M+ DPS tier lists

All I’ll say to that is S1 SL… Fire mage and Boomie the meta… yet they were bad in lower keys.

What is good at the top does not translate 1:1 to being good where the avg player is.

A bit of a l2p issue from hunter.
But it is a key level where the hunter weakness becomes apparent… its one of the highest dmg dealing specs in M+… but on high keys they just fall over…

In key levels the majority of players play in, MM might be one of if not the strongest spec, but high keys, not so much…

Thats why I made the exception for classes that are ‘mechanically complex’ (unless theres better way to phrase this) having specifically fire mage in mind.

Meanwhile you have classes like WW or Havoc that, unless severely undertuned, are solid picks across all levels, and not without a reason.

Yes me too, I prefer to play with tenacity pet than ferocity, I get two extra heals that way.

I’m currently maining SPriest but actually our mobility is among the worst ones, I’m not sure that mobility is the problem. I feel like it could be more because of tuning.

SPriest stonks are rising in high keys right now they pump a ridiculous amount of dmg in 25/26s.

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Yet it has nothing to do with the classes “complexity”

Either way, my point stands, what’s meta in the top keys does not mean its meta in a 15.

Ya’ll wildin. Melee is a bit more popular in m+ rn mostly because interrupts. There are so many important spells to interrupt this season, a premade might coordinate it well enough without 2x melee but in pugs at 20+ its way safer to always grab 2 melee.

I really don’t think you know how the game works my friend. You are doing m+12s and 10s, which the game isn’t balanced for. Of course you don’t get to do dmg as a balance druid or other classes that require setup in small keys, everything dies too fast!! But in higher keys, 20, 21, 22, balance druid is ALWAYS top dps, and most other ranged are also always same or higher than melee, some examples, marksmanship hunter, demo lock, frost mage, even fire mage if he knows what’s up, ele sham also very competitive if the tank doesn’t move much. Not being mean, but I think people with below 2.4k scores don’t understand the m+ game enough to recommend changes. And please stop looking at tier lists as if it’s the Bible, it’s not, and sometimes the difference bettween S tier and B tier has nothing to do with dmg, and survivability doesn’t matter until you’re doing 20+.
In fact, I would argue that playing a melee class is MUCH MUCH MUCH harder after going above +18 keys due to how many tank mechanics that can kill you, and everything else spawning in melee, and I see, more often than not, melees getting out dps’d by B tier ranged due to this.

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