M+ Pugging Experience as a Warrior is abysmal

Current Ilvl - 623
Current Score - 2408 (Timed 10’s/9’s)

hey, guess how many keys I’ve just applied to in an hour? over 100+. Guess how many invites I got? 0. Now, this isn’t for keys ‘above my means’ as my RIO shows (even though I usually go to 3k+). I’m applying for keys I’ve literally timed at 10s. I’m applying for groups that have an equivallent ILVL and score, if anything some lower Ilvl as it stands and some at a lower score.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m well aware that keys get a ridiculous amount of DPS applicants but you want to know the theme? who I can see getting into the groups after I apply? DKs (shock) Mages (shock) and classes that actually have something to bring.

What I don’t think you (Blizzard) understand is that, all we have is damage. If you put us on par with other classes (and in this case worse than a fair few others) there’s quite literally ZERO reason to bring us.

I got into a key the other day and the leader literally said to me he only invited me because we killed Ansurek together, or he would’ve gone mage. Your balancing system is a joke.

You’ve released patch notes that put AM in balance with RA, when RA is underpar as it is.

Unfortunately community perspective is a thing. If you nerf a class 3 weeks in a row, people think they’re bad, even if you’re able to play it well. If you give a class no real benefit to the group outside of what other classes have anyways, they just take a class that gives them the extra things.

Seriously, for the love of all that is holy, give groups a genuine reason to want to take us. Give us Lust or at the very least actually buff our damage to be BETTER than the classes that have those extra benefits. Why would that even be bad? Okay, we take a warrior who does slightly more damage but we don’t get a CR etc. Risk / reward.


I don’t think blizzard wants warriors to play arms or fury, they want to you to play prot which is why they are ****ing up the DPS specs so much. I am thinking of cancelling my subscription over this because its a joke seeing constant nerfs every week. Like you said warriors bring nothing to a group but damage and that’s been taken away.

I just don’t get why other classes that are clearly over performing in M+ get left alone.

If they tone down the burst damage a little that’s fine but they need to make the constant damage higher because right now getting beat by a ret pally with 10 item levels lower makes no sense.

I really hate the fact that I have spent so much time gearing up my warrior and it was all for nothing while they left DH’s OP for 2 entire seasons in DF.


We’ve had patch notes every single week, pretty much nerf after nerf after nerf. FDK? where are their ptr nerfs? we get micromanaged into L’s while massively overpowered specs are just left alone for weeks.

Although, this is meant to be more about warrior, and our issue when it comes to pugability. It’s pretty bad. Mythic raiders, people with teams etc. don’t have this issue. It’s funny how many times I’ve been told lust wouldn’t make a difference. If we had lust I would absolutely see invites into groups go up by a lot.


You need to accept that no more pugs for you. Either run keys with friends or stop doing mythic+

I am 624 ilvl and can’t get in +9 keys anymore. I just stopped until Blizzard buffs us again!


I will be a bit of a contradictarian here, as having trouble getting into a key isn’t as much a Fury or Warrior problem, as much as being a DPS problem.

I don’t want to downplay or handwave your concerns. I have a friend, a retribution paladin player at 625 ilvl, who struggle for hours - and I know he is truthful about it, as he a bit of a degen when it comes to M+. If he says he got into 3 keys in 7 hours, I have no reason to doubt him. The same way I dont doubt the ones coming with their concerns in this post.

Trouble is, it doesn’t make sense, that it is so. For when I myself que, 418 with 2.3k score, Fury Warrior. I get invited within aproximate 10 minutes. Some of you might even remember me being the person through DF who made videos of myself getting into keys in minutes or less - to prove that this isn’t an issue.

What I have to concede is, that sure - I do not have that problem. Yet, others do. Why some invite me and not others, I have no clue at this point. It must be my name is just that good, or something in that tune.

Now, waffling on aside, my point: When you que up as DPS you are literally 1 in a 100 on a good day, closer to 1 in a 1000 during peak hours. You can avoid some of that playing in the dull times of the early morning or night, when there are fewer players to chose from. So, problem is not you being Fury per se, it is that the options are simply that plenty.

When I sign my own key - I will chose the 428 2.7k rio warrior for my 10, over the 423 2.4k rio one. Unfair to the one with lower apeal, yet in the end the key completion is the goal.

Another thing to concider is, sure there is a community perception going on, that you need certain classes and builds. Yet, that is not true for 10s, probably not true before the transition into 12+ content. Where, as I have heard (not tried it on live) it becomes really a tight battle to complete keys from the get go. So, for 10s there are plenty of groups who don’t really care - or groups that just want to play with different things.

A small tip; among many I given out - is to sign for groups you see with off-meta classes in it. Dont try as eagerly to join the Aug/Mage/Rshaman group. Instead, dont even que there, que for the Feral/Warlock/protpally one.

I will allow myself to and support some dooming about getting into groups as Fury tho. As this train of nerfs hitting us and killing the one thing we are great at one cut at a time (being our AoE burst), will cause the perception of us the be lowered.

We are more likely to be invited by the casual player if they see us pop up with big numbers on packs. As that is memorable for any who cares about DPS meters. The overall doesn’t matter as much, as long we are close to equal to the best if we aint the one.

Removing and softening this, also softens the impression we can do out in the wild world of PuGing. Another factor where these nerfs just keep dragging us down into the mire. Making each step foward just that little bit harder.


That’s frightening and hilarious at the same time. 624 is like RWF ilvl, you could shave 10 ilvl off and time a 9.

You’re not wrong. I think it’s a problem for everyone who isn’t part of the magic comp setup

Druid/Warr - Tank
Healer - Shaman, but definitely not a resto druid.
Frost DK
Mage (Arcane/Frost)

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Literally in the exact same position as you TS and we seem to be on kinda the same level.

I have zero illusions about being some elite/high end player, but I also been timing 20-25 keys every season since Legion and got pretty decent logs to back it up. Literally spend hours upon hours gettin’ declined even for +7 (!)

The best chance of getting into groups is to que up for “learning” groups with new/casual/lower experienced players, which I of course don’t mind at all since I consider myself to be a friendly non-toxic player, but sometimes it would be fun to get into a 9 or 10 and try to push.

I try to send several Cutting Edge achievements and link to my logs to convince people to take my into their keys but 9 times out of 10 the sole reason is they don’t want a Warrior.

I’m also beyond furious (pun intended) over all the gold I’ve wasted on enchants, gems and crafted gear. I feel totally screwed.

This is by far the worst experience in WoW I’ve had since I started playing in Legion and I’m definitely not gonna renew my sub. If I knew how Warriors would have turned out, I’d have continue playing my MM Hunter which I have for the past expansions.


Honestly, Warrior right now reminds me of S3. It was great in the raid for similar reasons, it was decent in M+ but not meta. The real issue is that there are probably 15 other Warriors also signed up and every single non-meta spec (and there are only 3 meta dps specs right now) is having the same issues.

Imo this is just more of the same. I was just shy of 3k rating and ilvl487 in S3 dragonflight and getting declined for 20 keys I could do in my sleep, because people were inviting meta specs and 3k+ rated people. It’s always the same when you pug, you have the choice of like 50+ dps applicants to any worthwhile key, you take the 3 highest RIO players with the meta specs and everyone else will sit and rot.


I cant speak for your experience or the ret pallies, only mine. All I know is season after season I consistently have to denegerately apply for keys to get in, keys that I’ve timed, keys that I’m way overgeared for, keys that my score shows I’m capable of doing. I use all the typical tricks you hear, the tricks you’re saying. I apply for keys that already have a BL, don’t have another warrior etc. I can apply for keys at 3am, mid afternoon while people are at work etc. It doesn’t really make a difference.

I also already said I acknowledge that DPS applications are sky high in many keys but then you didn’t acknowledge the part where I say I can see what these groups go for instead, and shock horror, most of the time it’s the currently ‘op’ classes which tends to be mage, aug etc. or right now DK.

I don’t really appreciate the argument of hey, you’re 1 in 100 so well, thats why. My argument is the balancing system, and the way blizzard have designed classes categorically has made the pugging experience more miserable for some than others.

I’m literally replying to this now because I’m not able to get into keys. I sat for 2 hours last night applying for keys, already been applying for keys today mid afternoon for 30-45 minutes. Shocker, nada.

Do you need certain compositions for 10s? no absolutely not, does most of the community still gatekeep keys at 10s looking for meta specs? Absolutely they do.

I might not have experience mythic raiding, being a top 0.1%'er etc. But I’ve had multiple expansions now where I’ve pugged every single season and can categorically tell you that me been a warrior has consistently made it harder for me to get into keys. I can almost guarantee right now if I was a FDK on the exact same score and Ilvl I would’ve been invited to keys far more often, or as I say, if warrior actually had a decent reason to be brought.

We know this, you know full well the answer to “why bring a warrior over x”. There isn’t one really. There isn’t a genuinely sound reason you’d take one over an FDK at the moment. An Arcane Mage unless the warrior has a higher ilvl / score i.e. overqualified.

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Dont worry, as I said, I get it.

Tho, from my side, I done 2 10s in two hours, and failed 1.

The problem, as I mentioned is that I simply dont face the problem you are. I dont know why.

Still, the you are 1 in a 100 is an valid argument and is the reality of things. Its understandable if you feel that is negative thing, but that is the truth.

We as individuals are simply compared to eachother; based on ilvl, score, class, spec and name.

When you compete with a hundred or more players fighting for those same spots, it will be harsh to get into keys.

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Whats your Ilvl and score out of curiosity? and were the 10s you were applying to of equivallent score, not those 2100/2200 groups. What does your rio show. Just got into a key, took approx 2.5 hours.

I work , and play solo q and pug , I play only arms warrior , I created a samuro slayerblademaster play style i love it… The dps is ok , but i feel we really need some love … Nerf fury and same time nerf slayer arms is unacceptable , the pug experience is a disaster enter hc raids whit pugs is a disaster , Im really looking contantly for other games every day but the nostalgia of wow always returns … so i just go on and try my best… hope better times will come.


Today I reached 2.448 and finally got boots, 606 to 626, so 621 :dracthyr_yay_animated:

I apply simply by signing up to groups and canceling any that lasts for longer than 1 min. Queing down the list.

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Apologies if I was a bit irate btw, I know we both agree on many things of late it seems.

I do the same thing, No warriors, I don’t apply if they wont have spot for a bl etc. and only ever apply for keys that I’m qualified for. I also cancel and apply to others if they haven’t invited within a few minutes.

It sounds like I’m moaning, I generally don’t mind waiting. I don’t mind grinding. I quite literally live the pug life happily so most of the time, no guild. I actually like the experience of meeting new people, are you going to get a good group? bad group? it’s so satisfying when you get that amazing group, or the late night ‘banter’ group.

I just feel like this is an area of the game where blizzard could make the experience better for our class, and some other classes. This is another part of the balancing argument which does effect us no matter how some want to act like it doesn’t. It bewilders me that after 20 years, you can’t just pick up any class, any spec and be equally competitive.

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I’m always trying to find a tank.

If a warrior or any spec applies that could tank and hasn’t selected tank/dps then instantly decline. You have to be flexible.

I’m a warlock, but have to play all my specs depending what the team needs.

Edit: we need more tanks/something to make more people roll tanks…

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I mean, that’s fair. I can see how being willing to tank will help, but just another example of how broken it all is really. Shouldn’t need to tank or be forced into it.

I prefer warroir :grinning:

I don’t like mage,
i have stop inv mage to my m+ do to ninja pull or not use defe cds

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What ?? you dont inv a mage ?? dont inv the forever meta class ??? you know that blue color = skill right ?

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all in all it is mostly the player bases fault. everybody watches the pros play and reads guides of how to. we all think we need to play olympic mode. rush everything in best time and no wipe. sure it is good not to fail. games make fun when u win them most of the time. but we all fell in to the trap of 100% must succeed in record speed only. best route only. only meta group. gear and xp and rio grande. :slight_smile: damn my boys, remember when we just went in to a dungeon and were chill?
now after one wipe, ppl are getting ultra toxic.
i as a tank stopped tanking group content. the few hours a week i have to play, i want to enjoy and not go high performance power playing. high performance is for work, not playing games :slight_smile:

Although I understand this point of view, I stopped proposing myself as a tank spec for M+. First of all, because in that case I tank all my keys, second because I want to dps as I have 2 spec for that role.

And it’s not gonna help anyway, the lack of tank and healer is mainly due to a toxic pug community problem as mentioned just above.

I blame some youtubers to be part of the problem with their top X list made for clics. Not even 0.5% of their viewers are playing 10+, but it makes the views so let’s roll with it right?

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