Mage Tower has convinced me to quit wow

Blizzard’s idea of soon will have the mage tower event end and it will go up again like this next time it’s around and they will still not have fixed it and the third time it’s around, they’ll fix it halfway through it.


Yea they are gonna drag the fix out till the very end of this event or have us wait till next time if they fixed it during that which i honestly dont have a lot of hope for i know that may be a big suprise

no, it isn’t. But maybe there are places in the game that aren’t for everyone.
It’s certainly not for me. I don’t have the hand-eye co-ordination required for this challenge. But the rewards are cosmetic so I don’t really mind that much. I’m fine with areas of the game not being for me.

I would prefer if they left the mage tower in the game so I could go and see it later like I do with old raids. I’m fine with waiting.
Shame they are treating us old content farmers with such disdain recently Legion raids, BFA dungeons should be roflstompable but aren’t. Mage Tower gets removed.

Recently? This has been a thing for as long as WoW has existed, lol.

I don’t mind it being difficult and challenging. I do mind it being available for such a short amount of time that I basically will have to play 24/7 if I want to complete it for the mount.

I have done this in legion a few times as bear as I showed my ex and friend how to.
I also did 35 other speccs (aka all classes) cause I am nuts I guess.

Im not noticing any progress cause I die due to not having certain gear setups (Shard trinket for example), and bad rng spawns on infernals + wavepushbands in p2 as well as the npc randomly spontaniously combusting (warrior) in p2 eventho I kite boss away.

I have nothing I can improve on, just get lucky with rng on either drops of good trinkets or just easy spawns.

Migrian now tho after attempting 60/80 times… -_-

Well, it’s particularly bad just now. Since MOP I’ve been running old content. In MOP farming ICC was tricky solo (the legacy buff hadn’t been introduced yet) and even Naxx had tricky bits, I needed a friend to help with Patchwerk.
Legacy buff came in towards the end of MOP and since then I’ve had little issues. I did all the glory achieves, requiring some help with tricky or non-soloable achieves. But when I dinged 60 in SL I went and tried Freehold and was astonished when the first trash pack (right inside the instance) demolished me in seconds. I went and got my DK to see what he could do and no more (but he was only 50 at the time).

the only reason i re-subbed was to try the mage tower. i tried it over 200 times over 3 days, failed over 200 times over 3 days. Baught FF14, That was crap. Baught a new GTA 5 Account been loving it ever since :).

Take a few days off wow and youll realise that theres other games :slight_smile:

Mage tower is not for everyone. Its for people with time, a lot of time and a lot of money. You cant beat it with normal play style. As guardian druid, i must change to balance and buy gear for half million gold to be able to do enough damage. With normal tank play style, mage tower just cant be done. Its not created to be…So… Blizzard…You want us to invest a lot of time and buy tokens, so we can able to challenge it ? Is this what we was waiting for ? Im really really mad, about i subbed again for 6 months... Game just died with this expansion...You lost most of your players and you continue doing it. Why ? Cant you see, you destroyed one World… Only boost sellers and streamers keeps the game those days. But soon, when there is no one to boost or to play with, what you going to do ? This is just not fair…

“Contents not hard enough”, “contents too hard”.

Would you rather have something too easy where every single player has the transmog, or something too difficult, enough that the transmog actually means something?

Imagine thinking recolor of a reskin set of an old tier set actually means something :rofl:

Mount maybe, set itself, nah.

Im 100% agree with you . Blizzard continie with the mistakes everytime i feel that WoW hit the bottom they surprice me . Every next expanion is worse than previous one. For me from all expanions until now i was happy to play in legion with the legendary and artefact system and i wanted to play more than one toon during the expanion. In BFA they destroy everyting they made and i was focused on gold making and guess what :smiley: blizzard saw this and destroy the gold making ( where only the goblins survived) . Mage tower in legion was total different ( we had artecfact weapons , legendaries { on my frost dk i used 2 legendaries for the first phase and 2nd for second phase}. Also now the rewards are even worse than legion mage tower . One mount for probably 10 people total in the universe and a few normal appearance ( only the warlock one is really good ). I have gold but this mage tower is not desire thing for me because i dont see any point. Also the blizzard suprice for the reward for 6monts sub with the murlocs is also total mistake . So you put cat mount for money and in a few days put no mount reward for 6months subsriprion :smiley: coincidence ?? i guess not . Also if you want to do m+ key ( half of the day there arent plenty of keys on different levels and even if you want to chill somewhere you wait too many time to realise this group wont happen because people come here in wow for a week or two after patch and after that wait the next patch or expansion :smiley: now we wait 9.2 and when 9.2 comes we will wait next expansion because ACTIVISION is so predictable. The only thing that cant change their moves are the money but since people continue to buy things from the store and pay for 6 month sub nothing will change. I have sub but i have nothing to do in the game ( i have gold , mounts i want to have , rio score but still its boring when i log in and prefer to watch movies instead of playing so all thanks to ACTIVISION THAT DESTROY our favourite game.

I’m not for locking something behind hard content when it gives no power increases.

Like, I got the twisting corridors mount(though, it was rather trivial as a priest) but there were other mounts that could be obtained to be able to travel by mount in the maw. Imagine if people would never have been able to mount in the maw unless they obtained the twisting corridor mount.

I think this is how they should treat this kind of stuff, if there’s something that’s not a power increase there should be other versions to obtain of it, other than the one behind hard content.

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found your problem. Can i have your gold? I always wanted an alliance char but w/o gold is pita…

When content is achieveable by everyone it is not a challenge tho. I mean there some folks here who fail at everything (no offense, just the reality). I think they should tune the MT for specs who suffer the most to balance it a bit and make it a permanent feature.

Why subbed 6 months for a 2 week (now 4 week) event?

10 attempts and quitting is like learning how to drive a bike and complaining that it does not work and need 3 wheels after 10minutes of failing to do so.

I think you did not even try at all and just started complaining as it was no free reward…

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10 tries is not a lot. Learn the fight into its core, study it, swap talents, try a different build within that spec. You can do it!

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