How is fire doing? Ive always had a weak spot for fire…
yea make melee a melee class again lol, if there wasnt so many meleecasters around, mages didnt need all the mobilty.
DK is the standout broken class for me 2 grips 2 charges a ranged stun a 70% ranged spamable slow and insane damage
It’s pretty fun with a Rogue or Spriest tbh. I think it will be the same this exp Frost 3v3, Frost or Fire and rare Arcane Mages in 2v2 as the majority.
I speak for all when i say this.
Remove healing from mages, warriors, rogues and hunters. Give them damage and one sustain ability as they used to have to not be able to get soloed by a healer.
I made a post few days ago… arena vs frost mage as a ret I did not move from the place for 20 sec outside of bubble…
if you want to apply hybrid rules to me i want my prot warrior abilities as a hybrid dps-tank. i’ll happily trade victory rush for last stand, shield wall, spell block and demo shout oh and ignore pain, i’d like that one baseline since its part of my hybrid toolkit and my main button as prot in the same way your main button as holy is word of glory
and then i’ll have my fury warrior defensive in enraged regen, in the same way you have your ret paladin shield of vengeance. that’ll do i think.
i’ll keep my second wind as its an ability i’ve had since vanilla and i’ll take back blood craze as well as thats another iconic warrior talent right at the top of the fury tree from back in vanilla which the class was designed around and that stayed in the game until 5.0 MOP when they decided to homogenise the classes and give me a button that i had to press (yuck) to heal myself. i want to go back to the days when i just got stunned or critted and healed back like 15% of my hp over the course of 10 seconds. that was great, really made me feel like a tank hybrid.
and yeah that should be good, i’ll trade away my impending victory and take back my hybrid abilities that and my general warrior sustain abilities. sounds good to me, just toss me a rejuv i’m a hybrid after all, i don’t need much healing im a brick. i’ll leave the off healing to the hybrids with a healing spec, pog
Remove healing from them for sure, self-heals at a low amount is reasonable. Mass Shield from the Mage only IF talented into.
mage is broken OP stupid most BGs are frost mages and they are destroying everything and everyone.
even swifty made a snippit clip the other day he let someone get him to 20% then used his cds and wiped them out they stood no chance.
it needs a major nerf and will not be fun at all when arena comes out tomo itll dead the game off
lock beats mage in bg anytime
boomie does too
I don’t want to argue with anyone and I always state that your class is always weaker than others in this game. I certainly wonder if it’s normal for there to be casters in the game who don’t cast anything, it’s all instant and they do absurd damage.
Surely I’m wrong, but apart from the warlock and the shadow priest, casters currently never use casted spells except in very rare cases (mainly CC). Blizzard made Demonology even more static and slow, for example, because it wanted it to use shadowbolts, I wonder why frost mages should never use frostbolts nor elemental shamans should never use lighting bolts.
I would add that if a chaos bolt (two shards and a long cast time) does less damage than an icelance instant there is a serious problem
If you ask me mages are fine, like rogues… but in RM setup their synergy is out control
If Blizzard want to nerf somehting that shoud be synergy between rogue mage, it can be done without nerfing each class invidualy… People are already sick of seeing RMX each AWC, and overal sick of that setup, because its high reward for low skill stuff.
Who cares about prot, this is a PVP thread. Tanks do not belong in pvp other than carrying a flag in wsg.
Every pure damage class (warr, hunter, mage etc) should have just enough sustain to not die to a healer 1v1
Oh and speaking of dying to healers, nerf disc cuz its just insane that a disc did 88 mil dmg with 230 m healing in the last BG i went in while casually tanking 5 people.
and you can’t queue up with more than 1 healer to an arena, so your class is considered a DPS at the time and hybrid logic should not apply to you as a ret then, by your own logic.
its either both or neither. i’m a tank and you’re a healer, or we’re both dps. pick one and stick to it, don’t try to have your cake and eat it too.
Who said warrior is a hybrid are you okay? Dude you are either playing this game for a month and know nothing of its history and how classes used to be and what types of classes are there. You’re just rage baiting with dumb comments because someone stated something you didnt like about your own class. This is a pvp thread, no1 cares about tanks in this thread or in PvP world exept the people who lack skill to play DPS specs and they play tanks.
There’s classes who should do BIG damage (warrior, rogue, mage, hunter… ) but should have close to no sustain, just enough to survive a healer 1v1.
There’s classes who should do Medium damage outside of burst with lots of defensives and sustain aka HYBRIDS (Ret paladin, enhancement, elemental, warlock, shadow priest… DK is its own category but will fit)
And there’s support specs/classes aka HEALERS.
It’s the basic concept of the game. HIGH CONSTANT DPS /HIGH SUSTAIN / DEFENSIVES if you give a class more than 1 it becomes a problem, if you give it all 3 it becomes GOD MODE!
warrior has been one of the most sustainy/durable characters in the game and it is only recent (in the grand scheme of things) times that this has become active rather than passive. it was Legion launch I believe.
it is normal and expected for warriors to have extremely high healing, as all of this is directed towards themselves and it has been this way since vanilla.
the reason it was passive in the past is because warriors are tank hybrids. the reason it is active now is because people got sick of warriors doing absurd healing entirely passively just because you crit them, stunned them or got them low hp.
no, you’ve got it in your head that you should be able to benefit from all of the abilities of your healer off spec, while everyone else just has to accept they’re a DPS and not gain any of the benefit from being a tank off spec.
as previously said:
Anything but that. A warrior should not be able to outheal a paladin while outdamaging him at the same time. It defies every part of the lore fantasy.
so buff paladin healing then. my warrior doesn’t heal anyone but myself. im supposed to be durable.
I cant argue with you. You’re unable to see facts for what they are. I didnt say buff paladin healing, i said nerf warrior healing and make the damage so they dont one shot 5 people that are stacked. But you obviously refuse to see it for what it is. Durable versus Outsustaining hybrid classes are two very different situations.
i know, im saying buff paladin healing if it sucks. i dont want to outheal a hybrid, i want to heal myself like i have done for the past 20 yrs enough to make myself durable.
i know. my healing is non existent in an actual game environment where my team mate is being killed. all i can do is use CC and watch - you can heal him. you have better and more healing, now and in the past, as you should as a hybrid healer-dps…
… but using the exact same logic, i should do crazy healing to myself and be very durable, because it all goes to me and nobody else and i’m a tank-dps hybrid.
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