Current Ilvl - 623
Current Score - 2408 (Timed 10’s/9’s)
hey, guess how many keys I’ve just applied to in an hour? over 100+. Guess how many invites I got? 0. Now, this isn’t for keys ‘above my means’ as my RIO shows (even though I usually go to 3k+). I’m applying for keys I’ve literally timed at 10s. I’m applying for groups that have an equivallent ILVL and score, if anything some lower Ilvl as it stands and some at a lower score.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m well aware that keys get a ridiculous amount of DPS applicants but you want to know the theme? who I can see getting into the groups after I apply? DKs (shock) Mages (shock) and classes that actually have something to bring.
What I don’t think you (Blizzard) understand is that, all we have is damage. If you put us on par with other classes (and in this case worse than a fair few others) there’s quite literally ZERO reason to bring us.
I got into a key the other day and the leader literally said to me he only invited me because we killed Ansurek together, or he would’ve gone mage. Your balancing system is a joke.
You’ve released patch notes that put AM in balance with RA, when RA is underpar as it is.
Unfortunately community perspective is a thing. If you nerf a class 3 weeks in a row, people think they’re bad, even if you’re able to play it well. If you give a class no real benefit to the group outside of what other classes have anyways, they just take a class that gives them the extra things.
Seriously, for the love of all that is holy, give groups a genuine reason to want to take us. Give us Lust or at the very least actually buff our damage to be BETTER than the classes that have those extra benefits. Why would that even be bad? Okay, we take a warrior who does slightly more damage but we don’t get a CR etc. Risk / reward.