M+ gear ruined raiding and PvP

In the end M+ did more harm than good.


The problem is pvp-gearing. Not M+ gearing.


Try playing against double 415 melee as 380 warlock.


ruined pvp? not really… pvp boys are always pretending they are so skilled so they are sure be able to beat those backpedaling pve noobs, not? :>

ruined raiding? well, maaaaaybe… I don’t feel like it but the gear you get from m+ greatly boosts your performance in raiding and content get cleared faster, that could be true…


Yes, but that has no context about where the gear is coming from, or should come from. When blizz would reward weekly a 410 from pvp and 400 for doing whatever, it is back to gearing by pvp.

Allthough maybe it would be better to just get back pvp-gear and pve-gear.

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Just disable pve gear in arena and the sandbox babies could be happy…

furthermore, increase droprate for pvp gear and / or reintroduce weekly cap with vendors…

Sadly OP. Weekends are over. Durring work days. It’s tradition to make proper threads where people share and argument their opinions in more than 1 basic sentence.


On sentence describes my point sufficiently.

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Aight. “I think Bfa is a descent expansion” and don’t you argue or ask me to prove it because :


Actually, I agree. PvP gear should not exist.

Once the character enters PvP, his gear has to be reset to equal level with all other participants. Some customization of stats (like reforging) is ok, but other than that it must be templated.


Sounds good but didn’t work when it was implemented, why should it work now?

If templates make its way back into the game, I hope only for rated pvp.

It was still better than now.

The main problem with the previous implementation was the total lack of customization. If you add some reforging to the template, it becomes acceptable.

From a competive perspective I think you are right but from a pure mmo perspective I think templates are the wrong way… Things should not be all equal in a mmo rpg…

Templates are an idea, but they are hardly fair as a concept.
Not every class reacts the same way to a squish or a bump in stats.

PvP has been agonizing way before M+ could do really much.

And what kills raiding isn’t the M+ loot, but the fact that all raiders have the personal loot forced down their throats and those absurd restrictions on trading the gear (you have 1 piece of gear you don’t really need but it’s 5 ilvl higher than your current loot? you better scrap that because it’s not going anywhere).


if m+ gear shouldn’t compete with raid or pvp gear there needs to be different bonuses attached to all of them. Give zone wide buffs depending on where you are and what gear you have and done.

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PvP/Warmode gear should had been a feature.

What ruins raiding ain’t really mythic+ in and off itself. It’s the titanforging, which many times makes even mythic raid gear pale in comparison, given that just so many trinkets and secondary stat combinations are aviable from one single source of content.

Why whould anyone bother using a pair of legs with Mastery and Versa, when their main stat are mastery and crit for example, only because of the itemlevel making the versatility pants out value the crit pants in many cases.

Then it’s simply just easier to run a dungeon untill you proc a pair of higher ilvl Crit leggings rather then going with a once per week not even BiS option. This makes raiding only really worth it if you are part of a guild/community that easially take down the bosses every week and you have multiple gearslots with the best stats aviable in the raid itself.

Raidings pretty much all about the achivements, Azerite traits and the few unique items present. Given the removal of tier sets and status stick trinkets being so overpowering most unique items are thus gone from the pool of items. Hence i really like the new raid Crucible, since it gives us items with unique effects… however these effects must really be powerfull enought to overtake secondary stats.

The problem is when pvp player , who play 12h a day grind the gear , forcing other pvp player to do the same.

Forcing more and more people into content they hate.

Pve player can have 100 Gs more as much as I care. They burn their mana in 1 minute and instant trinket everything anyway

Doesn’t matter when pve players have twice your HP.

This is all we are asking for. This or pvp gear OR actual ways of gearing through PvP.

M+ gives too much gear too quickly because there are no lockouts, which in turn also seems to motivate Titanforging.

I like the idea of hard dungeons, but the way M+ is set up right now is tremendously damaging for WoW, and it’s not just for PvP and raiding.