Mage Tower has convinced me to quit wow

I came back to wow after a long hiatus and was hoping Shadowlands would be a good Expansion, unfortunately it wasn’t and was thinking of calling it quits. Then I read the patch notes for 9.1.5 and thought twice when reading about the Mage Tower . Today I jumped onto my guardian druid and was looking forward to getting some new achievements done and my warebear trans mog. Unfortunately I couldn’t survive the first phase and after 10 tries and a fortune in repairs I decided my time with wow and blizzard has come to an end. Good luck guys. Cya…


Not even a warmup when it comes to mage tower.


My 3 years old nephew could program this game better than the current incompetent devs


Did you not make any progress at all during those 10 tries? I know it’s not for everyone and I definitely think some of the fights need more tuning (the bear one being one of them) but 10 tries seems a bit quick to just give up.

I’m trying the bear challenge as well and each time I do notice I’m getting a little bit further and getting more insight on what to do better. Not sure if it’s within reach for me but who knows they might change it soon.

Hope you might reconsider but if not, take care and best of luck!


Really? Is it really not for everyone??? The people are not asking ‘‘mythic Slyvanas is too hard to get Vengeance mount so I quit!!!’’ It is mage tower, just mage tower!!! It is a public place, it should be!!


I meant the “repeatedly bashing your head against the wall before you get it” type of challenge isn’t for everyone. Calm down.



It would be more bearable (lol) if the dialogs could just be scipped, but no 10 tries and not even getting out of p1 is a lot, aspecially since there are 1-2 additional phases.

Think about it this way: there are seven challenges, and the event is up for seven days. Casual joe (who’s should be the main target audience of this game and is the main paying costumer) has maybe about one to two hours a day to play and that’s already a lot. Needing ten tries to defeat a challenge is almost enough to fill that time window. So no, this challenge shouldn’t need 100 tried “at least” and it should also be doable in korthia gear and not some extra farmed special old content stuff.


Sorry, didn’t intend that. I am too angry about Mage Tower, nothing about you…


what Nagrash means is that the specific type of mage tower challenges isnt for everyone.

if you dont have a lot of patience and tolerance for deaths it probably isnt for you as it will frustrate the living hell out of you.

some people will claim that its not prestigious if it isnt extremely hard and everyone can get it but thats bs.
it should be achieveable for everyone, right now its a tad overtuned imo.

that being said, i think the difficulty is fine if it was available all year round or at the very least not on such a long cooldown until its available again.


I definitely agree there. It shouldn’t require special gear with gem slots and things and should just be doable in whatever you’re wearing (within reason) since we’re being scaled anyway.

No worries.

The fun fact in this game is, majority of the player base is causals. The game itself lives with that causals’ subs. In the meantime, most insulted and alienated people even in LFR are again causals! Did someone ask about Gladiator Souleater? I know I am crying now but just wanted some druid forms! Sorry! Really sorry to play this game!!!


I mean that was the intention for it (at release and partly during tos. Not so much during antorus. The latter which was claimed to be the balancing point). The current mage tower appears to be tuned around pre NH. Which is brutal. Its doable but its nowhere near it was at release (where it was stated to be overtuned due to the gear at that time not being intended for it)


Same. Gave it a try with my Guardian as i missed MT on my druid back then and hated i missed the train for the werebear form. But it is way overtuned compared to back then in Legion. No artifact weapon and boosted HPs / damage it seems.
The sad part is that they took my sub money the day before it went live. Canceled now after 25 tries wiping consistently phase 2.

Got back after a 7 month break, I will check again when they add werebear or other unique bear forms to the game but not in a Dark Soul type of thing. Not a big fan of the die and retry type of games when it is done wrong.

I would not be surprised if they add one to the cash shop at some point now.

Good luck everyone :slight_smile:


Agatha for me seems to be the most doable of the challenge i have tried for now.

I did like 4/5 tries on Agatha and took her to 50% before misstepping like a clown.
Kruul first phase is doable, but Kruul himself obliterate me.
Xylem leave me with the most question marks since i have no idea on how to deal with the damage of the frost bolts.


I had the least issues with Xylem so far. Xylem himself is rather easy for rogue at least. Especially with the breathing time inbetween interrupts, stuns and the barrage stuff. I have more issues with the enrage timer of P2 however that should be dealt with soon enough as i wasnt using hero etc and he still went down to 30%

yeah im right there with you so i get where you are coming from. the only thing i wanted from this event was the druid form because i missed out in legion.

imo it should be more accessible for everyone. it shouldnt be free but it shouldnt be this hard either.

my bf is trying mt on his rogue right now, i havent touched mt yet but will be in a bit.
it seems really hard and he has to use a lot of consumables like food, drums etc. paired with the repair costs i am not sure if i want to bother with it. it just looks like a gold sink to me, which is annoying because i dont swim in gold to begin with.

i think when people asked for mt to make a comeback they actually mean the appearances, not the mt mechanics itself.

Idk, as i said in the other topic, as a DH i get obliterated by the frostbolt cast despite using literally every CC possible. I even opted for the DoS trinket as an emergency heal but it is just too much,

Btw considering the tuning they could have easily have released new tints from Legion artifact, causes people that do them in the state they are right now for sure deserve a legion skin

Aye it was definitely the intent, but I think due to the nature of the current rewards seeming less special or something people expect it to be a lot easier than its meant to be. (current tuning issue aside)

I do think they’ll nerf it soon.

here you go . Now git gud if you want to deserve this uniqal mog


All this posts are hilarious.
The magetower isnt even mandatory content and only gives you a transmog