Lvl 58 boost killed tbc

Sorry i just don’t see how a guy on a Storemount / Boosted char has any influnce on the game. The game is authentic it’s still the same game you just have 1 mount more and more people to play with.


Reading this thread and seeing the kind of mentality among the player base the boost has cultivated - yeah I made the right decision to stop playing and cancel my sub. Nuff said.

That people dont feel it impacts their gameplay? What a horrendous stance of them.

Good bye, hope you find a game where people will completely lose it togheter with you over a non gameplay change.

Few people here (and on other similar threads) along with several notable content creators have multiple times pointed out problems with boosts and how the do impact the player-base, game economy and in-game culture … and like so many booster advocates / apologists you have ignored them all and reduced to “non gameplay change”

But sure, have fun, I’m happy if you enjoy the game.

Player base is same as it was in classic. Very toxic. Havent changed at all in my eyes. Economy was completely ruined since they let people enter tbc with gold they had on them.

So yeah. Nothing has changed. The only thing people can argu is the bots. But that isnt a problem with boost in it self. It is a problem with blizzard banning bots way to slow.

There has been way bigger things that has affected economy. The biggest thing is mega server with hyper fast respawns. Still I dont see you guys crying about that. The boost is freaking tiny on the economy scale compared to that.

And lets not get started on how layering affected the economy.

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Game: Both the Boost and the Mount have absolutely no Impact on the Gameplay. You see a guy on another mount thats all. And you see more Players.
Economy: The economy went Bad in Classic when blizzard did nothing against Dungeon boosts in SM / ZF / Mara. A solo Mara run would net you around 300g in 15min. Than you add the Gold players pay you and you get rich very fast.
When TBC launched and i hit lvl 70 i saw 90% of all players on 280% Flying mounts. People had way to moch gold from Classic because boosts brought stupid amounts of gold in the game and G-DKP runs distributed it.

In Game culture: I don’t even know what you mean buy that but i would asume people like you who legit cry when a Boosted player or Store mount owner Joins the group.
( I had people leave dungeon groups because of both reasons and i have yet to see a boosted player wo gave me problems.)

Can you name some more because i have given arguments against the one you listed here.

Last but not least…

You know that you are allowed to watch them and have a different opinion than them right? Hell i was on your side till i talked to people and they showed me that the boost/mount don’t affect me.
But feel free to give me names of the videos and creators im alawys open to expand my horizon.

Agreed. It killed TBC. Blizzard screwed this up so badly.

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They said that, but more importantly WHEN did they say it? That’s right, during the first version of classic 1-60. They said they were adding the boost during the announcement of TBC Classic. So technically they kept their word, which is like them saying now “No boosts for Classic Era”.

What about the Zhevra, you bought that with money through the RaF program.

The boost has not killed the game, every time someone says this I say show me the proof, and no one ever has. It’s all half truths and downright falsehoods. Reminds me of those who attacked mobile phone towers as they thought the tower transmitted Covid.

All it comes down to is people who boosted being discriminated against by people who suffer from an instinctive knee-jerk hatred reaction to them. You know the ones “They boosted so they must be rubbish at the game”.

What about the Zhevra, you bought that with money through the RaF program

No, you got that as a reward for getting a friend to subscribe to the game.
Now, if you were to “recruit yourself” by making another account on your own, and then subscribe, then yes, by extension you would be buying the mount, and then every time you ride around on it, be reminded that you have no friends and had to cheese the RaF program to get the mount.

Really, refer yourself then buy gametime and Whoosh! you had the mount. That is 100% buying yourself the mount.

Really? I still use the account I referred and I was playing with quite a few people already. You really do think the worst of people don’t you?

Really, refer yourself then buy gametime and Whoosh! you had the mount. That is 100% buying yourself the mount.

Yes, i literally said that in the following sentence… read the whole post before you reply next time.

Really? I still use the account I referred and I was playing with quite a few people already. You really do think the worst of people don’t you?

Hahaha LOL

So what exactly are they going to add in that will make it worse that’s not already in the game?

Sure they could throw in the Token but to be fair no system that is or was implemented makes the game worse its the players that abuse every inherently good change that gives freedom to the community so everyone could choose to play however they wish to and enjoy the game

I can only repeat what I always say…

Go find a guild/community with people you share your way of playing and ignore the rest it’s that simple…

And before someone comes around and starts lamenting about “bUt tHiS iS a MmOrPg iTs sUpPoSeD tO bE pLaYeD tHaT wAy”… No its not gaming is or should be something for everyone and what you are doing is excluding others by forcing your way like a … onto others because you disagree

Ye sure this may have been true way back when mmos was played mainly by us “nerd” types 20something+ years ago because the people who flocked to such games were mainly “the same” but nowadays more people play these games so they try to cater to everyone in a way that does not hinder “the other groups” to still enjoy it and the only ones making it miserable are the ones constantly complaining and lamenting about stuff they dislike instead they could go find a group of people they share the way of playing with and relive the journey from when they were younger…

To all of you defending lvl58 boost and stating how it’s ok because “it has no impact on gameplay” (completely obvious it does) let’s also introduce:

  • More store mounts
  • Cool looking transmog items and transmog but only for those items, I mean it has no impact on gameplay at all

Probably more boosts and mounts, maybe the tokens (with tokens I insta-quit). This is just speculation ofc. Dungeon finder was added in WOTLK originally tho (add raid finder maybe?).

You are so naive and hypocritical saying “go play how you like to play and don’t force others to play that way”. When they add these convenience things and systems ppl who want to be competitive are literally forced to use it to stay competitive (boosted char for another profession anyone?). Most will not gimp their progress compared to others just because they don’t like the system. So you are doing the exact thing that you ask others not to do because they will be forced to play YOUR way…

Sure there might be like 0.1% ppl who do what you say and actively avoid the crap out of principal and slowing down their own progress by doing so. The other 99.9% will try to use the most efficient way even if they dislike the system because that is now how the game is designed (and yes these statistics are completely made up only as an example). If you still say “but you don’t HAVE to play that way” then you just don’t understand… It goes: “Oh this is how the game is now?” /quit.

Yeah, this is probably the major reason why retail wow is so bad today, lol. If it worked as you say to draw in more different ppl then it would have more players today, not less. It just serves to alienate those ppl who like these games while not being enough to draw in that many other ppl. That is what I believe is happening anyway…

Many of the systems might be inherently good but they are used in the wrong way, or ppl feel forced to use them and that makes them bad. I’m referring to all kinds of different crap that retail has nowadays, not just store mounts and character boost. Those are minor in comparison to some of the awful systems in the game.

Moronic xD Lets make it something else and still expect ppl to keep playing, lol, where did all the players go? haha… Some ppl want to play an MMORPG when they subscribe to an MMORPG. It’s not rocket science. Gaming is for everyone but every game can’t be for everyone. EVIDENTLY, as you see how much you and I disagree.

Boosting made the game accessible and exciting. It was great move by Blizzard.

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Ofc it did, only a blind cant see it. But yea, you can repeat the same nonsense over and over again, still it wont become true.

No worries, i already unsubbed and there is a big wave of unsubbing still going on. Enjoy the “so called” classic with boosts and further with buying equip, tokens and whatsoever. Its only a parody on classic now and a broken promise Blizzard gave on #nochanges to the player base.

You’re not forced. It takes around 3 days of /played just to get a char from lvl 1 to 60. That’s not really a lot of time compared to what you need to spend basically everywhere else. And that’s not counting the possibility of taking even less time by getting boosted in dungeons.

Plus many “competitive” people already had their alts leveled to 60 long before TBC came out in the first place.

What impact?

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Yeah, I’m mainly talking about other things in retail now since Esto seems to think adding all kinds of things doesn’t matter (“cater to everyone”). The boost is bad but on its own not that big deal to me.

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When everything fails. Pull out the slippery slope argument. Never gets old.

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