M+ Leavers - Leaver Rank Solution


I really need to talk about a serious problem in the game that’s driving everyone crazy: M+ leavers. Seriously, they’re making the game unplayable!.

Can you do something about it, please?

Here’s my suggestion:
When someone joins an “in-time” run and then leaves the dungeon or goes offline before the dungeon is completed while the run timer is still running, their M+ score should be lowered and a leaver rank assigned. Similarly, if someone leaves before completing a “Completion” run, the same consequences should apply. This rank should accurately reflect the player’s behavior in M+ runs. For example, a rank of 100% means the person has completed all the runs they joined before, while a rank of 50% indicates they have left half of the runs they joined. It would be great if this score could be visible next to the M+ score when someone signs up for a key.

But here’s the important part: before updating the rank or lowering the score, at least two people in the group should approve the report. This way, we avoid unfair punishment and ensure that legitimate cases are addressed.

By the way, I think it’s about time to start considering a solo dungeon option that rewards decent M+ items. Sometimes, People just want to tackle dungeons on their own terms without relying on unreliable group members.

Please, Blizzard, address this issues ASAP before it’s too late. It’s time to make WoW enjoyable again!



but there are too many good suggestions. even in the US forum… because here in EU it only reads (if at all) chatGPT…

so absolutely hopeless condition

i used to be naive too and many years ago i wrote very detailed articles. Only if ALL of this is ignored and all bugs from ptr go live in retail, although I and many others have reported it 100x, then I have 0% hope!

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I understand you. However, game development is complex, and priorities and time constraints come into play. TBH Blizzard has made improvements and added great features in the last 2 expansions, showing that they do listen to players. While maybe some issues may take time to fix, i believe it’s important to remain hopeful and continue providing constructive feedback to help make this game better.

Leavers are never going to be addressed because people “mustn’t be forced to stay in a failing run” as the leaver will always spout. They’re allowed to be scumbags but we complain and we’re in the wrong

Play better :smile: stop making failed groups above your skills level. Stop hoping for Free boosts.

And you wont see a single leaver

Real problem is to many players playing like complete garbage WHO belong in hc dungeons in keys like 16+


Having said that, you should be objective enough to realise that your idea is garbage.

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Not everyone, i rarely see leavers in keys and i have no problem playing the game.

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Ion said in his interview that they don’t design M+ for pugs. Funny. I bet, if only friends played the game with 0 pug players, they would go bankrupt pretty quickly


Every time we have to add more systems to counter player behavior, the game seems to just become less fun as a result


Why would anyone want to bother with ranking players at the end of a mythic+ run… do you genuinely think that the players of world of warcraft can be trusted to provide accurate feedback for a mythic+ run?

Why are so many people unable to just move onto the next run and spend all their time raging about other players.

If someone leaves your key just move on…

Oh i am 100% sure this would totally be the case.
You put the system in the hands of those you are actually complaining about.

Totally foolproof.

Just don’t be the key holder and then there are no consequences to leaving.

Leavers are really not that big of an issue.

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They should just remove timer, make dungeons harder and CC mobs like what we used to do in tbc

I have timed 120 keys across my 2 characters (10s/15s/20s combined) this season per raider io and so far i remember 2 (TWO) keys that someone left, one was underrrot 21 before last boss because time ran out and that player said “i don’t need weekly, i just came for score”, and one was an extended dc in neltharus. I read about key leavers but honestly it’s extremely rare to see one.
Obviously when you do keys like BH if you fail to kill first boss in a tyrannical week and you dont have BL for 10mins and you say “GG” people will leave because key is bricked, but not even close to what you describe.

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From what I’ve seen, the leaver problem is created by the leaders who are completely clueless but would rather wait 10-20 minutes in LFG and cherry pick all the gigachads with over 2500 score and bis gear to get a free boost.
Now the issue is those gigachads are arrogant because they are instantly invited in every group so they leave after multiple mistakes done by the clueless leader.
And this while I don’t leave groups even with 60 deaths but I need to search 30-40 minutes because I am not a gigachad. And sometimes I even get kicked when they find a better damage.
So if you don’t want leavers, try to get people that would rather complete the key instead of waiting 30-40 minutes in LFG.

Bro, how do you know how i play and how good i am?? I take my gameplay seriously. Running dungeons is a major part of my playing time, and I’ve put in a lot of effort to improve my skills. My average M+ score sits around 2.7K, and back in the Legion days, I even managed to push it up to an impressive 4K during two seasons. On top of that, my raid logs consistently rank above 95%.

However, the issue with M+ leavers goes beyond individual skill levels. Unfortunately, there are times when people simply abandon runs, even if it’s due to their own mistakes. It’s incredibly frustrating because when you join an “In time” run, you should be committed to seeing it through as long as the timer is running. The same principle applies to “Completions.”

It’s disheartening to put in hours of effort to find a solid group of capable players, only to have someone bail on the run over a minor mistake. It’s a situation that affects players across the skill spectrum, including myself.

To give you an example, just two days ago, I had a really disappointing experience during my very first run after returning to the game. It was a only +10 key, and yet the healer went offline because he was struggling with basic mechanics!.

I haven’t played with premades since legion. childish babble or just pointless trash talk in the discord gets on my nerves. i am too old for this

and that’s crazy that someone says something like that, although he has statistics and heaps of logs?!?!?!?!!?
and without m+ what else should you do? farm that ridiculous raid once a week? play heroic dungeons??? or should I farm ugly and useless items from open world?
they even still banned bfa raids for solo players! LOL!

some apparently really live on another planet with pink ponies.

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Well he is just honest. Which a lot of people hate.

But he is right. M+ are inherently designed to be done on premade guild / community groups (which shoudl be using voice comms)

When was the last time you used voice comms in your m+ pug ? Probably never and that’s why you see so many leavers when your groups fail keys and people leave.