Mage Tower has convinced me to quit wow

Sigh… I can say the same to you to the reply you made to Sabastian… that was kinda the point i made to you but yhea… over your head.

Also, why cant i find the legion achievement on your char? I can find achievements from legion tho. Think Legacy ones are acc wide.

Because I don’t have account wide achievements activated.

I barely played this character in legion, so no surprise you can’t find much legion related on this char. I, in fact, barely played Legion at all after the fiasco that was AP.

It’s not hilarious. It’s sad that they made like you said only transmog so tough to get that without a fu…guide, obviously as a normal player most cannot. I went on my guardian offspec several times and gave up. Just waste of time atm, for sure they will rebalance it. I went on my Shammy tried resto. What a joke is this without further comment. I switch to Ele and on second try I get her down to 36%.

To be honest these are not equal challenges and shall be. I just wanted to check and for sure I’ll give them more time during weekend. Atm I think they need rebalance. These are small things that keeps players playing. If they want to make something challenging - that’s OK. Just make that as a hard mode mage tower and make something less challenging for the rest of people. Otherwise it’s just a lost, not win-win.

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Ive just had it with blizzard now…been waiting for magetower for months just to get the guardian transmog, and they tuned it way to hard. Will unsub unless they nerf it.

So you waited to get Elite transmogs and expected IT to be on lfr difficulty ? That’s your problem not blizzards problem

Regardless of what people feel, the biggest victm of the new MT is Velen.

He got so much cussing in the span of two days…

Your 3yo nephew has something blizzard lacks. Imagination and will to put effort into what hes doing.
Blizzard constantly just copy paste everything and if needed, they use random number generator for rebalancing or change colour.

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Well I only had a couple of hours yesterday to play Frost Mage challenge and I am really upset about some changes. Yes, they made hands easier to kill, thats a plus. Karam also dies faster. But you cannot finish the encounter by killing Karam first, which was a viable strategy back in Legion, which is irritating. Also I did some preparation with TW gear, so I guess I will get this encounter done today and then I will try Fire (which I have not played since Legion, oh boy, this will cost me many wipes).

Anyway, without borrowed power and especially without survival legendaries from Legion some encounters really bother me when I think about it. Reading about the healer changes already gives me nightmares because of mages being much more deadly to NPCs than in Legion at a lower number of stacks and similar shenanigans.

And don’t let me start on how broken the classes feel without borrowed power mechanics.

Public place? tf u on about kekw mythic raid is a PuBlIc PlAcE aswell and u didnt even understand what he meant xD cry me a river

But yea either way some fights are to hard where u do 1 small mistake and its a wipe shouldn’t be like that for sure

Yes, it is a public place. Otherwise, they should put ilvl/rio/pvp rating to the place.

So is mythic raids so whats your point

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no one will accept you on a m raid without rio/heroic kills or 225 ilvl so m raid even heroic is not a public place. Got me?

at this point, every Blizz dev with a bit of talent was poached either by other former dev startups or by Riot

We need more people complaining and quitting. We need to show Blizzard this is NOT the kind of content that we want.

The best to you!

That doesnt mean it isnt a public place though u can still enter the raid u wont get invited to any groups cuz no one wants to boost u stop crying

They dont care dude they had it fine in ptr should still be challenging for casuals but they buffed it for no reason

Yea you can still enter the place with 225 geared 3 months experienced people and the only thing you will get is wipe over wipe! Trying is always possible but it is not free. If you don’t want to understand what told you then don’t understand it, I can’t do anything about it.

You dont really make sense here but if i understand correct its just you saying indirrectly u sck at the game and you dont want to improve because you will die and it hurts your fragile ego

Most people that have completed the MT rn have probably doen 100+ pulls on their spec

Have some patience : my account is quite new so I don’t have access to all the right gear for Mage Tower but I will work on it steadily as a side project and get some nice achievements along the way

I will focus on my main and gearing and getting better and have lots of fun.

Best to just play what you can and work towards the things beyond reach

I will also say, have som patience.
Blizzard is aware that the tuning is off for some classes/spec’s and will look into that. They are also monitoring the sucessrate of the challenges, after the massive uproar on the US forums.
So tuning might happen soon