M+ needs completetly rework!

Yes, you hear! It is time to whipe M+ system coz it is very bad. You play more to spend time by searching group than play the game, it is what we are doing. Queue Mythic+ would be nice so you can play more the game, now it seems much less players to play M+ which it makes hard to find any group! It is not fun anymore!

Make it stop and rework next expansion! You get it, devs?

Thank you!

Join a community. Play a key. Ask to do some more keys. Play the whole evening. GG?


Don’t treat it like a Solo Que game, join communitys or make friends with the people you actually get to play with, instead of just typing “GG ty for key” and leaving group the second the key is finished.

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Pretty sure a queue system needs participants…like tanks and healers. You know…the people that are already rare to begin with. Good luck waiting 2h for a healer / tank just to deplete the key at the first pull.

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No matter what, we need completetly new system. More fun than this current system is getting old since Legion. It is unbelievable old system! :face_with_monocle:

To play more keys, you need players. Solo or not.

If you cant find Healers and Tanks in LFG you wont find them either in a Solo Q. So you will still wait the times you wait right now.

With the main difference that with LFG system everything is a player choice. With a Solo Q it would be random choice.

Which means that you will fail most of the dungeons you do. Because you will end up in groups with 3 warriors and 1 holy priest for example. Why ? Because many people play warriors (for RP reasons).

The reason you are having trouble finding a group as a SPriest, especially in the 10s and 9s you are trying to do, is 100% due to the fact that DPriest is played often. Nothing else.

Its not the system.

Play tank or heal and always have insta group even if the previous group removes you :smiley: As a dps you will always have to stand out with high ilvl and high score to have a chance at invites. Otherwise you will have to run your own key.

I am not talking about class! Only the system else nothing! We need new system! It is all!

Happy Tuesday!

Your system is not going to solve your problem.

Because you say so ?

If the product of your change acheived the same result it is defined as “a waste of time”.

Think about it: You have a red car. And you decide to strip the paint and paint it red again. Waste of time.

i like the cata way. do dungeons and get valor points., buy what gear you want. timegated by 1600 valors per week but you get more chances in the heroic raid. next week repeat. no need to endesly grind m+ with pugs