M+ Key Leavers

Can be asked the same about you? If people are such butterflies and sunshine in m+ then why do keep getting toxicity threads? Dont point the finger at me though. I cant be in absolutely every m+ run out there. Would be even surprised if people accuse of toxicity since like I said before. I dont say a word in dungeons anymore.

Never asked for any solution cause I dont see no problem. Bricked keys or people ragequiting is nothing more than “cost of doing business with pugs”. If I dont like said pug, I can just put my next key up on the table and look for a different one. Despite popular claims. There are still people who are competent at their jobs and the true art of craft for any keyholder is to…filter them out from the chaff at the signup sheet.

Your suggestion of ":rainbow: lets be friends! :rainbow: " is not worth the effort cause to begin with… I dont go into m+ to look for friends. Pugging for me is for odd cases when I cant run keys with guilds or discord contacts.

If you want a solution or not, doesn’t change the matter of fact that it exsists. When the topic at hand was that there was no such thing, then it does indeed matter. You trying to throw away the point of the discussion in itself, just so you… don’t have to feel bad about it? I have no clue what your goal is. Well, it is worse than pointless.

I am sad to say though, that my arguments and their points are going straight above your head. Probably because you are ducking hard into your little foxhole doing your best to protect your ego. Again, that is fine, you do you sunflower.

Now, I think we can end it on this finality: You simply just don’t want to fix the problem. As the problem is in actuality yourself. And that scares you. As such, you don’t want to engage in the actual discussion, but you want to keep up your self-made delusions to yourself. I do wish you the very best, Lynilia, I truely do. And I pray, one day will come, that you come out of your little hole and actually think about it in a logical manner.

As long your logic is lose, or give up and lose. Instead of lose or try to win. You will never win in the scenario.

I just find it fun that you are trying to projecting so much. Anything else regarding my psychological evaluation, Mr. Internet psychologist?

Regarding your question about key leaves. Its been said in this discussion already. Either there is a reason for it OR simply don do m+ with pugs in general. If anything, you are the one sitting on some moral high horse in this thread.

I think we’ve all seen our fair share of Oh crap in those keys and then still timed them in the end by now. That or everything just keeps spiraling down and the key turns into a hilarious poopshow with good memories. A near 2 hour +20 Fall comes to mind for me😂

My DKs tott +14 beg to differ.

I told people as we arrive to the last boss to clear puddles when they get the beam.

Are puddles cleared?

No. Bro just stands still when he gets the beam on him to clear.

I had to solo the boss because everyone else died and the room was filled to the brim. If they had picked some lesser experienced tank and not a DK tank, they probably would’ve hit a wall on the last boss.

And oh, I also tested the whole “people don’t die before 20s” thing on 3rd boss. I didn’t use anything when totem came up and I was getting absolutely destroyed by the boss, on a 14. My cheat death procced in 4 seconds and then I started playing it.

I believe you when you say they were not able to understand or handle it. Now, I don’t know how you communicated it to them, nor if they understood what you tried to bring forth to them. I don’t even know if they were in a situation where they needed to try to comprehend what happened.

As I mentioned before, it is not before 20 that players start to notice that these things matter. 20 area is when they start to learn and care about these things. If you did the boss in one pull - I expect them to not have learned anything even if they died, as they will just think ‘neat, that DK is strong and cool’ and move on with their day.

Now, your story could go many ways. I don’t know if you already wiped once. Or you told them once before you pulled, nor if they had any reason to read chat. I presume from how you formulated that you said it before the boss pull and you finished the same fight in that order.

And while somewhat offroad, yes, that Totem boss slams BDKs that are unprepared and dont press any buttons. Same with VDHs that don’t use demonspikes. Next time, try on a warrior and fall asleep with shieldblock. But, hey - you learned, now use that experience to help a BDK who you see struggle in the future. You can also use the information gained here to advice a VDH as well.

Wins all around. You gained valuable experience that can help you in the future!

We didn’t, because I solo’d the boss after everyone else died to puddles not getting cleared. I CBA resetting the boss when they’re just going to do the same thing again, it was faster to just kill the boss solo than to die and come back and watch it get repeated again. Because when people screw up something that basic on an encounter, they’re just going to repeat it again, I’ve done enough dungeons to know it doesn’t magically get solved on the next try or the next again. It’s going to take several tries and at that point it’s just faster to solo the boss.

I told them as we arrived to the room to clear the puddles. 2 of them were like “yeah” and then… nothing happened with the puddles, they just filled the room to the brim. Then one of them blames the healer because they all died, as if it was a healing issue. One of the DPS goes “you didn’t clean bro” in response to that.

I agree that you did the correct thing. Just finishing the key. I also hope you understand my point of that situation not being one they would learn from. They would have to be forced to take notice, and they were not. The wall will catch up to them for them to stop and think. My guess, around 20 sounds right.

It is during wipes and new attempts they will start up the hamsterwheels.

Note, a lot of players say they understand or pretend that they do, not really having a clue. Usually they get super defensive and feel discomfort, afraid that you will make a mockery out of them. So don’t bring that up.

What I do on that boss in particular, after a wipe, is just saying that I am explaining it for the guy in whispers. I place the skull marker to represent the boss, then the 3 other marks to symbol the ink-placment. Then I move in the trio-soak spot, and do in /s Move water soak here. I ping and kinda go a bit hammy on the presentation, but it works.

They pretend to know before, accepting this time for the unknown guy in whispers, they themselves wont say that they didn’t know - as they don’t want to admit it, and likely fear flameing. But after the presentation, they usually clear the room partly and at least get the core idea going. If we wiped twice, it was done on the third attempt.

So, a bit harsh but: You got to treat them like kids, or more apt, teenagers (or old sulken men). Who refuse to be honest about their failing knowledge, but they will absorb the information given and try to incorporated it so they don’t look a fool next pull.

This method was used for great success during my 100 runs of ToTT early to mid season, farming my trinky and weapon. Experience and a method I use to this day to great suceess!


It wouldn’t even cross my mind to go into content without at least reading the dungeon journal at first. I always have a rough estimate of what’s what in a fight before I do it and then piece together what I read in the journal with what I see during the fight.

First time I saw cleansing flux in action was like a “What’s this bea— OH, IT’S THE CLEAR, GOGOGO”. That just from reading the dungeon journal. Nobody had to tell me what to do with it, because I read the dungeon journal.

Idk why people go into content blind without at least reading the journal.

Just block him like most people do. Hes highly toxic towards anyone with a different opinion and literally spams walls of texts of nonsense and rambling that anyways,nobody in their right mind,spends time reading
Not wise to engage with such people. Block and enjoy life :smiley:

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oh but they can improve.

they can try again in -1 key difficulty and improve.

eventually they will learn :slight_smile:

i mean .

we live in times where people eat tide pods for internet fame points.

you really shouldnt be surpirsed at this point at people’s stupidity :slight_smile:

most peopel dont learn from their mistakes - they never did and they never will.

learning takes afffort and they want to be boosted without putting in even minimal effort.

from time to time - others refuse to boost them

thats when those people come to forums to whine about unfainress of world.

You definitely do not have to do +20 to have fun. In fact people do not do +20 to have fun.I believe that the problem starts with how people want to do things that they do not consider fun because of the “payout” of doing them.

Personally I am almost never doing M+ these days because I only feel comfortable doing it with my guild atm.
Though I might end up starting to do low keys again just to see how I like Holy healing.
Man, I do wish we had a more direct/easy control over they keystone level, especially when it comes to bringing the level down or keeping it the same ( think that atm we need to either talk to the panda at the end of the run or to deplete a key).

My point is, as always, to fix the problem in the scenario you are in. Going for a solution.

I don’t disagree that I prefer people do know and is experienced. The whole discussion is currently based around what to do when getting stuck in a key like this happens. There are two main POVs:

  1. Supported by myself; To use my experience and knowhow to enable the key to be completed, through shareing information with my group. Reasoning being, it is the easiest fix to try mend the situation and not waste the time invested.
  2. Supported by the loud majority; Nothing should be done to try complete the key. Reasoning being, if they did not do the prepwork, then wasting all the time invested is better than trying to salvage the key. Trying to help the other players improve, is a bad thing to do. As the ones struggling are bad and disruptive players that should not try to push themselves within the content.

Indeed, I had the same experience. Yet, what we both got is tons of experience within the game. For us a lot of things come naturally. Anything from “dont stand in fire” to “I should save a defensive for this”.

What we often forget is that most players, the vast majority, do not have this aquired experience or skill. Prepwork is natural and second nature for us, for them it is alien and a inconceivable. Many simply haven’t had it click in their head to actively try to solve their problems. Not to mention, the game knowledge to put things together on the fly.

This is why I argument strongly for giving them a helping hand, as it is the best and only way for the goal to be achieved in the set situation.

We might not be able to help and save every key. Yet, it is a tool in our box we can use to increase our own success rate.

I agree, but point of discussion is what you could do in an already started key. As such, the solution of downgrading the key, while viable for the player to learn, would not ensure the current keys completion.

If the key is still salvagable why wouldnt you just try to breakdown what went wrong and how to possibly fix it? Dont need to know every class and spell, can just say something like «this needs cooldowns, use your personals first time, we use this second time and then health pot the 3rd» as an example. Then if it fails again and its clear the timer is out then call it quits and move on. There will always be ppl messing up, you cant expect ppl to play flawlessy. I mess up alot. We talk it out, what went wrong and i learn and adapt for next pull or next time i do that key.

Edit to add before someone comes with an extreme example from a failed +27: im talking about the average keyrange where people start to notice and learn mechanics like 15-20 range. Id fully expect ppl to know their class and the dungeons in anything above 23-24 at least.

Join a key.

Shadow priest in the group grips the tank for no reason.

Tank goes off on the priest for gripping him.

Then he grips him again a few pulls later and tank tells him he’s going to leave if he gets gripped again for no reason.

Tank leaps and gets gripped back. He targets the priest and then hearthstones and leaves the group without saying anything.

Nice going dumb priest.

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Didnt you try to sing konbawa with him? Perhaps talk about his feelings and stuff? Maybe he was hurt? :crying_cat_face:

Sounds like a player from Kazzak (the shadow priest).

Had a guy join our key so he could insult us and instantly leave because we did not invite his monk when we already had a monk,

Apparently you’re not allowed to build your group anymore and must invite this man if he signs up for your key.