M+ dungon pool issues

So, am the type of person that likes M+ quick form content and its something I can pick up if / when I want to. However it seems this time around theres something “off” queuing for M+ is very hit and miss this time around. For instance a Grim Batol run your fighting people off who wanna join, but you even say Necrotic Wake or Siege of Boralus and its like a ghost town.

More so the tank and healer shortage is driving times up and add in other factors of RIO score and ilvl and that pool of people is even smaller.

Can we get a NPC who will change your dungon key at the cost of a level so people can get more keys done.

No the problem has to be fixed at the source, these dungeons are actually easy, but not many are giving it a chance.

Thats not the issue, GB has drops a lot of classes want.

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I think the dungeon pool is fine, the loot table is scuffed. And maybe the affixes a bit boring or kinda gatekeeping for pugs. (tyrannical and fortified at +10 is a bit oof imo)

I find there are a lot of tanks and healer, especially now at the start of the season. The issue is more the people following weird guides and tier lists. I got even declined for Grim Batol +5 at some point.

I think, with the scuffed loot table, this would actually result more in some keys not being queued. The way it works right now people kinda have to do the “bad” keys to change them or do the workaround by joining another key of same level or higher and change it then.

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I think… hear me out, a radical idea…

M+ should have a “connected” loot table of all M+ in the circuit. With only higher chances for “corresponding dungeon” loot dropping.

but this will make people spam one shortest/easiest dungeon

Yep! But there would go another mechanic.

diminishing return on you getting loot when re-running the same dungeon more than say 2 times in 24 hours

That would literally force people to rotate dungeons to optimize their loot chances, while it would also remove the degenerate spamming of 1 dungeon to get that “one” trinket.

Because right now it’s that indeed people just spam 1 dungeon to get that 1 item.

but I need my trinket/weapon!!

OK - so how about random drop or purchasable (for gold+flightstones) items that increase your chance to get either weapon or a trinket?


loot has always been RNG but these are just things off the top of my head…

Because it is cringe that people just want 1-2 dungeons to “farm” and everything is empty.


Yes, the requirements of some players are asinine.
I was thinking that I’m going crazy when people manually declined me for a +6 last week as a Guardian Druid, when I already had 2.1k RIO, 608 ilvl AND timed that dungeon 2 key levels higher.

Reason was “below 610 ilvl”. Like… what?

This would reset after running 1 to x different dungeon(s) in between though, right?

It’s even 1 dungeon for TWO items :smiley: Ara Kara, here we go again!

garbage dungeon pool and tuning is garbage.

a lot of people will definetly opt out of m+ for next couple of weeks - especialy if they got their KSM already .

no point to “kick with the horse” - dungeons are severly overtuned and anything below +10 is just not worth doing since they moved mythic gear from there .

and even +10 is questionable if its worth farming - gear wil lcompletly reset next season anyway and if you managed to time +10s you have now account wide portals so you dont really have any reason to play them further.

im personaly just waiting and collecting gear form dvelves - leveling alts - its just not worth the frustration with pugs who cant perform simplest mechanics .


i kinda like your idea good work. :smiley:

Diminishing return on 24 hours is really bad.
Hello weekend i can play on sunday. Oh no not allowed to play a couple of times the same dungeons on the same day. I have to spread the playtime over more days…

Please no.

ye that true

^^ This

All the dungeons with the most desired trinkets have people lining up to try their luck. Often repeat farmers.

While I like the idea of all dungeons sharing their loot pool, I would change the diminishing returns on running the same dungeon with Call-To-Arms for dungeons not being run a lot in general and not for a specific player. The reward could be, for example, an extra cache at the end with 2-3 additional pieces of equipment, extra currencies and that quantum item thingie from DotI that rewarded an uncollected past item.

Dude I was trying to farm Grim Batol 7 yesterday (for my bis trinket), with a friend who is playing SV hunter, we both are decently geared, he slightly more than me, and ~2k rio. We got perma declined and it’s always rough to figure out why. At some point I messaged a guy and said that we perfectly know the dungeon and all mechanics. He decided to take a Disc with MM hunter. I told him that he is not gonna time it and if he truly wants that, I just couldn’t hold back. Seems like this guy just went for ilvl (I was only ~607 or something yesterday) and since I know a bit about Disc, I also know how most pugs will struggle with certain stuff, especially during fortified. And what a coincidence… they didn’t time it but are geared like crazy…

And soon we will have affixes where people will prefer certain classes over others. Idk… pug life gonna be super hard this season (if there are no changes), especially for dps.

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It really feels like no thought went into picking the M+ pool this time around, I like M+ as a rule. Its fun and challanging, but this time around its just a chore, all my items that are bis for me come from GB but I sure as hell ant getting in a grp for there. Cant use my own key as its a 6 NW that NONE wants.

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The larger you make the loot pool and the less ability to target something you have will only make things worse

I get that doing the same m+ dungeon a few times in a row for a 5% chance of a trinket you want in your vault aren’t fun, but I can promise you that it’ll be even less fun when you can do any dungeon for it except the chance is lowered to 0.5% cause the loot pool is just that big (no these numbers are not accurate other then opening the loot pools making it downright harder to target loot from dungeons you want)

For me personally, this change would be a reason to not do any m+ dungeons, because the lack of the ability to target something would start getting on my nerves really fast, mostly because that’s always been a major draw of dungeons back in the nonseasonal days.

It’s the same reason as everytime. People want to get carried by gear. I mean I get that ilvl is important and makes dungeons easier but ilvl just isn’t making bad players good.

I remember in DF S3, when I was gearing up my BDK (as my second tank).
To preface this - at that point I already had all my portals on my main tank (VDH) and my BDK was just a few ilvl (like around 4 ilvl or something) below my VDH).

Wanted to run some 16s at the end of the second week or start of the third (not really sure). Got invited into a TotD pug. Shortly after I got kicked and asked the group leader what’s up. He told me that the other guys of the group pressured him to kick me because my ilvl wasn’t high enough to be able to tank that dungeon on that level and that he’s sorry about it.

I told him to not worry about it and I’ll just get another group.

It’s just funny because at that point 16s were basically just a cakewalk to me and we’ve played 20s with people (including me) with worse gear in the first week of the season than I had on that DK.

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what oyu need to realise is that you fallen behind gearing curve.

its cruel but that the reality .

i would assume atm people doing those keys are 615 + so its natural they are gonna ignore anyone below 610.

you may be the best player eu - but if you arent higher score / higher itlv then 50 other people in que ? you will be always decliend.

And there’s an overabundance of DPS. Like… over-overabundance, so if you really want any chance as a dps you need a very high ilvl, and high rio, since you need to compete for a spot with those people.

I can’t gear faster. Rdruid is considered one of the worst healers in tier lists, so getting in +7 is already not easy. The upgrade mats are limited and raid offers no loot for me. I am basically going as far as I god but at no point would I say my gear holds me back in anything. The only thing holding me back is the lack of ability to make people understand this.

Now that you said it, I checked the priest. He is indeed high ilvl and 2,4k rio, his raid logs are around ~72%, mine are around 98%. Well… in the end he was the wrong pick for this group. Maybe I’d been too. You never know but I definitely know that I’d usually never pick a disc, based on my pug experience. They simply lack the throughput.

Idk about that. I try to avoid exactly this because all the rio chasers are the ones who are going to leave the group first. I rather take someone lower geared with mid rio, than top of the top. People sweat way too much about they rio meanwhile I just wanna finish the dungeon.