Mage RP Opportunities


So very recently, my character has had a change in profession and has began to study the arcane - it’s a long road oocly and icly, but I’ve had fun thus far over these past three months.

Something I’m not too knowledgeable about are avenues for mage RP. Do any specific ones exist? Are there any mage specific gatherings that occur on certain days? Do let me know because I’d love to hear and attend them!

thank you all kindly!



While there’s not regular public mage gatherings that I know of, you’ll probably have good chances of finding arcane focused characters at a new zone soon. The Kirin Tor Intelligence guild, which has ran annual mage faires and a big mage focused campaign last year, has initiated a new roleplay hub come the War Within:

The organizers are also hosting another mage campaign soon, though I’m afraid the sign-ups might remain closed unless there’ll be cancelations closer to the date. Of course if your character is only just getting started with magic and primarily seeking tutolage, the campaign might not be the best place for them to be anyway.

There’s also Dalaran Community War Within Sandbox Campaign coming up, organized by a different group of people. This will take place in Dalaran.

Hope you’ll find what you’re looking for!


Thank you for the mention, Acrona! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
The ‘War on Magic’ campaign is indeed definitely not a place for apprentices this time around, but the Violet Vanguard hub (while not mage-exclusive) has professors & apprentices ranks to facilitate RP for mages; we are also planning on doing things such as teaching the Arathi some arcane, and other novice characters would of course be welcome to join.

As for the ‘regular’ mage scene, I’m afraid it’s never going to return to what it was - faires, summits, etc, since all of that was hosted within Dalaran. We’ll make do and surely these initiatives will re-emerge in some shape or form!


Thanks for the share as well Acrona! Obviously the environment isn’t going to be ideal for “This is my first days of learning” in the next few weeks, but there will be some magical schooling going on, mostly focused on readying for the unknown future.

Echoing Acheleus, the likelyhood of us returning to a ‘Normal’ like it was is basically impossible. There’ll still be teachers and tutors offering themselves, but not quite the same as if we still had Dalaran.


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