said of you…

He’s a white knight charging around. Only one world view is allowed and it’s his, everyone else is wrong.

Ok then. Delete all your toons and money etc, start a completely fresh account and then tell me ‘it doesn’t add anything to the game’…

be careful, they might remove their blinkers if you keep pointing out the obvious.

No one ever said they have to be logical…

And that is the reason they put a boost in, so you could enjoy TBC.

You can experience a ‘fresh server’ very easily. Pick a dead realm and invite all your friends and message everyone who has ever said they want fresh servers to roll new toons on it. Then prepare to be disappointed when many of those shouting about it don’t do it.

Only gankers I see are full level 70. Never seen any level 58 gankers, they are all too busy in Outlands levelling…

Impressive. When do you sleep?

It takes about 3 in game days to reach 58. So 5 days to reach 58 is not to hard.

I’m obviously not going to delete anything. You are being stupid. Leveling is part of an MMORPG so if you don’t want to level then gtfo.

Also, I would level with my guild mates (pre-patch would have been a perfect time for that since so many ppl were leveling alts) or ask them to give some boosts if nobody were leveling alts. The game sucks if you play alone anyway.

Ye this is exactly why people should play games, to be bored …