Mythic plus does not reward gold at the end of a dungeon. At the end of the week you get a decent chance a peice of gear from your best run of each dungeon you have run. Sounds hash but brings it in line with a raid. And there’s no reason those silly runs at like +18 can’t reward mythic raid level gear.
Dungeons have mini sets that are based on dungeon pulls. Raids have tier sets based on ST bosses, maybe 2 target cleave.
Unrated pvp has an ilvl template. Every peice of gear (only from from this expansion) has the same ilvl. Secondaries and effects scale and remain.
Rated pvp has no scaling and pvp gear that you earn through currency with pvp stats and tier set bonuses. Obviously you need to gear up every season. Also blizzard brings in a tooltip feature like raider io for pvp ratings.
Tier sets back to fix raiding.
It was simple, basic and everyone understood that if you have tier sets, you will do more DPS, just dont make it so that you need to farm tier sets from previous patches… Make it back to wotlk 5 slot tier set option instead of 6 slot.
Resilience gear to fix PvP.
With resilience you would take significantly less damage (less crit chance for opponents) which made sense because it was only obtainable in PvP. The gear from pvp was always less ilvl, but it offered something else back then.
M+ will still be popular with these out there. We will most likely have to wait for new expansion to see tier pieces or pvp specific gear back.
I would not blame M+ from it.
But I’d point the finger at the way you currently acquire gear from PvP, let’s use random BG’s as an example.
The items you receive is purely based on luck, yes, every once in a full moon you will get a purple item, but still 95% of the time it’s just another gear casino you are playing hoping you’d get a winning hand.
Most of time you don’t and you get something awesome like Saltwater Potion or something.
They just want you to play as long as possible, grinding those few ilvl’s, that is why having PvP-gear vendors was so bad.
I mean I believe nobody in their right mind was complaining after the implemented catch-up mechanics to Conquest-points?
I always thought it was a very pleasant way to gear toons, do some random BG’s, get some honor and gain some character power along the way, but NOOOO.
Blizzard want’s you to just play longer, play more and just grind… grind… grind…
Because “Insert a good reason from Ion here”
Not really tho. M+ gives garbage quality gear, 400, that is HC level, pretty useless after 1 week of playing.
For raiding, mythic raids still give much better loot.
I don’t know too much about pvp, but my friend who plays pvp gets equivalent or better loot than me, he is around 2200-2400 i think, so maybe you just need to get good?
My ilvl is 400 and I haven’t run any high Mythic keys or Heroic BoD. Three Darkshore and the last three PvP conquest cap rewards is six 400 ilvl items. Yet, OP, you have only one.
I’m not saying you’re wrong that Mythic+ gear gives an advantage in PvP, but the advantage is 15 ilvl, not 30.
its not our fault blizzard implemented templates terribly.
no pvp gear in GW2 doesn’t effect the enjoyability of pvp, and also doesn’t allow mediocre players with amazing gear to destroy anyone with lower gear.
This is up for debate entirley, however raiding traits are likely always to be better suited for raiding than M+ gear due to the raid specific traits which come out with every raid, PVP is always dictated by gear when there is no templates or PVP gear with PVP specific stats.
I am actually happy about m+
It gave us a new source of gear and alternatives to raid gear.
It has opened up a new dimension of competitiveness with higher keys and score.
That is the problem. A few xpacs ago it would takes weeks and weeks to get hc geared. Outside of mythic raiding guilds that’s what you should be aspiring too. Instead they’re handing it out for swarming over a warfront every 2 weeks.
It’s a very big difference especially with azerite gear. 15ilvls in azerite is a huge chunck of primary stat and stamina and 4 traits that have extra numbers on them too.
I love m+ but being able to farm it infinitely for gear is a problem. It allows players to complete all current content in a few weeks and then they get bored and complain about content droughts before the next patch.
Is it good that you can keep spamming it to get better and better gear? IMO yes.
But like you point out it also results in people immediately complaining about no content even though there is a ton of things to do.
For my main around 60% of gear comes from M+, 2 of the azerite pieces, both trinkets, weapons and other stat combos. Saying the gear is bad? Raiding gear is bad yes, M+ is excelent if for dps gear. They made amazing trinkets etc. for M+ and raiding gets the rejected ones which are worse than a WQ one of lower IL.
So I see several problems atleast for dps:
Raiding is a one-time kill, M+ is spammable
Titan residuum can only be gotten from M+ cache outside of scrapping
Dps gear outside of M+ is bad especially in raiding and especially trinkets or the weapons.
M+ has just way too much advantages compared to raiding, it went from an alternative gearing path to mandatory for PvP and raiders. M+ can compared IL wise with HC raiding, HC raiding yu get 1 chance a week, M+? Just keep grinding. But like I said they won’t try to rebalance the whole PvP, raiding and M+ gearing. M+ is their precious e-sports so it has to be ontop. They want us all doing it.
BIS trinket for mages is off opulence and I expect it’s BIS for most intellect. Fire Mage BIS is actually from pvp, pvp actually has some very strong stat based trinkets. There are only 2 trinkets can think of from m+ that are decent for mages; ignition fuse and balefire branch the rest are poor.
The BiS tank trinket is off opulence too. I can’t speak for other classes but BoDa trinks have been much better than m+ and the new int dmg one in CoS is very strong too.
Weapons is just down to what secondaries you want?
With the current systems of WF/TF, you shouldn’t be aspiring to get HC gear, you should more be aspiring to clear HC, which to those kind of people would still be challenging even with the gear it rewards.
I personally like that i don’t have to spend ages gearing just to do the content i wanna do, that being m+, and that i can somewhat get close to raid quality gear if i push keys, compared to being totally reliant on raid gear, in which case i could not push keys anymore and i would have no reason to play the game, since HC is piss easy and over in a week or 2 if you’re decent.
It shouldn’t be disabled but pve gear should get reduced to the same item level as a below 1400 rated arena player so he had to progress his way up just like a pvp player have to do if he wants to raid and get better gear