Macro icons not showing on login

So I have been trying to find something about this problem I have been having, but it seems no one has been commenting or maybe not experienced it.
When I log in, my macro icons are not showing. The macro is there, but it only shows “question mark”. How I make them reappear is by clicking on every button in macros tab and they start showing up.
It’s a small problem but when I frequently get DC/freez, and have to restart the game, then it kind of gets aggravating.

Any suggunstions or a fix is highly appreciated :slight_smile:
PS. Yes I have to use macros!

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It’s a known bug. You can try reloading the UI. In my case (mouseover macros) hovering around fixes it, although it doesn’t always happen so I often don’t do anything.

Isnt it a bug connected with the #showtooltip … if you use this then try removing it

I didn’t know it was a known bug. I’ll removing the #showtooltip. Unfortunately /reload is doing nothing for me.
Thanks for the input

  • Macro tooltips do not load in when you first load into the client

Thanks Ethly

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