M+ dungon pool issues

Well that’s what you would do, most pugs do not do this, however, highest ilvl+rio = invite.

Well, they will eventually learn as well. They usually just take longer than me.

This is also a reason I do not really pug anymore, or if I do, its to pick up like… the last dps or something.

Premades are like 10000000000000000% better, theres no ifs or buts.

When someone is a rio-chaser and he is in your group, you have the same rio-score :grin: That makes you a sweaty rio-chaser too.

Uhm no, that’s not how it works. My rio comes naturally, he is leaving the group as soon as he thinks it might be not timed or even just +1 instead of +2
Huge difference in my book.

How did that sweaty rio-chaser on your score? You decide someone is a sweaty rio-chaser based on his score in lfg-lists.

people who do those keys dont care about logs.

like i have logs like 20-30% at best and never had problems to join groups in that range :slight_smile:

you gotta realise itlv / in game score is a king for like 99% of pugs below current +11.

from my experience premades who join your keys usualy are horrible. there is a reason they join someone elses key not run their own .

sure there are ociasional unicorns who will carry you but usualy they play horribly and deplete your keys.

Logs are raid throughput log. Not even thinking about healing logs are complete nonsense anyway; throughput is not interrupting the right target and says nothing about your experience and knowledge about the specific dungeon. On average someone with a higher dungeon score will perform better in a dungeon.

I gotta say I am not entirely sure what you are trying to say here.

Ye this kind of metric is definitely missing in M+ and I understand it’s hard to implement. Unfortunately score and gear level means nothing. I remember when we invited a BM hunter to +7 key from us. Guy was better geared than us, had higher IO and was by far the lowest dps. We also didn’t time this run by like a minute or something. I don’t even blame the guy, BM was (and kinda still is) one of the bottom tier specs but he is the perfect example of how ilvl and rio literally doesn’t matter at this point.
M+ needs something else, that showcases that player matters as well and is not just carried.

If you do not understand it you need to go back to this post where you respond on someone talking about high ilvl and high score which you call rio-chasers and add they are sweating in a later sentence. You try to avoid those people.

Why do you need to avoid those people? They have high io, and chase io so you are:
1: not seeing them since they are higher io
2: you are seeing them since you have the same sweaty io.

In any case; you are a sweaty rio chaser. or you do not need to avoid them anyway.

I mean I don’t understand the sentence you typed. Like… grammatically. How did that sweaty rio chaser on my score? Did what? How did he join the group? How did he perform? How did I decide he is one… what do you mean? It just made no sense to me. Can you rephrase it?

As I said earlier, because the habits of those io chaser is to leave the group. My goal is to clear the dungeon and get some loot, their intent is to get a big number for whatever reason.

No, this is not how it works :joy:
I give you an example that’s less realistic but it makes my point easier to understand. Let’s say a guy tries to get a +7 key timed with +2, to increase his IO, right? The moment he sees the key is gonna be timed only +1, he leaves. But I am not playing for the IO, I am playing to complete the dungeon, therefore I try to avoid this kind of people.
There is a big, huge difference between having “high” rio and actually chasing to rio. Having a “big” number doesn’t automatically make you a rio chaser. I guess that’s why you confused. Hope it’s clear now.

Yes and no. If you are having, let’s say 20% logs and your raid is dying even tho the team is playing mechanics somewhat okish, then obviously the logs are a clear indicator for lack of healing. If you are having 99% logs on a normal raid where are other healers are simply afk and nobody dies, it’s obviously irrelevant.

A rio chaser goes for +8 after timing +7. Nobody goes for 1 extra point because he can +2 a dungeon instead of +1. Timed is timed. Next higher dungeonlevel. You get abbysmall points for +2 or +3 a dungeon. You basically do not increase your score.

I literally gave you this EXAMPLE so it’s easier to understand what makes an rio chaser, which is actively chasing the io score. It’s just an example. I even specifically told you it’s unrealistic because the purpose is being to explain it. If it’s hard to understand this, it will be even harder to understand how it’s done in reality.

Yes, you figured it out. That’s why rio chasing is not done this way. That’s why I said it was just an unrealistic example, just to make you understand the difference between “chasing rio” and “having rio”. Did you understand it tho?

Did you understand you do not have to avoid those players because they are higher rio than you? OR you are a rio chaser yourself.

See, this is exactly why I gave the example I gave. So you don’t get confused how it works in reality and can easier understand it.
At no point did I say that anyone is a rio chaser simply because he has a higher score than me. Not once. So keep your lowkey bashing attempts to yourself friend :wink:

I am not, obviously. Which is why you will find more than enough failed timed dungeons in my history. I play to complete the key, not for the score. You don’t need to be mad and try to accuse me of something that’s simply not true. How did I hurt your feelings? I am sure we can still fix it.

You called someone with high io and ilvl a rio chaser that you try to avoid. That was your metric.

I mean you invited BM Hunter - you shoudl knwo that spec Has non existent aoe atm so what else were you expecting . Its only good on Boss fights

High doesn’t mean higher. That’s why I kept it simple and made my example kinda unrealistic so the point is easier to understand. So my metric was at not point that someone having higher io than me is somehow an io chaser…

Yes, of course. I was also curious how exactly they perform. I even invited more BM hunters later to my keys, for science. But that’s the point, it’s being a perfect example how io and gear level don’t equal good performance.

but that has nothing to do with performance. thats blizzard making a spec unplayable on purpose in m+ .