Mage tower sucks nerf it

Any news or statement of blizz about it? :grimacing:

#Nerf Mage Tower 2022


they are in to deep earning money on it


It will not happen in any parallel universe! When they implementing a system that make you invest both gold (real money=token), time and commitment, just to be left to RNG spawn of adds or cheese strat! The same psychological phenomena as gambling kicks in (sunk cost). When people invest up to 600-700 attempts and first whine and laster write on forum “ease”! Sound much like casino to me!

This is short term economic profit that hurts companies in the long run! But money is money right?

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Well then they will not get any money from me anymore, if they keep that model up.
Good way to lose a loyal customer.


*I agreee *:100:

Did anyone else complete it who wanted to do it and i do not mean some certain people who come here and go git gud and just do it its ez
 I eventually gave up with 3 days before it ended and wont bother myself with it again as it made me so angry for the first time in 16 yrs of playing i actually felt myself saying “Why am i playing this game??”

But then it,s just a skin (Regardless of how cool the bear form is) xD I hope they add it to the shop as I would definitely buy it xD

It’s supposed to be a challenge. It doesn’t affect player power at all, you just get a recolor of a transmog set.

Why should every single aspect of the game be doable by literally everyone? Right now, the only truly difficult content the game has to offer is high end M+ and mythic raiding. That’s it. There is ZERO challenging content for solo players. Why should players who enjoy challenging solo content not have anything in this game? 99% of the game already caters to casuals. God forbid they add a single piece of challenging content that doesn’t cater to your playstyle.

Also, the mage tower is very much doable. So many people are doing it on level 45 characters, trial characters and with ridiculous self-imposed restrictions to make it even more challenging.

You just gotta try harder! :wink:

I think it should have been communicated it is only for the top 1% of the players. That would have solved a lot of problems.

Because often those 45 lvls and trial chars are stronger than our SL fully geared chars.


Then it should be equally challenging for everyone.

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It wont because blizzard wants m-o-n-e-y by this time am 100% sure they co work with boosters-. taking a cut from them to keep their company up. Why else is bots still a thing. They earn Sub and Expansion fees + dirty money. While we are here with unbalanced classes that don’t work without borrowed powers. Their Scaling is so dumb I can’t word how much I hate it. BFA was much better than this crap we have today.


that is not true

a lvl50 green item is exactly the same as a 246 epic when downscale to lvl50, gear does not upscale. lvl45 green is far weaker than a lvl50 green
assuming SL gear does not have any sockets, a lvl50 trial account with lvl68 gear is the same power as a 246 ilvl player stats wise, but trial has bad trinkets

even SoO mythic gear with 3 sockets needs to be fully gemed and have the correct gemsockt bonus to actualy give +3 str more than a nethershard vendor gear (without socket) at the cost of secondary stats and stamina.

i have shown and help gear alot of my friends with budget gear (most all from vendors or cheap crafts (like class hall vendor, nethershards, azurite mana pearls)
my alts were the vast majority lvl50 and lvl51 doing the mage tower (only hard one was my lvl51 bear cause Kruul is Kruul)

so yeah, those that spread that you need to buy expensive pvp crafted gear only want to fool you to get your gold when you can run siege of ogrimar and already get better gear for free. a LFR seed pod is by far stronger and more impactfull

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If it is the same strength, why do people need budget gear? Isn’t it because it is better than our current gear? This whole mage tower had my brain spinning with the weird scaling. In the end i have done 2 of them in my normal SL gear with bad trinkets. I used BFA consumables.

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because lvl50 gear can take old enchants in wrists, cloak, hands, boots, belt, legs (optionaly shoulders) and neck. which are by far stronger than a gem slot.
thats the reason why the mop crafted gear needs to use relic to set its level to 48 and not 54
main stat is very important, you can get +5 on wrists, +6 on cloack, +6 on gloves and speed on feet
azurite gear trades secondary stats for a big amount on mainstat, only shoulders u can offset for the +5 enchant

the most impactingfull being the +10% run speed on feet that helps alot in all scenarios but specialy on sigryn and twins and hidden satyr on neck for free dmg

the only thing u can and should abuse is potion of prolongued power (so cheap its free, 1 blood gives 10 potions) and unbrided fury (expensive) for free dmg

you can even check my lvl51 druid and see for yourself for an example, was my second char doing MT so it still didnt knew all the tweeks.

i did not take shoulder and leg enchants back then, but after knowing nethershard i put leg enchant on the others. belt is low impact

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So i was correct with saying those low level (green)-chars are stronger than our normal SL chars.

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no u said trial chars were stronger, trial chars have gear ilvl 68 which only lets u use SL enchants, not the old ones. even satyr needs lower than ilvl60 gear
if no enchants are used a trial char has the same power as a some1 that just dinged 60

a lvl50 basic craft gloves is stronger for agility users yes (str users can use SL enchant), same for class hall writs for str and agi users (intelect can use SL enchant)

but given i was crafting these with 14-20g worth of mats i would just craft then until i had the best secondary stat, like versatility for example

a fully crafted dragonling (with cogs) is 20 ghost iron bars (40 ore), this roughly is less than 200g, its a big amount of stats and free dmg. important to use a relic5 so its lvl54 and not 39

the stuff that i would consider abusing, ie, clearly have too big on an impact, are:
crusader enchant - still heals u alot specialy for str challenges like eye, sigryn and imp mother, you can put this on a 2H heirloom on a lower level alt, then use it for all chars in MT, its just needs to be at least rank3 heirloom
seed pod, it just helps with anything with adds
unbridged fury, its just free dmg
SL food buffs, the +18 stat food does not downscale so u still get +18 versatility at lvl50, big amount

flask and mainstat pots should and can easily be normalized across the board. like all flasks give +20 stat regarless of expantion, or all pots give 100 main stat for 25sec

I have invested all free time I had into the MT or into farming stuff for it (like herbs for flasks and pots). I did 6/7 challenges on 3 characters which I have been playing in Legion regularly and I needed one more day to get 7/7.

I support all people who complain here. It’s badly tuned, it’s not replicating the experience from Legion (neither the start nor the end of the lifetime of the MT back then), and its much more “bang your head against the wall til you get the perfectly aligned run” then it was in Legion. I did all 36 challenges at least twice, all Priest and Paladin challenges 3 times, Mages even more (over all classes especially Agatha and Sigryn which have been the easiest back then).

I have also tested some encounters on the PTR - Frost Mage extensively with my SL gear. I almost got it down, but then wanted to use my spare free time to look into some other classes. When I did Frost Mage on life - after getting a “broken” TW set with gems etc. - I struggled harder than on the PTR. Guess why? Stealth buffs for the encounters. And they even removed the option to finish the encounter in 2 different ways (either killing Raest first, or killing Karam first and then finishing off Raest). F

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