M+ community is

if you think you got it harder on 15s than me on 23s,dont know what to say to you really…my point include people on your key levels also,i do know how hard is for non meta people to get invited,i did struggle all the way to the rio im,none invited me at the start for free

Actually the thing is specs arent that far apart in balance as you may think,so for 22-23 keys is doable with any specs you play.

Best affliction warlock is sitting at 2.9k rating with mostly 21s :sweat_smile:

are you honestly really complain about having problems in top 0,001% of players ?

do you even know how ridiculous you sound ?

i know thats not something that you want to hear but … gg you completed this season. you achieved keystne hero and unless you plan to MDI you are done.

so maybe do something else then wow till S2 ?

Ye i do why wouldnt i complain that i waste my time in lfg hour after hour getting declined for no real reason ?

so dont waste your time - go to gym or swiming pool or cinema

gg you won - you completed game - you are now done till next season

and if you want to continiue to push - well do yourself favour and find a stable push team .

Wait im not here so you can tell me what i can do in my spare time fella,if you dont like what i say,sure comment on that,but dont tell me what i can do…I do what i like


As long as content creators say things like “healers have never been more closely balanced than now”, and “Unless you’re in MDI, it does not matter what class you play”, blizz will just keep throwing around -3% here and +5% there. Like that’s gonna change anything.


he really achieved alot to get that kind of rating without making any friends or forming any relationships with equally skilled players


What do you expect from a competitive self-centered cesspool of pseudo professional people XD

I feel your pain.

Unfortunately I’m not at your rating, though I do hope I one day will be.

And when I am, I am going to take this view of things, as I always have:

Score = Class + Skill

In other words, I expect a 3000 shaman to be just as good as a 3000 priest from the perspective of performance. Provided the shaman provides the things my group needs - if for instance I need bloodlust for example (I never do as it happens, as I provide it, but for the sake of argument), I would invite a 3000 shaman over a 3000 priest. Vice versa if the priest does and the shaman doesn’t.

I recognise that, in this situation, the shaman is clearly more skilled than the priest - but I don’t care. It’s not my problem. The performance I ultimately get is the same either way.

Yes, it’s true the shaman is a less powerful class, but this player clearly overcame that. If his class was weak enough that for example 2.9k was impossible, then he wouldn’t be nearly 3k. Duh.

I don’t know how people can’t see that. Respect the requirement for composition, i.e. synergies between classes, of course, but a rating is a rating.

sounds like a game design flaw…

making people favour meta …

maybe blizzard should do something about it.

OP, did you ever add people to your bnet to run with if you had a good run with them? If not, part of this is on you.

Otherwise, nice generalisation bro.

A lot of the other comments here are just people and their generic off topic whines.
“3k!!! luxury, I can barely make 2k!!!” - So what?
Thellanah “Herpa derp derp proffesions” :neutral_face:

Turn us all into stick people with clubs and one button to press to do damage.

That would be perfect balance.

I know community that is 15000% worse then any community in world of warcraft
and it’s LoL community :smiley:

they cant because best teams need time to prepare for MDI :slight_smile:

thats the only reason they dont destroy meta .

I feel you OP I can’t get invites to 20s with 2600rio, even by people with 200-300rio less than me.

This happens when you inject toxic esports mentality and ratings into what is fundamentally a casual game - you get a bunch of terrible players who poorly imitate what top players do and look down on and criticize everyone else.

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I wouldn’t say the overall community is toxic, but I will say that the M+ system as it is designed right now lends itself to much more social friction than there needs to be. That is because it is very punishing in the case of failure.

Get rid of automatic key downgrades and allow players the agency to lower their own keys (and before anyone argues, yes, players do in fact voluntarily get their keys lowered). Forcing the lowering of a key is taking away progress from a player against their will, and that runs contrary to a core design principle of this game. Anyone who has done even a few keys in their life knows that sometimes a key is dead for reasons out of your control.

Do that and there will likely be much less tilt and players will probably even be less inclined to exclude people from their groups.