M+ Season 4 is awful for casual players

I can only guess that’s because people at +10 pugs want 520+ people already .

I just run +2 Ruby with liek 2800 score spreist and 2600 score pala .

People farm a lot of crests Man :wink: that inflated itlv and you are liekly behind gear curve. Not much behind but still behind

most certainly they do, but they can be happy if anybody applies for their dumb key.
if i start a group i get mainly applicants in the 2k io range and so will they. they will be stuck in queue for ever if the even filter 2.7k 514 ilvl healers out lol

+2s yea those are kinda crazy, i wanted to farm them as well but seems like a nightmare atm, so i rather farm +7s which are easy now

I have a feeling the guy with multiple m+ 0.1% titles knows what he’s talking about. Maybe it’s just me though.

Probably just you, I don’t really find impressive getting high m+ score as range dps, by far the easiest role in game, you get carried by excellent tanks and healers mostly. if you get the title this season as prot warr or brewmaster monk - I would salute to you though :smiley:

sometimes its better to wait even 30 minutes for competent group rather then take incompetent one.

of log off and do something else rather then loose a key .

I’m not sure theres much room for carrying at that level, they all have to be exceptional at what they do.

i never spend a lot of time checking my groups and have quite a high success rate.
i rather play the game with a small chance to fail than wait forever or log off. but thats just me

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Ehhh, maybe it’s the reverse dunning Kruger effect but there’s a huge difference in capability of players above title range. In keys well above title like I was doing in S1 I’d agree. S2 though with aug as overtuned as it was S2 was a little weird, kinda got bored and coasted there just hoping my rating would hold :stuck_out_tongue:

not awfull gear given silver plate world qeust and raid finder m zero so on m plus not too bad really ez this time around

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