Is the procc rate on warrior mace stun correct? I honestly do not remember being stunned this much. I have died several times now to a leeway mace stun hitting me through a pillar and I wont lie I am a frustrated cow. I have never seen mace stun having this much uptime.
is the warrior using Deep Thunder? because that weapon has a stun proc, and when combined with the talented proc, it obviously happens much more frequently.
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It is and was called stunherald for a reason. It is like you have a rogue tied to the wpn.
Stunherald, Memeherald, Skillherald just to name a few nicknames.
while we wait for the 3rd tier upgrade for that mace, we can come up with meme names for Deep Thunder.
i’ll start: Deep Stunder
It was OP for a reason. It proced all the damn time.
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This is not about deep thunder, its about the normal mace spec stuns. I agree that the proc rate seems off, kind of way too high. had several cases of being stunned for 6s and longer.
Does the proc on this have an internal CD?
You sure? He is talking about arena and everyone using mace in arena is using stunherald.
Its been tested it procs like 2 times per 100 hits making it pretty bad weapon but what you are refering to that procs more are the Warrior talent. Educate urself.
Yes I am sure as gladiaorlosSA2 notifies you if you got mace stunned or deep thundered, and its always the mace stun
Just like when TBC was first out I cannot wait to see the same threads moaning about stuns from warriors. el o el.
It’s completely broken and completely off. You get stunned 2-3 times within 30-45 seconds. During actual retail TBC you’d be lucky to get one of each minute. Talking about the TALENT, and not the Weapon.
Its the proc. Using losecontrol addon. It shows diffrent debuffs. 99% of the time its mace stun. The mace has really low proc rate. Probably 1%.
Have you even played original BC? Mace stun from warriors felt like 50% proc chance back then too…
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its even the nerfed version from later seasons, pre nerf with stormherald a target I had uptime on was almost 24/7 on DR…
Here is how it works
The stun proc is scaled with weapon speed. I dont know exact numbers but from what I remember it was 5% on weapon speed of 2.8s or something like that. Since Deep Thunder is a slow weapon, the proc chance of the mace stun (the talent, not the weapon ability) gets increased, from math I did a while ago it should be around 7% something.
But since it also applies to every attack AA, MS, Whirlwind, OP, and yes, even Hamstring, the slow weapon speed also applies there which means each of those attacks will have 7% chance of stunning for 3 sec. I think normal 4 sec stun from weapon is always 1%, cant really confirm but its low.
They both DR with each other but its complete RNG. you can get 3 stuns in a row and in desperation you can spam hamstring in hope it will proc the stun.
Why all of you are crying about the only reallistic Cc of warriors, warriors don’t cry about the frostbite or about being the worse 1v1 class… You have a lot of resentment to the warriors for having lived in their shadow in Vanilla… Warriors still strong in lot of things and all of you hate that…
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Deep Thunder procrate is actually extremely low, the main reason it’s better than other weapon choices is because of the damage range/stats. Most of the stuns you’re getting are the result of the mace specialisation talent.
And yes the stunrate is correct, over a decade of memes and salty QQ’ing followed the TBC (in particular S1-3 where it was most used) Arena scene for a good reason. Nobody should be going into TBC expecting stellar balancing, they can’t even balance the modern game and TBC arena was notoriously bad, that’s the game you’re playing.
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Assuming you are talking about Thunder, Deep Thunder and Stormherald. All 3 have the exact same chance to proc a stun 10%, and the 5/5 Mace Spec for Warriors is also 10% chance to proc. So in total a Warrior swinging has a 20% chance to stun you. So no, its not 2 in 100, not even close to what you said.
And yes, it feels like it procs waaaaay more then 20%, but keep in mind that 20 is not a low number for procs. And most Warriors when they peel are spamming hamstring resulting in a much bigger chance to proc because you are getting more attacks in.
It was a bit of… lesser problem back in TBC. A good deal of Warriors did not know just how broken this was, on top many did not raid (PvP players) so they struggled to craft Stormherald. By the time most could have had it the Vengeful season was already out and it was just easier to get the rating needed then to raid for the mace and all the other stuff that was needed. On top in all fairness like 1 out of 5 Warriors used SH (Not 100% accurate, im just going from what I remember), where as not 6 out of 5 are using it (If you get what I mean).
So, on top, yes it was not as problematic in TBC, but mainly because people were MUCH slower coming into the xpac, knew A LOT less about the xpac.