We Need to Do Something About key leavers, they sould get a punishment if they leave the key and there is still time to time it.
+22 key Today the tank left at last boss with 9 min to time the key.
They should be punished for this.
maybe something happened itl ?
stuff happens you know ?
there is no point being mad baout computer game .
you play with rnd ppl you get rnd results
i left a key yesterday too, because the ppl didnt play the affixe multiple times, even we had enough time, but its beyond annoying to kite mobs/boss, only your dps/healer wont use or skill any cc to counter it.
There is no context here. If you were still at the first boss I won’t blame him.
It says last boss though so they clearly werent at first boss
Strange they don’t punish mythic + leavers ,but punish in rated arena and bg,it feels unright,i don’t think Blizzard cares about the leavers,there is nothing to bee done,i also hade leavers without any reasons today while doing the affixes,is pug life and and is hard,blizz doesn’t pug at all.
I mean it was longer than the average tweet, I can see why its hard to suss out stuff like this.
yeah there need to be debuff not allowing them enter next mythic on this alt for at least few hours + dungeons or any other que for few hours
Nobody leaves a key without a reason. The rare disconnect or emergency aside, people only leave if they are not having fun, if others are not pulling their weight, or if a run is clearly doomed. You can’t hold them hostage.
If you punish people for leaving, they’ll just stay and sabotage the run until the group disbands. It wouldn’t improve the situation – you’d still have to abandon the run or 4-man it.
You lot are so dramatic
My average span of attention is… … I mean I didn’t know that cyclones are strong winds happening in the south hemisphere and hurricanes in the Northern one. guess they weren’t at first boss after all. And I even quoted it
…. I guess I’ll turn my heater on.
They punish in ranked arena and bg because those are pvp modes that win trading is possible.
In pve modes that you have no incentive to lose, they do not bother UNLESS there is a queue that blizzard implemented.
If blizzard made the random group = incentive to stay
If people made their own groups = people can decide for themselves.
Generally people that ask for punishment for leavers, are the people that will get hurt most from that.
Now you will join a +20 key for weekly with that 1,7k warrior for weekly. Worst case if things go south you just bail, otherwise you can just boost him and everyone is happy.
If on the other hand you get punished for leaving, then that 1,7k warrior that wants his +20 completed? Tough luck, you will not risk staying 40-50 minutes in a key just for a weekly.
If you go for timed, you are free to leave when the timer is dead.
If you join a weekly key, you are staying in that key till you fall asleep on the keyboard. Weekly Key has been the keyword of “We complete this key, not in time, likely long after the timer is dead - we do it for weekly vault!”
A “Quick Weekly” or “Pumper Weekly!” is the keys you can leave from. But not a Weekly key.
Weekly Key status is sacred. You will not corrupt it with your “I dont want to waste my time being there for 50min for a weekly!” WHEN THAT IS WHY YOU CALL IT WEEKLY KEY, TO DO A WEEKLY KEY AND NOT TIMED RUN YOU…
Respect the system, man. Respect the system. Weekly key is not a timed key, it is a key done to complete the ONCE in a WEEK key. If that lasts 50min, so be it. A hour, sure! Two hours, you are likely stuck - but you keep going! Only if you are hardstuck, and I mean hardstuck, or everyone is in agreement to call it do you leave.
Freaking kids these days. If you leave a weekly key, called a weekly key, because it lasted 50 minutes? Then you deserve getting flagged with a permanent “I leave weekly keys” marker on your head, just so we can avoid you.
Was referring to normal keys (not in any category), not those that are specifically categorized as weekly or in time.
If someone specifically chooses to categorize his key as “weekly” or “in time” in the dungeon finder, i respect that and in fact avoid those.
Absolutely not.
When DF season 1 just launched, we got to a +15 nokhud, we thought “well, let’s do this for weekly for vault” since we were not going to do any more keys later.
Then we ran into the raging tempest. We died. Miserably. Then we came back, died miserably again. Died again. Died again.
It just wasn’t beatable with the gear we had, nobody could dispel the boss either.
I think what you describe is what he is saying below:
Indeed leavers need to be punished with a 30 minute to an hour debuff, if they leave when there is still time on the key to be completed. Far too many people do this for various reason.
People who defend the situation as it stands of “well why should we be forced to stay” normally are people who leave because they get their feelings hurt by a mean comment or a player in the group is wearing a pink coloured outfit.
Then you have the other side, where people leave because of an emergency. Unfortunately the people on the other side do not now this and those cases are far fewer then those who leave on purpose. So everyone gets hit with the punishment for leaving, while time is still on the key.
But if the key has timed out, then I believe no one should be hit with a punishments, as that group failed to do the key in time for again various reasons being, low dps, too many deaths or just not being efficient with their clearing.
I’m sure I remember hearing or reading something that in TWW the developers are working on something to try and reduce the amount of people who leave key runs. However, I think people will not be satisficed until we start seeing the same debuff, like we see for raids/dungeon runs.
When there’s a punishment system for leavers, those leavers will not leave but do not want to be there anymore, which will turn into non kicks and/or dying in random swirlies and/or not doing mechanics at all, which will cause wipes and stuff. In the end everyone will have a worse experience for a longer time then when the potential leaver just leaves.
I am not promoting leaving. I am not leaving myself either. I was in a ~70 minute BRH +15 yesterday too without leaving and actually carrying a bit. But for now i have never heared of any solution that is actually a solution. I am also not experiencing leavers myself, unless the dungeon really have gone to crap already.
I see what you’re saying Mistjo.
There does need to be a total review of the key runs to see the percentages of leavers based upon time left on keys and the level of the key for example.
So maybe introducing the penalty to be applied on keys from level 15 onwards may be a thing, as anything from 1 to 15 isn’t that massively impacted in terms of focus/attention needs in the higher keys.
Or have a threshold system, where if you keep leaving, then after say 3 leaves in the space of a week, you start to get increased debuffs applied to your account (account wide). Starts off with 5 minutes, leading up to an hour or even 24 hours.
Overall I imagine the leaver numbers of key runs isn’t that high compared to raids/dungeons, but I would expect Mythic+ key runs are the main thing a lot of people are doing.
A lot of if/buts & maybes when it comes to this kind of system being added.
Like Mistjo wrote, instead of leaving and being unable to use the LFG tool, people who would otherwise leave will stay and sabotage the run in ways that wouldn’t (to an automated system) look like griefing. Just pulling extra groups can lead to a wipe, not interrupting can lead to a wipe, dying “by accident” at a boss fight can lead to a wipe, lack of dps or healing can lead to wipes.
All of these things happen even if players don’t do them deliberately. Would you want to punish melees for having 3 interrupts over 30 minutes? For doing 100k dps overall in a fortified week? For repeatedly dying to avoidable damage? For failing boss mechanics? For “oops. didn’t see that” body pulling packs and patrols? Because all of these can and do brick keys too, probably more frequently so than leavers.
You might say, “But they’d waste their own time, too!”. Yes, they would, but if the choice is between automated punishment for leaving a run they don’t want to be in, and bricking the key “naturally”, many would go for that second option. Besides, if people feel forced to stay in situations they don’t want to stay in, they’ll feel resentful or vindictive.
I’ve only ever left one key, and it was because someone was abusive toward the group, and I have remained in keys that went so poorly that they weren’t even recorded, but I nevertheless feel that automated punishments for leavers wouldn’t lead to better PUG runs.