Its been tolerated for a long time now people suffer everyday knowing that nothing is going to happen and things only have gotten worse and we all know which class we talk about = Mage.
It is time that this class has to be brought to justice before its going to ruin arena all together. This class is an example of a caster which per se should never be allowed to exist. Every other caster besides devastation is able to be trained and you have options to somewhat counterplay and actually kill these casters.
Mage meanwhile is on complete cheat crack mode not a single melee is able to have uptime on a mage neither would it matter if you had, because even if you were to tunnel a mage their broken toolkit would never allow a mage to be killed if played decently (2k rating is enough already).
It doesnt matter if you play a caster or melee this class from each pov is obnoxious. as melee you never can kill it and as caster you wish to be a mage if you’re playing the other useless crap compared to what mage is.
Lets walk through their toolkit dont we?
2x shimmer, 1x displacement, blast wave, frost nova, water elemental nova, frostbite, 3sec no dr arcane uplift root, permanent speedboost, clearing snares with barrier (arcane 2x), alter time which resets shimmer and is a immunity on 10sec duration, greater invisibility 60% wall, permanent 60-70% slows, dragons breath, 2x ICEBLOCK as frost, frost mage melee zugzug stun. all of that is able to be reset from Shifting Power.
Now look at this, take a breath and sincerely look at what I typed this is the entire toolkit a mage has available to him to get melees away from him and I didnt even count in Polymorph. To ever get uptime to a mage which mission is to get rid of you it would require you almost 10 gapclosers as a melee where most melees “only” ONLY have 4-5 or less if you’re not a DH or Monk.
Its about damn time that people look at this monstrosity of a class and actually fight the roots of why mage is broken and not throw useless bandaid nerfs at them.
For all that matters for me give mage insane damage let them have crazy damage and good cc but mages should be able TO DIE and be able to receive the same shutdown treatment like every other caster in this game.
Remove slow removal on barrier press, Alter Time now 5seconds and DOES NOT reset shimmer, displacement GONE, blastwave/db same choice node, for fire can have both. frostbite procc chance HALVED 10>5, Blink cd to 20sec, Shimmer cd to 30sec, Iceblock duration for Frost nerfed to 5sec due to Cold Snap existing, arcane uplift root immediately removed again, ALL slows besides cone of cold capped at 50%.
I already hinted earlier at devastation, remove the hover freedom talent. If you give devastation even MORE hovers for absolutely no blatant reason, then this honor talent has to go for the health of this game
Actually insane that people accept this design of mage without going riot literally everywhere