M+ Key Leavers

You stopped mid dungeon. Open screen-share and started a lecture about paladins, their main attacks, spells, talent choices, top routes. Play styles and so forth. The subsection about paladin guides available on the net and their comparissons and comments by leading paladin players was a nice touch as well! You even made a quizlet to test if the said tank understood your lecture or not!
(Do I get your seal of approval Funkykittie?)

/sarcasm off.
And off-topic. I still remember the old bubble which I had trained not to use under muscle memory in PvE for…obvious reasons. So even now with Final stand, I still sometimes hesitate! :rofl:

How is learning all the tools all the other classes have a “simple” fix?

You’re being ridiculous.

It’s like playing with random people in BG :smiley:
you never going to experience proper WOW
so i strongly suggest you to find people to play with and be on DISCORD and then you will know what this game is…

Tons of the stuff you learn just by playing. I don’t play healer but I know a decent amount of abilities just by seeing others using them.

I’d put a healer main not knowing VDH can talent into Last Resort in the same category as a tank main not knowing about Spirit of Redemption.

Even this week I noticed DH were CCing the affix very fast so I figured they must have an instant CC. So I checked and they do.

Let me reformulate, for me it is a simple fix, to this mentioned problem.

Vicktor seems to get the gist of it. He is learning gradually by simply playing the game. That is exactly what ya should aim to do.

If you think or believe you need in-depth knowledge is needed, that is not so. You only need a surface level amount of knowledge to cower the problem as mentioned.

Knowledge, I believe and hope, most people will gain from simply doing keys and raids with the other class.

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Sure. I also know those big flashy trademark abilities people use but simply knowing them doesnt make you experienced to give tips. Using or saving CDs for specific pulls, bosses and boss mechanics is what separates good and bad healers or tanks.
Its the same as showing somebody a car for the first time. They may recognize the steering wheel and the pedals from movies or video games but does that make capable of driving said car?

If you wish to stop and lecture people mid runs on how to play their class, by all means. make your own “school-runs” or join like minded communities.

When I enter any m+ run. I research and prepare my class and its rotation as much as I humanely can. To enter an m+ and expect the healer or a dps to tell you what tanking buttons to press. I am sorry, its embarrassingly pathetic.
If I enter a pug m+ then I am expected to known what I am doing cause pugs only care about you performing your role correctly for the job and I cant ask for more. Expecting a “guild-like sportsmanship” in a pug setting is madness to put it lightly.
Hence I dont expect to be mentored and I am not mentoring others either. Its the said person’s job to prepare for the run not mine or any others.

Last Resort is a cheat death that prevents fatal damage and actives Metamorphosis. It takes zero skill to use. If the VDH had it talented and died when the totem went out they’d just be in Meta.

To use your car analogy it would be like someone saying “Guy get in this car, sit down and do nothing. This is one of the cars from the Transformers movies so it will drive on its own.”

Also we don’t really have enough context. I saw some of the original posts about before the VDH before they were edited so I have a different context to people who didn’t.

Which is all nice but again. For somebody who doesnt play DHs at all. WHy should this matter to me or should I care about it?
If I see the healer topping everyone fine and is not struggling to keep me alive(as tank), I dont care if he is throwing healing rubber chickens around.

As long as the job gets done, nothing else matters for a pug. If you have some personal interest in reviewing what others are doing, by all means, you be you I guess. I only care about performing my assigned role and expecting others to do the same.

Have you read the whole thread?

If said person didn’t not prepare for the said run. Why should I pick up the slack for him?

I’ll take that as a no.

I do understand you are clearly the “not my job, not my problem, I rather waste everyone time”. Sure, and alright, that is fine. Already said it was.

Still, I call it if not stupid, then inefficient and wasteful. If you rather just fail a key that is 80% done, than giving some mentoring - I just don’t see the logical reasoning other than “my ego, I am better than them!”

You are just wasting helping a fellow player. You are wasting an opportunity to improve your own knowledge. You are wasting the potential networking that could have been done out of this. You waste your time.

If you wish to live in a world where nobody helps each with something as small like this, then you also wish to live in a world where people spit on your corpse when you reach your wall. I prefer the more helpful and humane route of everyone just playing together as a team the best they are able.

To answer your question of “why should I care to get to know about other classes”, please read the thread of this topic. Arguments for and against are there. Basically, it is: you should care, as it increases your chances to succeed your keys overall (and that is just one positive factor). That alone should be a reason enough in itself.

its the guy who came unprepared who is wasting everyone elses time.

I just love how you are trying to reflect and redirect blame onto others.
“Tank is absolutely clueless with rotation or boss mechanics → obviously healer and dps is at fault!”.

Its principle. One thing is to see somebody struggling with said assignment and offering tips. Other is seeing somebody not giving 2 peanuts about it but at the same time “expecting to get helped”. Entering an m+ and being completely oblivious to the route is not “somedy is struggling”. Its plain out going in blind without a care in the world.

Is “to help” somebody the same as doing the said job yourself cause the assigned person couldn’t be bothered to do it? If me refusing to piggy-back somebody somehow inflates my ego then so be it.

And the said person is wasting the groups time by coming to an end-game competitive content completely unprepared and showing disrespect to people who put in the effort to make the prep work.
Even in my starting days with my guild. When I just began m+ tanking. I studied the route, any trouble spots and pull logic before even entered said dungeon. I was aware that its a guild group and they wouldn’t care if you clown up the first pull already. Yet I still felt it was disrespectful of me to just show up like a blind clueless bat.

So before you start demanding “respect and compassion” from others in the group. The person in question needs to show reason to be respected. Showing up completely clueless with ah “I dont care what happens…heck I dont even know if I got the correct talents, didnt care to check” attitude does not give you any reason to be respected.

I am not redirecting blame. He is at fault for his part. What I am doing is telling people like yourself that there was a solution to the problem. The key was salvageable. You also got your part to play in the key failing.

Your ego might be defended by hiding by your principle, but in the end… that is what it is. You don’t have to keep spinning. It is fine. I said so twice before already.

In the end, you are just supporting wasting opportunitets with a minimal cost to them, for no other reason than your ‘principle’.

That is fine. You wont make me see it as any less stupid or wasteful though.

Or supporting disrespectful behavior. If he got off the hook first time, means the said player won’t change and will keep trying their luck untill they meet the “big evil egoistic” Lynlia who is not giving out free “IForgiveYous” and refuses to clean other people messes and thus ruins the fun.
That damn Lynlia, am I right? :angry:

Edit: Aight. Be the change you want to be? Make your own m+ groups and pat every clueless slacker on head for being such a good boy. #PlayTheSaint.
Come back after a week if you are not burned out already.

In your world, the key is failed, the player did not learn anything and will fail again.

In my world, the key is completed, the player did learn something and will not fail at it again.

I simply prefer my world.

Oh, edit: to your edit - Been years upon years by now, still not burned out. Guess I am just built different.

In my world, said person understood why people raged at him and perhaps took note as to why.

In your world. People learned that freeloading and leeching on to others efforts is quite profitable indeed.

In my world, the player knew he struggled and learned he can listen to others to solve the problem. To learn and achieve better mastery of their class, to become a better player.

In your world, he is salty, the key is failed. He doesn’t know why. Lynlia is doing /w ANGRY WORDS. Calling him a leech and a problem.

Next time I play with him, he tanks the boss no problem. Next time you do, well, you do love your angry whispers after all. Blaming everyone else, saying you could have done nothing - even though, lets be real here, you could’ve. Oh, as a bonus, you now failed two keys.

And what makes you think the key is even salvageable to begin with? Not every dungeon is a BRH or Fall where you can 2 chest it on a +20 level…with 30 deaths.
On rise, wipe at 2nd boss(morchie or bg) is often enough to seal the key’s fate(with a sole exception of people outgearing it and outscoring the +20 already and that 1 wipe being a small whoopsie then I can still believe the run might be salvageable)

Stoped any form of contact besides “Hi!'s and Bye!s” long ago. Try to help them in a friendly way? “no u bad. U dont pay my Sub!” or plain out ignore and continue doing…whatever thing he is doing.
Screaming at them? “omgez toxec!”
Now… I just dont say or whisper at all. I just…leave. No point anyway.

edit: But if somebody still has the energy to try and chewing the said :clown_face: ears off. I dont take any part in it but I dont give out any sympathies either.

I don’t know, I can’t know of the if “was or was not” - nor can you know that helping out with advice wouldn’t help. I can only base it in my own experience, same as you. My experience is that most players, like 90%, will take advice and act upon it at the best of their ability. In the scenario mentioned, ToT20 totem deff CDs usage, I am close to a 99 certainty it would work.

I understand you keep making new scenarios to try winning a point. To keep broading the issue and digging up new pits to hurl mud from. Hopeing something will stick. Alas…

In the end, my solution to the scenario is solid. The only counterargument against it from you is “I dont want to, because it goes against my principle to try solving something with words and helping others, even if I directly lose out on not doing so.”

So, even after all this, we come back to me just thinking to myself. That line of thought process is wasteful, inefficient and stupid. A lose/lose. When you could at least have the chance to win.