Mage tower sucks nerf it

i think this thread will die down

Good call Sherlock :joy: In 2 days the event will be over so yeah…

I’m gonna do one more challenge through, my shaman is lvl 43 so with a bit of questing she’ll be ready to do it in a day.

3rd January and still not further balancing of Mage Tower.
Acti-Blizz really don’t care.


its a money dump

I managed to complete Guardian MT with Xbox controller. Around 200 attempts and 150k spent but I havn’t seen anyone else do it on controller yet so might be a World First :smiley: I wouldn’t say I enjoyed it, I’m not a mythic raider but I needed the skin. Good Luck all :bear:


That was kinda cool! Gz m8 :slight_smile:


I struggle with the healer one currently.
Why the f*** did they have to prolong it into the Christmas holidays where about a week is useless? It should have been one more week after the 5th January.
I just need more time.


After spending a half a day wiping, I’m making some progress on Xylem as frost DK. I often died to razor ice but I learned how to increase my chances. When I used my old raiding gear I had a lot of strength but only about 6000 HP. So I switched to shadowlands gear to instead get almost 7400 hp but with less strength. That made it much easier to survive the ice, making my death strikes stronger because it’s partially based on % of your maximum HP. The fight against Xylem is a battle of survival, not a dps race. I haven’t reached phase 2 yet, but that’s when I will switch to the old raiding gear for maximum dps. I still think though that Xylem is a bit overtuned and could use a small nerf in both HP and damage.

I hope to finish it soon so that I can focus on the tank and healing challenges next time the tower is up.


You got your chances in a few months.

they could at lest made it current lvl based instead of 47. blizzards scaleing is bonkers tbh


Thanks mate, I played ESO for a year on Xbox so I’ve came back to WoW and seeing what its like to kick back with a controller. Im enjoying it although this challenge was abot try-hard for my liking ha. GGs

Thanks, and oh boy you mentioned the healer one? I’ll do that with controller next time round…look out for my vid :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Very nice :+1: :sunglasses:


you can swap gears before P2 stats, so just saved an full dps auto-set to swap at that time

Thank you, after many failed attempts you just need that god mode run

you sucks at mage tower, buff yourself

Did Closing The Eye as arms warrior instead of frost DK because it was a bit easier. Was a very close call. I only had a few second left to live. I think the second boss of the encounter should have like 5% less hp. Anyway, that’s 5 out of 7 bosses done. Will do the tanking and healing ones next time the tower is up.


the P2 boss of closing the eye can be extended if u make him leave a puddle right on top of the orb in the midle (this will never reach the edges) and then move to the edge to drop the second puddle, coached a few people on how to do it, they ended the fight with with spare room


So it’s official Acti-Blizz thinks the current iteration of Mage Tower is correct and doesn’t require additional balance passes.

So out of touch with your playerbase it’s unreal.