Seems like your discussions always end in the same tone… shocker
Must be evryone else i guess.
Good to read your flavourless takes again bud have a great new year.
I do not agree with trading posts, but change some of it and make it into new challenge or as someone mentioned here, keep it evergreen, sure. But gifting it away like Trading Post, nah, more fun to work towards it, than getting it handed to you. But each to their own opinion
Yeah why not?
Bring the pvp back by reaching current seasons glad rating, and earn it through high end gameplay and token, makes it a lot worth to farm, still exclusiove to the 0.1% that actually reach elite/glad titles.
Zulian tiger is back, just check BMAH.
The other things could also be ran back either through an upscaled timewalking, to make it equally difficult in current seasons, or backtrack it on a Remix (like they tried with MoP Remix) Or make it obtainable through legacy realms like Classic reboots - why not? Wotlk was out, why not make everything Bnet shared, so if you obtain it (legitimately) on WOTLK classic, it can also be obtained and used on your retail. you still did it withing the requirements that was needed, same talents, patch and everything.
EDIT: WOTLK was just an example for the black proto drake. But i guess you get my point
Flavourless to say Blizzard shouldn’t time gate and create FOMO events?
Are you honestly advocating that it’s a good thing for the player base or are you just still mad, that after you endlessly called me names and worse, I declined to jump on a discord call with you? Or did you forget you even admitted “I’m gonna be honest I was trying to attack you abit” ? xD
But I am sure you won’t reply, because even though you probably agree with me, you would rather call my points “flavourless” because of the above fact xD
Good to see, that even though it’s a new year, you still like to go for the man and not the ball
Sadly a very significant portion of the forums community is too attached to the lie they bought about limited items making them unique in the eyes of other players.
When actually what most people care about in their fellow players is if they can clear the current endgame content without fumbling and as fast as possible.
More than a few people however seem to be guilty of trying to host a group to boost them. Pretty much every pug leader who is asking for higher ilvl in the title than what the game allows them to set in the filter based on their own ilvl.
No, I was referring to your comparison for the need for cosmetics.
More people care about your ability to play the game, than how your character looks.
It works both ways, because some players enjoy their time locked rewards or trophies to show their accomplishments, where as others just want their character to look pretty.
At the end of the day, all anybody else cares about is whether you can use your kick button and defensives at the right time.
I got all the Legion MT skins for all the specs and classes. I have obtained the rewards.
If Blizzard makes them available again, I will not feel that I lost my rewards. They will still be there, in my collections tab.
I guess our values differ in terms of one placing additional worth in being at the correct time and place vs wanting the full game being available to everyone who ever decides to pick it up.
In my experience with the MT in legion, it encouraged an unreasonable amount of time and effort to get everything within a limited time frame. This was neither healthy for the player nor the game.
I still have not fully recovered from the mental baggage from doing all that.
Very much so. I like to make that point when these topics come up.
It’s just the nature of how WoW works. In the early days the player base always gravitated to the latest content. I remember in TBC players complaining that after Karazhan they couldn’t get into raiding SSC and TK, because all the guilds were BT, MH. So Blizzard started putting catch up mechanics in and that’s how this seasonal content came about.
WoW is on a timeline, old content just eventually becomes old, outdated and you can easily overpower it. So to preserve the challenges over time they remove some rewards as a token to those who completed those tasks.
Personally I think they should add more rewards that get removed at the end of each expansion. But Blizzard seem to be hesitant to add anymore at the moment, which is a shame.
Indeed, the are plenty of different ways of looking at it. And everyone is welcome to their views.
And that’s your loss. This is the way the game is, and there are players like myself who play the game because they like this.
Removing that from us, would not be fun anymore. It’s a simple as that.