[Mac] Game is not opening after patch

The all-addons-enabled-on-all-chars problem is “only” when you launch the game (not after each login). So, assuming you do not relaunch the game often, you ideally have the problem only once per day.

To save your sets (global set or per char), use a good addon manager. I recommend “Simple Addon Manager”:


Thx. The weird thing is that I did not have this issue before the 11.0.5 patch. I also found out that there is a txt-File named “AddOns”, in which you can see which addon is en- or disabled.

Until the Fonts are fixed, you might want to use addon called Fontmancer. Changes the font of the UI

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Will it be fixed? I’m using a custom font for the past 10+ years… I’m not used to play without it!

Neither did I. The bug seems to have been introduced in

Yes, the AddOns.txt is where the last used addon enabled/disabled states of the char are supposed to be saved. Somehow it overwrites all as ‘enabled’ at game startup (or exit, I don’t know).


… seems to be a problem on Macs only - on a Windows PC I do not have this issue.
I will try to delete this file and then we will see. If this does not work, then it seems to be a MacOS client problem.

Could you please also check the issue that ALL the addons on ALL chars are activated on startup, no matter which one are en- or disabled? Seems to only occur on MacOS clients. Thx

you can import there your custom font and use it. Although I’m using a provided one which is similar 90% to the one I’ve been using

It’s funny, because it auto-enabled addons for me EXCEPT two. They always become auto-disabled

Yeah thx - but it is annoying anyway… each time when I log in, I am “overwhelmed” with addon messages I do not need for this char

As mentioned above, do not exit the game client after each logout, and use an addon manager to apply a more or less suitable addon set to all toons, then you get “overwhelmed” only once a day :wink:

Back to the font: To get rid of the super ugly Arial at least in the chat frames, you can run this macro (once per session):

(Replace the font path with your font path and set the size (16) to your liking.)

/run local f="Interface/AddOns/SharedMedia_MyMedia/font/PT/PT_Sans_Narrow/PTN57F.ttf";for i=1,9 do local c=_G["ChatFrame"..i];if c then c:SetFont(f,16,"") else break;end;end

Note: You can only use font paths inside WoW’s Font folder or Interface folder (or subfolders), but not any other font path on your system. (You do not need SharedMedia for this, the example font path just happens to be in my SharedMedia folder.)

Yes, a fix is being worked on as we speak!

This looks to be directly related and should be resolved with the same above mentioned fix.

No details on timeline I’m afraid, but we appreciate the impact this is having and are doing our best to address it as soon as possible.


Today I installed the update 11.0.5. The Battle.Net client took some time, but then it displayed the “Play” button. I did press the button and then Wow started but crashed immediately (got this code for support CE7724EE-8818-45D7-82ED-E067400A9408). Then it says “Update” again and it continues in a loop repeating this over and over again. I’ve got a MacBook Pro M1 with 16 GB of RAM. Every time you make a new update for the game I get issues with my Mac. It is getting tedious.

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Before you ask me for it, I just did a repair (only took me 30 minutes :frowning: ), but the problem is still there. Wow will not start at all. If it takes days again till you repair i hope I will get some refund as i’ve got a 6 months subscription and getting tired of the issues.

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Please buy MacBooks for your QA people. You keep breaking the game for us too often

Update: This is getting weird… now it seems that there is a hotfix or something. I get a message telling that an update it being installed and then the. message “whoops! Looks like something broke. You could try restarting Battle.Net”

No need to say that restarting does not help :frowning:

Thanks for the update!

11 hours later the game does still not update :frowning: I get the button to update in Battle.Net just to get the error I mentioned above. Blizzard I am getting really tired of all this mess

Don’t worry, you won’t miss a thing.

For me, the Battle.net launcher processed the “update” without any hiccups or hangs this time (which is rather the exception!), but the build after that is still and does not contain any changes related to our issues. (If I tracked correctly, the first 11.0.5 build was 57171, then we got 57212 on Thursday).

Simple Addon Manager seems to not be able to fix this