Mage is the TWW Arena Killer

Its been tolerated for a long time now people suffer everyday knowing that nothing is going to happen and things only have gotten worse and we all know which class we talk about = Mage.

It is time that this class has to be brought to justice before its going to ruin arena all together. This class is an example of a caster which per se should never be allowed to exist. Every other caster besides devastation is able to be trained and you have options to somewhat counterplay and actually kill these casters.
Mage meanwhile is on complete cheat crack mode not a single melee is able to have uptime on a mage neither would it matter if you had, because even if you were to tunnel a mage their broken toolkit would never allow a mage to be killed if played decently (2k rating is enough already).

It doesnt matter if you play a caster or melee this class from each pov is obnoxious. as melee you never can kill it and as caster you wish to be a mage if you’re playing the other useless crap compared to what mage is.

Lets walk through their toolkit dont we?

2x shimmer, 1x displacement, blast wave, frost nova, water elemental nova, frostbite, 3sec no dr arcane uplift root, permanent speedboost, clearing snares with barrier (arcane 2x), alter time which resets shimmer and is a immunity on 10sec duration, greater invisibility 60% wall, permanent 60-70% slows, dragons breath, 2x ICEBLOCK as frost, frost mage melee zugzug stun. all of that is able to be reset from Shifting Power.

Now look at this, take a breath and sincerely look at what I typed this is the entire toolkit a mage has available to him to get melees away from him and I didnt even count in Polymorph. To ever get uptime to a mage which mission is to get rid of you it would require you almost 10 gapclosers as a melee where most melees “only” ONLY have 4-5 or less if you’re not a DH or Monk.

Its about damn time that people look at this monstrosity of a class and actually fight the roots of why mage is broken and not throw useless bandaid nerfs at them.

For all that matters for me give mage insane damage let them have crazy damage and good cc but mages should be able TO DIE and be able to receive the same shutdown treatment like every other caster in this game.

Remove slow removal on barrier press, Alter Time now 5seconds and DOES NOT reset shimmer, displacement GONE, blastwave/db same choice node, for fire can have both. frostbite procc chance HALVED 10>5, Blink cd to 20sec, Shimmer cd to 30sec, Iceblock duration for Frost nerfed to 5sec due to Cold Snap existing, arcane uplift root immediately removed again, ALL slows besides cone of cold capped at 50%.

I already hinted earlier at devastation, remove the hover freedom talent. If you give devastation even MORE hovers for absolutely no blatant reason, then this honor talent has to go for the health of this game

Actually insane that people accept this design of mage without going riot literally everywhere


Your job as a Warrior vs a caster is to gap close and try to have as much dmg up-time as possible, many casters will struggle against a class that has 2xcharges, heroic leap and an consistent slow.

You need to understand that Mage is and will remain the best or one of the best in competitive arena spellcasters, that is simply because of the playstyle and many of its unique intricate abilities to evade, dodge and prevent damage (no I do not mean as in stat dodge like a tank lolz). As Death Knight for example that you could be playing with will not quite have the same trouble.

I must also add that for nearly two expansions I had been denied progress to the next arena rating level in 2v2 (vs Warriors) and 3v3 (melee comps) as a caster myself. It’s the way the game works and your counter classes, unfortunately cannot be countered (edit: 1 win vs 5 losses in a counter game will not allow you to progress). Try playing with some players who understand how to get a Mage to use defensive abilities and count the [Blink] / [Shimmer] timer reset without an addon, if that is what the problem is then doing so should allow you to get some kills, sometimes there is literally only two or three windows to secure a kill in any game…even against Mages. The 1v1 vs a half decent Mage however will give you no windows as you already know.

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Playing fury atm n working on my dk atm ( how original i know, in my defence i played it before TWW aswell ) n i agree mage is extremely antifun n i´ve played so many BG´s where theres seemingly endless amonts of frost mages flinging their 1m icelances everywhere n making me not able to play the game at all.

Was even whining to a shaman freind about it who simply told me that the feeling i have fighting mages is what pretty much any caster that isnt a mage feels when playing against me. I know both DK n fury are overtoned atm but even on a kit based level its factually correct, we have the means to lock down any caster that isnt mage n prevent them from playing the game.

Then we have MM hunters preventing mages from playing the game.

I wish the game would move away from the whole “oh yeah, you´re supposed to lose to this class” mentality n balance the game out more to avoid disgustingly antifun hardcounters. I´ve also noticed that the micro CC spam feels worse than it did in DF which was already terrible.

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So mage trashes on dk and warrior. Mage however gets trashed on by feral, hunter and rogue. Seems like a good trade for me. :man_shrugging:

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Mage only gets trashed by assa because of dots. As Sub (or autolaw or any other mele or Caster) your cooldowns will be long gone by the time they have run out of iceblocks, freezes, full hp regeneration, time travel, teleports etc.

Its stupid especially considering the insane damage they do.

And im saying this as a mage main. But its the only class againt which feels like you cant win because of a toolkit no other class can even dream of matching, and with their damage, you are dead by the time they are out of options.

You want to make mage the most mobile utility and evesive class in the game? fine but dont have them at the top of damage.

Like Warriors are doing insane damage right now for instance. But they actually CAN be killed, they have counters, and they dont have an infinite toolkit of survivability, so im happy to be killed by a warrior if in a fair match i dont kill him first.

But mage is just stupid.


and many others, and doesn’t even trash dk lol

still, i can see the frostmage nerf coming, even after the one they just did

but today i was killed during a charge/root from a warrior, just saying. he pulled more than 2mil dps on me

“unique intricate abilities” frostbite root??? Shouldn’t even be in the game, imo it’s the fact that everything, every button they press roots someone and it’s just obnoxious to play against.

Same thing applies to dks they shouldn’t have 2 grips and abom limb + undispellable slow and why doesen’t damage break blind??


you job as a melee vs a caster is to gap close…
Sure when they have thousand of blinks.
Maybe after their 100th blink they might get confused and somehow teleport to my location.

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Frost mage root procs should outright be removed.


The slow on every frost ability should have a dr.

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facing mage/warrior lobbies is a nightmare for aff, even moreso than warrior/bm because bm can at least die somehow and mage just runs at me pressing instant damage while lining/disrupting my casts and outdpsing his war that way lmao

even as a DH its really hard to get on a mage
i remember a double mage match in 2s where i ran to them for like 5 minutes straight as a dh/healer
dh/healer vs DOUBLE MAGE 5 minutes because the moment i connected i was either rooted or polied or they blinked again

even playing immolation aura dispel didnt help much because it has ±30s cd(reduced by haste a bit) and mage has 500000000 novas anyway

i wish i wasnt addicted to aff so i could play frost and chill

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Mage busted? Nothing new waste of time moving on.


why people speak of undispellable chain of ice ? drood just morph and it disappear for example.
and the blind description is : damage have a chance to cancel the cc, so sometime it does and sometime not, like a lot of other cc in the game

i guess because dk cant be slowed for more than 30% as well? meanwhile his slow is 70

yeah true but this is not the same thing at all, anyway sorry to change topics from the mage arena killer, lets keep the focus on frosbite :slight_smile:

Actually, dk, hunter and assa are trashing on mage i think.

But as i allready mentioned in a thread, the absolute main issue is and will be frostbite.

Removing this stupud root procc will bring a massive change already to catching up to a mage

And yet you have top tier mage players like Xaryu who are adamant that mages need a stun like deep freeze.

Yep, a stun on top of all the millions of other control abilities they have. Because he says mages without a stun have no way to do their damage. As he consitently 2v1s and 3v1s and mages dominate damage and control in arenas and bgs.

Mad stuff

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Currently even as feral you get kited big time vs frost mage.

1 leap 15sec cd does not buy you enough time to kill them before they kill you with their current dmg output and mobility. Not to mention absorb, alter, block…

Gotta rake twice to slow 40%, by that time the mage is gone and you’re instantly slowed/root each global you try and shapeshift.

Really, I don’t see any decent frost losing to a feral atm.


we can’t do anything about it anyway

1.5k Rio Mages are saying “wE nEeD iT fOr pVe”

This, broken since classic

in 2v2 yes, but not in 3s XD even rogue is the better target there, too much mobility, and u cant chaise him behind a pillar, especially when his mate is spam slowing you.

because they know how a pillar works

did some skirms 2 days ago with a glad friend and some random legion glad. Played ww/mage/mw and qued into some premade ppl, consistantly faced of really good teams with 2.4-2.6 lsxp vs my rusty butt.

Now then there appeared that one r1 team a few times, with frost mage uhdk disc. Good luck moving your character. mage dk probably the most pve m+ rotation comb you can play as frost mage :smiley: