Mage Tower has convinced me to quit wow

Yes you are correct. People wanted easy mogs. But people were dishonest about it writing hundreds of threads claiming they dont minę chalenge and how they want Mt for its chalenging aspect . Now they got exackly what they asked for .

10 tries ? :smiley: :smiley: I had like 2 tries on mage and i kill it. I was like wtf… this is mage tower? But on guardian druid i am like 50+wipes and thats amazing / funny. Thanks god its not like 5 minute boss and bye 4ever.

cant speak for that. i do have seen once or twice someone wanting solo challenges like mt but i cant recall anyone ever wanting mt for transmog and it to be challenging.

but maybe i just didnt see or remember it incorrectly. :slight_smile:

Why even time gate this AT ALL?

Why not just make mage tower permanent? what do they have to lose?



This only been available 3 weeks a year is the funniest joke of all the year.

Mage one looks great. Well done! :smiley:


anyone who says mage tower ‘‘hard’’ in legion: :clown_face:

lfr argus gear+lego catchup+targeted legos after a bit of grinding= faceroll if you can play at 20-30% of your class max performance

It gives bear form for druids as well.

I’m starting to get the feeling blizzard doesn’t want normal people playing the game, this along with how overtuned the m+ dungeons was at the start of the expansion just makes me think they’re trying to kill their game off.

I stopped tanking for pretty much all of season 1 because of how overtuned it was, I had enough of it early into the season when I pulled the pack at hakkar’s wing and disappeared in less than a second from 100% hp.

So you expect to go in with 0 gear and solo content for exclusive limited rewards. Please quit you do not deserve any of those rewards if this is how prepared u are.


L m a o.

Complete lack of awareness of how mage tower works.


Item level is irrelevant in the mage tower.

True, it does seem that a lot of people who did it in the first weeks back in the day took literal hundreds of runs at it.

That said, some of them are also saying it is harder today than then so… maybe throwing it on the PTR for a few hours, then buffing the mobs in there, then going live wasn’t quite in the playerbase’s best interest?

It was always rather hard though. I think a lot of people might be remembering tackling it late in the season when they were overgearing it.

But I do suspect it might have needed a tuning pass that simply… didn’t happen. If lots of people are saying it’s harder than it ever was, we have to consider the possibility that it’s harder than it ever was. I’ll be interested to see if any specs still don’t have a single completion in 3-4 days time because they are fundamentally impossible.

What are you even talking about?

I pointed out how you’re displaying a complete lack of awareness of how the mage tower works when you started ranting about OP going in there with “0 gear”. This response of yours really doesn’t help to improve that perception.

This is you right?

Good for you?

It was perfect in Legion imo, it was a hard challenge but you could prepare around it, getting certain legendaries or higher ilvl to make it easier on yourself, all while the tryhards get theirs done the first weeks. they could then brag about it until the rest caught up, thats how it should be. Just like Mythic raid mounts, after 2 years others can get them.

But now? We have 2 weeks to break an overtuned brick wall with our heads, chip by chip, and once the people who can play a few hours get the hang of it, it’s gone for 3 months. Yeah that’s just bad game design. There’s so little you can do to prepare aside from doing it again and again for hours on end, and that’s just not fun. I’m not someone that enjoys that type of challenge.


I was pointing out how just because you can complete it in current expansion gear, doesn’t mean it’s enjoyable. But I guess that’s too hard for you to understand.

i tryed it once on my balance druid i didn’t even get 1 hit on the guy he just kepted pushing me away till i fell over the side i not goner keep trying its just a waste of time .

So naked means current expansion gear in your book?