Lvl 58 boost killed tbc

Newsflash with the next era expansion it will mainly become retailish

that’s absolutely correct, so then if the boost was aimed at new players, then how come everyone, including those with several 60’s, got it?..

Let’s see what level 58 did to the game, shall we?

  • Made possible for gold sellers to farm gold almost risk free as they can just buy new lvl58 character and quickly level it to 70. Cost of boost and new account is much, much lower than what they can earn in the timeframe it would take them to level from 1 to 58. It’s enough to check few higher populated servers in front of major dungeons and you’ll see how many farmers boosted…
  • Screwed up economy on bunch of servers at start as there are people who boosted numerous characters to lvl58 for additional professions .
  • Completely screwed up battleground queues as huge amount of retail players that were waiting for 9.0 patch instead boosted to 58 to play TBC until retail patch goes live. Ofc almost all exclusively rolled horde.
  • Made it possible for alliance players that were under impression that horde racials will magically give them 2k+ rating to quickly reroll horde, hence even bigger problem for battleground queues.
  • Due above two points a lot of people quit as it was not fun waiting for 60-90 minutes in queue just to play BGs as horde.

Level 58 boost is one of the biggest screw ups in TBCC, screw up from which bunch of other problems stemmed from. Only ignorant people can not see/admit this or people who actually used lvl58 boost.

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Oh joy, so I read yet another anti-boost thread. Honestly, the arrogance and certainty they are right of the anti-booster crowd makes me glad it’s in game just out of sheer spite.
I wish Blizzard adds unlimited boosts as well as more shop mounts and pets, not because I’d ever buy any of it, but because I know it would piss you anti-boosters off. Maybe you’ll evem quit and stop poisoning this game with such toxicity that Blizzard had to disable /spit emote. And make no mistake, it’s not the fault of ugly lizzard mount, it’s the sole fault of toxic streamer fanboys with spitting WAs. Screw you, I hope you quit.


Yes it’s easier for botters but we would still have them without the Boost so the argument is weak.

That was done by not preventing Mara and other dungeon boost / goldmaking methods in classic nothing to do with bots. People just buy more gold because dungeon boosts exist.

So it brought in more players. Players could play alliance but chose hord and have long BG time, not the fault of the lvl 58 boost at all.

Sounds like a problem with racials and not the boost but okay.

These people could just play on alliance and get insta BG’s

Only your first point is somewhat valid, the rest is you complaining about faction or racial inbalance and has 100% nothing to do with the boost.

Name me a solid reason as to how the 58 boost effects you. And no you waiting longer for BG’s doesnt count you could play Alliance like many others.

Bots and gold farmers are always risk-free without GMs. Level58 boost has nothing with it because nobody is banned for botting. Next…

Only parsing for 2 weeks? Again no need to be a crybaby and economy is already screwed up long before tbc hits thanks to rmt mages and bots. Next…

Why more players is bad for you? What you prefer? Nobody plays tbc? Are you high on drugs? Those peoples have almost no effect on queues.


Again irrelevant.

No need to be a crybaby to cry for everything.
Level58 boost make it possible to start a new expansion for thousands of people.

TBC starts at 58, and you have to give a chance to newcomers.
Whats your problem really?
Only rmt mages are crying loud because they lost their customers to blizzard.
I think you are one of them.

Because no human form with 2 brain cells complains about “crowd” in an mmorpg.

On one hand yes, WOTLK was when it started to go bad and that’s when I quit originally. On the other hand they are adding even more “retail-things” so it’s going to be even worse this time around. I think there’s a reason that it was after WOTLK that it started to go down hill and since they decide to make even more of the same mistakes with Classic it’s going to go down even faster in my estimation :slight_smile:

Still, WOTLK was like 10 times better than what retail has become today, IMO. Nowhere near “mostly retailish” (yes, I did come back to try a bit of Legion).

Oh, and that’s obviously not a newsflash, lol.

Yet you feel like adding more toxicity? How ironic :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, Blizzard not handling bots is the bigger issue. They should have also nerfed AoE to stop the farming abuse. I’m normally against changes but that was clearly being abused too much. Same with warrior diamond flask.

You mad lol?? You hate people like me the most in this game? dont worry! I would never play on a dead PVE realm!

I answered you multiple times and u didnt/couldnt even respond.

Just dont have nothing better to do?

Since youre stuck on a dead PVE realm?

“I also welcome the day you get banned from the forum for trolling.”

not everyone have to agree with you

Expect WOTLK was the best addon ever and the best state of WoW.
You complain for the sake of complainig and not because you have an argument.

lol no, everyone doesn’t have the same opinion as you. That doesn’t mean they complain just for the sake of complaining. Some of the least popular convenience stuff were added in WOTLK. I’m not saying it was bad, just that this is where they started the turning point by adding these things.

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They had one chance, they blew it. They just couldnt keep their greedy perverted hands off it. Pun intended ofc. Boost and same faction killed TBC. This is not Classic TBC, its Retail TBC.

Fresh Classic when?

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What a shocker my classic warrior that i haven’t used since ZG release is on a dead PvE server.

What did you answer and what did you ask except asking what server i play on?

Its your 37th day in a row online in this forum, its me 4th who has nothing to do here?

I don’t play on a PvE realm anymore and i will not disclose my realm or char for trolls like you.

Yes i honestly do, all you do is complain and cry. Well nothing bad about complaining if you have an argument to make but you don’t have one.

You don’t have to agree and you are free to have your own opinions im just telling you you’re a troll. Because you don’t want to find the real problems and work on them to get a better game, you want you fresh server because you hope this time you find a guild and make friends. /spoiler You won’t.

And for the little cherry on top i took 5min of my time to count.

In the last 4 day you have 29 Posts
of these 29 posts 17 are “fresh or fresh when”
4 are Game is dead.

21 of your 29 posts in the last 4 Days add absolutely nothing to the forum and just waste space.

And to answer your question no im not mad im just a bit amused that you keep wasting your time like that.


Because some high rank members get accused of doing bad stuff you run around calling the whole company “perverted” glad to see you have an open mind.

And yes blizz is greedy its a company they exist to make money (sadly for us).

I honestly don’t get what they blew, TBC is fine for me and many other who play it. Do i like the lvl 58 boost or the store mount? No. But do they have any effect on the fun i have in this game? Also No.

Sigh, “Because some high rank members get accused of doing bad stuff”… Sigh… I just cant… I… no…

Im glad youre having a good time in TBC. You do you. I however think its absolutely disgusting how they monitized the game and broke their promises when they even said publicly they wouldnt add boosts to classic. Its disgusting.

Like you cant convince me the game is good. Its bad. Classic TBC would have been wonderful, but this retail garbage is, I wanna puke.

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What difference is there other than the boost and the store mount?

Uhm, the boost and the store mount is a HUGE difference, if you played Classic TBC back in the day. Thats just a fact.

I dont wanna argue about it. You do you. Have fun in the game. I used to be in love with the game. And I still actually play, but damn its not the same. I miss Classic Vanilla, that was fun.

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Yes because the only 2 arguments you have are the ones that don’t impact you.

Yes i do my thing you do yours but TBC is still TBC some people just wasted alot of money for 100g (mount) and even more money on the boost. Both of witch have absolutely no impact on the gameplay.

Classic TBC did not have a boost or a mount that you could buy for real money. Like why are you even arguing Classic TBC is the same thing as we got from these greedy assgrabbers.

Classic WoW was made with the goal of beeing an authentic experience of what the game used to be. They even said this. Yet, they broke this. How you can still defend that is, like, I cant even…

Whatever dude, im out. Have fun in this cLaSsIC TbC we got.

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just spit on boosties. problem solved.

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