Mage Tower Artifact Appearances

I think you did.

Oh… well I have done that over and over again.

Infact I fully appreciate that other people have an opinion on this topic. I have highlighted that in several of my posts. Sorry if you missed that.

Seriously, just read through the topic. I have always acknowledged other peoples opinions and their right to have them.

It seems to be me that isn’t allowed an opinion in this thread.

A change for some at a cost for others will never be a good change. Blizzard can’t afford to lose more players.

At the moment you have a game that works. People play it regardless. If you upset more people, they’ll leave. This change won’t bring in any new players… or new permanent players.

I have accepted your opinion. As I said previously, I have repeated over and over again, that I realise that some other people feel differently to me on this topic.

But that doesn’t mean I should accept a change. I won’t because it will spoil my game. And that’s not fair on me!

Oh my god. Not again. Can we stop this?!

How do I request this thread to close?

If you’re bothered by this guy ,you can flag him for off-topic or trolling.
Or just mute him.


How did you put it earlier? Oh yeah… That’s a you thing.

It is allowed. At least, that’s my stance on it. I don’t speak for everyone of course.

But it would be nice if that opinion has some legit reason. Otherwise it feels like disagreeing for the sake of disagreeing.

Well, IF it happens, you will have to.
And then you’ll have to decide what you’ll do next.

We’ll see later on this year, I suppose.

All this said: I do admire your commitment to keeping your opinion.
I’ve stood against the majority in the past on issues and I know it can be tough to defend yourself against several others. Sometimes it starts to feel like an unfair fight.

So in that regard you have my respect.

So, in the spirit of community, since we all love WoW here (just for different reasons), I hope Blizzard will go with a good middle-ground: Recolours.

I think that would make most people happy.

@Pilgrimfive I still dont understand your resistance, you havent said why you dont want them back. If you have i couldnt find it lol So i would be intrested.

I posted this but sadly didnt get much traction

For years I played wow with the same out look, Level asap → farm gear → then raid → kill boss then wait for new content most wow players I think follow the same path. But the older I get and the more experienced I get with how wow works I realised I was missing out on so much cool stuff.

This lead me to start farming things i could keep from one expansion to another and slowing down my progress, Am lucky in the sence that wow as content down time that lets me go back and farm old content and experanced things I have missed, but what shocked me most was seeing more and more people doing the same.

It made me think WHY are people drawn to old content? Souldn’t it be out of sight and out of mind at this point? The simple truth is no, a lot of old content matters for a large part of the playerbase and sould be given the respect its due.

So rather than bleet the same old I WANT!! I WANT!! mantra I wanted to lay out some points that I hope blizz take to heart.

Old locked content as prestige
This is a fair arguement, but in truth its a short sighted way of looking at it, Items only matter to the people farming them, I agree with putting some behind a skill check or a gear check whatever it may be, but to lock them out to people who wasnt around for said content is just unfair, unlock old items so people can farm them is it would be a pain to balance but things like that matter to a large part of the player base.

I worked my butt off in x expansion, keep it locked
Again a fair argument, people dont want there hard work deminished in past years. Farming the Challange Sets in Pandaria or the Mage tower sets or weps, took time and hard work, I understand the want to keep them locked. But thats unfair to the meny new and old players for one reasion and another couldn’t get them. Yes keep them hard to get, Yes Balance them correctly but let everyone experance what you have experanced.

Putting people off
As a druid main for so meny years i collected everything i could, I missed the Challange Sets, but I got all the mage tower items for the druid, one of the hardest things was to switch to a new main, I had stopped enjoying the druid but didnt want to re roll due to the unobtainable items I could now not earn, that feeling of “being lesser than other people” was prob in my own head but I wanted to earn everything i could. So when the new mage tower was released I went crazy trying to get every item, even playing classes I didnt like and so I quit wow due to burn out, that feeling of being rushed or forced ( even tho none was behind me with a gun ) that fear of they might be taken away ment I missed more content.

Old content is not bad content
And lastly Old content is not bad content, IT feels sometimes blizz can’t understand WHY people go back and farm old content, The thing is Blizz as a very cool way of opening up a new world of content to players by unlocking old locked content people farming the challange sets in M+ would be a very cool way of bringing back more people to M+ you could add in getting a 2500 score on a monk in my case unlockes the challange mode for my set. For the mage tower you could have it that on Legion timewalking you have a shot of rearning the wep skins you would still have to finish the mage tower in that time frame and it would need to be balanced correctly.

In short in content gulfs like this one why not open up locked content so people can earn them? you lose nothing at this point only gain more people experancing the challinge modes or doing the mage tower would be a nice way of keeping people playing


The reason is simple. Some people just like watching others suffer, like while seeing them wish they’d get treated fairly. It doesn’t contain any other logic or common sense.

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This and similar subjects wont stop coming back because each person who has not gotten comfortable with this status quo, will see it for the wrong it is.

To quote Haytham from Assassins Creed 3:

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we need a new mage tower with new rewards.

My reasoning is legit.

Wow has always progressed through time. Like real life. Over time the story progresses and evolves, events come and go. Challenges come and go. Sometime those challenges or events have unique rewards which serve as trophies and souvenirs. You pick these up over time and represent your characters journey over the history of them game.

I see these collectibles as trophies and rewards. I don’t see them as something you need to go out of your way to collect all of them.

The great thing about WoW is that there are always new challenges and always new rewards being added to the game.

That’s where we differ in our opinions.

I don’t value collecting every recolour or everything. I don’t value having access to all of the transmogs so I can make my character look pretty.

I value enjoying the challenges and earning rewards for being part of playing the current content.

That is how WoW has been designed and has evolved over the years, because that is how the core of the player base has responded to playing the game.

I have described this through this thread countless times. So please don’t devalue my opinion. Just because you don’t agree with me, doesn’t mean it’s not a legit reason.

I do not believe we need more content that gets removed after a specified time frame.
It is a waste of resources cause it might as well not exist for those who come after.

Ok from what I understand and plz give me some rope here, I sadly have man flu so am not 100% braining xD your point is new challanges = ok old challanges = passed and sould be forgotten?

If so how about this, As a compramise again give me some rope as its just a basic idea. So lets say a scenario.

Lets say dalaran gets remade, thus we have to go off in TWW areas and find artifacts. Said artifacts act as currency, said currency drops from M+ and raids harder content = more currency that can be spent on MT artifact wep skins, challange mode sets basicly any pve locked content, diffrent vender for pvp but basicly the same. The venders offer new and old sets styles recolors basicly new and old locked content.

Would this be a good compromise?

My issue with that stance is that it isn’t true.
Because for the vast majority of content and ‘trophies’ we’ve always been able to go back at a later time, when you overlevel the content and do it like that. So saying WoW is designed with limited availability in mind is simply not true.

There were some rewards like that yes. But that doesn’t mean ‘the game is built around that’. They were exceptions, rather than the rule.
And that’s pretty much why so many people don’t like it. Because it goes against ‘what is normal’ for WoW. We can get everything we want at any time, except for a handful of things. That just doesn’t feel right, or nice.

And to be clear: I am not a collector either. I don’t need to have everything.
I just want what I think looks cool; to use on my character(s).

And I’ve explained this before, but the main reason I want to see the MT appearances back is because I missed out because Blizzard lied to us.

They told us: You will not be able to use these appearances on other specs.
I based my decision on that. I chose not to get the MM appearance because I would never have been able to use it, since I always play BM.

But then they went back on their word after Legion was over. I hate them for that.
I had no issue for missing out because it ‘wasn’t for me’ (like I have no issue not having any other classes’ appearances), but I do have an issue with missing out because I was lied to.

The SV appearance is an example where I don’t care about it. I don’t like the look, plus its for a melee weapon. So I’ll never use it anyway.

Another example are the MoP challenge appearances: Would I like it if they made them available again? Sure. But I don’t care all that much. I missed out on them because I chose to not play WoW at that time. So in my view, it’s okay I don’t have that stuff.

Overal though: I just don’t like the idea of time-limited availability. It feels scummy in an MMORPG because it just feels like they are doing it to create FOMO.

Yes it is.

Exactly. But that’s not a reason no to have time locked rewards for special challenges.

Having said that though. I would like to see more Timelocked rewards in the game.

Why shouldn’t Mythic Raiders get their own recolour of an armour set for getting cutting edge? Those are some of the best players in the game, let them stand out. PVPers can work towards Gladiator Mounts and Elite Transmogs which are reserved for that season. Why not PVE’ers earn rewards for accomplishments in that raid/M+ tier.

That is not what I said:

However, I would actually go further to say that Limited Available has evolved because of the how the core player base has played the game over the course of 20 years.

It’s only really in past 2 or 3 years that you have started to see this sudden change in opinion on the matter.

I never claimed that the game was built like that.

I’ll state again, the game evolved around how the core player base played the game. Seasonal content came about to help lift players into the latest content and raids, so they were not playing catch up all the time.

Blizzard want you to be playing the latest content. Because that is where the core player base is. That is where the game is “balanced” to be played at.

That is simple the way WoW was designed to be played. Whether that was designed by intention or whether it happened to be the way it turned out. The time limited rewards, are simply a product of that.

I agree with that.
But that doesn’t mean it (or its rewards) should be inaccessible once its no longer current.

And it hasn’t been, for the vast majority of content (and rewards) over the years.
As I said in my previous post:

You can disagree all you want, but it’s the reality.

So, with that I’ll leave this back-and-forth behind me.
I’ve said all there is to say about it.

I hope this is true cause i intend to do all mop/wod cm on every class When mop/wod comes as Classic.
I started playing at the end of mop but back them i didn’t know what can i get in the endgame and in wod i did quit after 6 months cause it was boring to me. Later in legion When i started collecting things i noticed that i missed pretty cool cosmetics from mop/wod i didn’t do the same mistake with mage tower.

I already went to private servers to do try if i can do it and i did it there. So i will do it here in mop/wod to prove them i’m worthy :joy:

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Nor does it mean that they can’t.

As I said, not everyone sees WoW as a Pokemon type collect everything game. Some people want cosmetic rewards to serve as Trophies for completing challenges.

Kind of like winning a Sports competition or something in real life. You get a medal or trophy that you can show off your accomplishment.

It really is no different.

I really think its time.
Theyre are already at least as cool or not even cooler looking items but for druids for example these are forms… which makes it feel so much worse since we get new forms once in a blue moon, and old forms dissapear - like the ones from legion are gone-gone, mage tower bear form + 5 x cat forms = gone.
There was a promise of a black- cheeta form during Shadowlands, we saw its model, never arrived either.
As a feral chances are you wont play anything else but night elf/ tauren and a troll for ther racial, and there forms locked in behind races too. Make that go away, get us more forms… The Kul’tiran cat form is sick.
Come on Blizz, wtf ?


Except, it is.


I think that the best way is to take a page from the “Ultimates” in FF14.
Always available cause you scale to their level and reward you something worth being proud about without denying others the chance to also achieve that goal

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This! And the problem is, the people defending this whole “It shouldn’t be available again!” like to boast about it being a challenge and how it would diminish the work, completely ignoring when people point out the challenge became harder in some instances of the Mage Tower V2 :joy:

So the only “accomplishment” or “flex” of the reward is; “I did it X amount of years ago”

It makes me roll my eyes almost as much as people calling mount farms such as Love rocket / headless horseman a “Challenge of determination” when it reality it’s a in-and-out 2 min afk fight with extreme low RNG and time gating

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