Lvl 58 boost killed tbc

If there hadn’t been a boost either
A) fewer people would have played full stop.
B) more people would have levelled characters up in the Prepatch (or previous weeks/months because its not as if TBC was unexpected.)

Either way, the boost however has minimal impact on why so few people are playing level 35 characters today. The reason there are so few is because most players have a level 70 and don’t want to do it again. It equally has minimal impact on why so many players are quitting - which is because they’ve hit 70, maybe cleared the raids a few (or half a dozen) times, and now have nothing to do until the next phase comes out. After a few weeks its unclear why you are bothering. You don’t need full tier 4 BIS, there’s a clear argument to just saving yourself a few months of subscription fees until SSC/TK come out.

I think people who didn’t play in the pre-patch missed out on a great experience - it felt like an MMO to have a cohort proceeding through the content at roughly the same pace. There were always people to group up with. But equally, it took about 5-6 hours a day for 2 weeks to be ready for the Dark Portal, and I can understand why many would not be able to make that commitment. I’d imagine being level 45 or something when all your friends (or just 99% of the server) headed through the Dark Portal would have sucked. There’s going to be no one to play with as you slowly finish that grind - indeed there’s no one to meet you even at 60, because everyone’s pushed up to 70.

Starting out today - either fresh or as an alt - is going to be such a worse experience than I had from the middle of May.

Its a similar story with regular WoW Classic. I think that game remains great. But its not great to very slowly grind from 1-60, knowing that unless you start and play at the same pace as a bunch of other people, you’ll likely be alone for 99% of it.

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nah its not the same

Except new or returning players wouldn’t be able to do that, even though you yourself admit you would get boosted, but you’re still against other players getting the boost to 58.

But you yourself would skip most of it by being boosted by friends…

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New or returning players can and should try to find a guild and community to play with. Like I said the game sucks if you play alone. I wouldn’t be so against it if it was an XP gain increase instead. Now new players who don’t buy the boost are left out instead.

Then you understand why the boost doesn’t add anything to the game. Besides it is a way of leveling, rather than swiping a credit card. But, no, I doubt I would get boosted even half the way for free like that. I’d rather level normally with them when they level alts anyway. Because, you know, playing the game with other people is actually fun.

Also, are you just aiming for “gotcha” comments? It’s silly. Try to be serious instead.

Half of my Guild or server wouldnt even play tbc if there wasnt a boost.

Yea man. Sure People boost to gank you in the 20s. Whats next? Some sub race from mars leads blizzard? (As long you can argue with it)

Bullshít and cherrypicking at its best.

Thanks to the boost we all could and still play together.

You doomsayer are terrible with your agendas for the sake of spreading resentment. Only think killing TBC are you terrible doomsayer repeating streamer/youtube oppinions. Do you even play the game or just hatin’ on the boards. Its a serious question


its ok for u to buy boost but game is dad now kappa

your brain dead lmao kappa.
/who 20-60 - people leveling like crazy because guess what:
boost just one time, ugah ugah.

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Hyperbole much? :smiley:

not even near to the statement “boost killed tbc”

and if

why would you even bother. you answered yourself how much impact a boost has in your opinion. cheers, glad to meet you.

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no tanks around game too dead smh need fresh

also can just sub two times and then buy the boost again

I’m not the one claiming the boost killed tbc tho. I just don’t really like it.

Why would I bother what? I think you misunderstood my comment. “Not adding anything” doesn’t mean “no impact”.

maybe horde have few more players left i dont know but alliance is dad for real

Sorry i just don’t get why you people are so mad at the boost.

hmf. Clearly. that’s called being dumb sir. if you don’t understand the punchline in a joke, but everyone else laughs, does that mean everyone around you have a poor sense of humor? no, it means you’re too dumb to understand the joke - same can be said for your lack of understanding when it comes to how much boosts damages the game.
everyone else gets it, but you don’t - ahh i guess everyone around you is just stupid eh?..

Like in my other posts i for myself dont care if they remove it i don’t use it.

yeah see, again, that only goes to show that you have a complete lack of foresight to the point where you cannot see past the tip of your own nose.
nobody gives a flying **** if you personally use it or not, although if you do, it only adds to the statistics of the total number of boosted Andy’s that use it and ruin the integrity of the game as a direct result… you might not believe this, but its the same for the lizard mount… people like you said “how does it even affect the game?” because they too had a complete lack of foresight and don’t know the concept of Pandora’s Box - soon, we won’t be able to use the /spit emote on other people as a DIRECT result of the lizard mount, because people were making WA’s that auto-spat on the people who bought them, which spurred Blizzard into taking action against the emote because god forbid we might not make as much money as we could on those abominable mounts that shouldn’t even be in the game in the first place.

BUT you guys act like a guy buying a boost has any effect on how you play the game and it just doesn’t.

Alright, so lets say, hypothetically, that i decide to level up a character normally (that means i start from level 1) are you gonna tell me that i will be just as safe as i otherwise would be, if ‘that one guy’ from the opposite faction decides to go on a gank spree and find me when i reach lvl 47-48, on his freshly bought lvl 58 character?
See, right there, the fact that someone else bought a boost puts me at a disadvantage, because simply put; he started at a higher power level than me.

imagine someone making this argument for a game like Dota2… LMAO… “who cares if that one guy from the opposite team started 10 levels above everyone from our team, it doesn’t affect us—oh wait, actually he just got a ‘Godlike’ killstreak and now has a 15 level lead on the rest of us, welp”.

You simple see the guy in his boost gear and get mad because HE skipped part of the game that you like.

it has absolutely nothing to do with that… a level 45 is usually better geared than a lvl 58 in his communal trash gear, however, that gear won’t save the lvl 45 vs. the level 58 due to not being able to land attacks and spells on the higher level player.

With the implementation of the Boost and the majority of the community either not caring or buying em it’s rather that you should “gtfo” to put it in your own words because clearly you are not the one that this game is catering to…


Kryptoniten does not approve

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And make the world look dead. Not everyone is obsessed with skipping game content as fast as possible. Not all think the “end game” is the only game worth playing.

Boost (and boosters) spread that mentality that game isnt’ worth playing. That vast amount of quests, stories, lore that exists in the game world is boring and not worth playing. And now compounded by Blizz themselves - what impression does it leave on potential new player?

Truly strange how during original TBC launch game did not have that boost, game did not need that boost. Playerbase was growing rapidly. So no … all the boost is is about money - not good game design or experience. And in turn it fosters community of apologists and people who defend the said boost.

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No, not really, most people already had one 60 when it arrived so they didn’t need a boost, same this time around, now people play multiple characters, a boost is needed to skip the boring old world levelling.

There were many many people below 60 when TBC launched, people who played casually or started halfway through original game release. Also during TBC expansion subscriber count grew from ~7.8 million to ~12 million… Somehow they all managed…

And no, boost is not needed for levelling alts. You have more than one path way to level up, more than one zone in each level bracket. It is this mentality “levelling is boring, game is boring, only end game matters” that gives the impression how we need the boost.

And frankly - there are better ways Blizz could have solved this than selling boosts. If they actually cared about people levelling alts that is …

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What I meant by that is that’s how it was and how it should have been recreated. Now because they made changes to what classic was supposed to be and added this crap, yes, you are right and there are ppl quitting (or not even starting TBC). Not just because of these things but overall how poorly the game is managed.

Guess what happens when they make classic into just another retail? The players they were trying to draw in to the game will leave and those playing classic will just be all the same players who play retail. What a waste of money.

You are legit the type of person that i hate the most in this game. You have such a low iq that you don’t have any arguments so you try to be funny but you trying to be funny is you running on the forums and posting “games dead or fresh when” in like 20 threads. I welcome the day you get banned from the forum for trolling.