No, it cannot, because the AddOns.txt file (which currently gets messed up by the game client at startup or exit) is the only place where the enabled/disabled states of the addons can be stored across game restarts.
But with Simple Addon Manager (or similar addon managers) you can save addon sets (“profiles” ) and apply a set to the current char or to all chars. These configurations remain perfectly valid as long as you don’t quit the game.
This is 100 times faster than having to manually enable/disable each addon every time you start the game.
The sets you create are saved independently from the game’s AddOns.txt, that is, they don’t get lost after shutdown; you just have to re-apply them after you have started up the game (because of the bug).
Just to be clear: restarting the game is not the same as logging out. The bug only occurs when you quit/launch the game (the WoW application), not after each char logout.
Yep everything fixed, so glad to have my fonts back
Btw, if you are looking for a new font experience (and like slightly “rounded” forms), try the PT family (free font, available from any of the usual free font sites) [1]:
PT Sans (PTS55F) as base font (use as Fonts/FRIZQT__.ttf).
PT Serif (PTF55F) as heading font (use as Fonts/MORPHEUS.ttf).
PT Sans Narrow (PTN57F) as chat font (use as Fonts/ARIALN.ttf).
In addition…
any of the other styles via LibSharedMedia, e.g. PT Sans Caption (PTC55F) for small texts in WA auras or in nameplate components, or the Italic/Bold styles of Sans and Sans Narrow where you see it fit.
PT Mono (PTM55F) for text boxes that usually contain code, like the macro editor editbox, M6/OPie editboxes, WoWLua, ScriptLibrary, BugSack error box, etc. (There’s an addon that lets you specifically change the font of these “code” boxes.)
Since all the fonts are from the same family, this gives a really homogeneous UI, I find.
Some PT styles are already included with certain addons, e.g. PT Sans Narrow comes with WeakAuras, but you want the complete package. ↩︎
Sure. This is a zip archive with various screenshots (it’s hard to get meaningful elements with different fonts/styles in a single view):
The screenshots are numbered:
01: Contains 5 different fonts/styles:
PT Sans Narrow (alias ARIALN.ttf) is the chat font.
In the Details! windows, the row texts are PT Sans, the window titles are PT Sans Bold.
The LDB bar at the bottom is PT Sans.
The script in the M6 macro editor is PT Mono.
The mini stats display, glued to the right side of the chat frame, is PT Mono Bold.
02: AH listing (auctions/prices) is PT Sans Narrow (alias ARIALN.ttf), sidebar and rest PT Sans (alias FRIZQT__.ttf).
03: Some nameplates (KUI) with PT Sans as main font and PT Sans Caption for the small names of the nameplate-targets (in white brackets).
04 and 05 are there to show PT Serif (alias MORPHEUS.ttf), which isn’t used in many places. (Titles of the missions in the mission table; big quest title in the tracker.)