Mage Tower

Just wondering, anyone here that did the DH mage tower challenge back when it released in Legion and managed to do it now?
Feels insanely overtuned, considering there are no active leggos or any borrowed power really (unlike back in Legion).
I myself have tried it and never got past the first Xylem copies transition. Leech and self sustainability are horribly bad, and the frostbolt casts completely annihilate you out of existence.
I enjoy challenging solo content but this is just painfully, frustratingly wrong as it is. Completely out of touch, whoever balanced this one (idk about other challenges).

i’ve done both yeah. people do say its overtuned. already hearing comments of changes to come so don’t stress it. it is doable, but can always wait for changes if its becoming too much of a grind/infuriating. i’m sure people have posted guides online, can always check those out to see if there’s anything to do different. just vaguely remembered it so after a few pulls it was kinda just a case of getting the right one for the kill. good luck though!

i’m sure it took me more pulls now than in legion, i finished with 60 pulls out of which only 10 or so were p2. i went kinda blind into it in the first 20pulls.
P1:demonic appetite (i don’t know how people survive with blind fury)/unbound chaos/fel eruption
P2: blind fury/glaive tempest/master of the glaive.
P1 make sure to use unbound chaos only during crystals. it’s actually a dps loss during mage phase but it saved my life so many times in the frost phases.further frost phases. the rng is real, i died so many times to no orbs spawning.
try to use imprison at key timings unless you are low, like when he teleports during mage or in 2nd frost when he shreds you with casts.

Why UC if I can ask? Leech while dashing out?

No luck on my side, but I’m here to share my experience.

I’ve done the challenge back in Legion and it seems to me it’s just that hard (without the hope of having gear increases with release of next patch ^^)

The topic of self healing seems different to me. I recall (maybe incorrectly) that we had a HUGE leech especially with the Eye Beam that can restore full life easily.

BUT, a strategy that really helps my survivability in P1 is eye beam on the crystals. Give a huge spot of soul shards that you can leave on the map for further use.

I repeat that I can’t actually get in P2 now but I remember that was the point in Legion and the various Mage Tower challenges :

  • At first You DIE.
  • Then you learn what the f*** killed you
  • You still DIE, but you understand why
  • You try to identify what you do that works and what don’t
  • You start to survive 5s more… But you DIE !
    And this continues until you gain enough experience and training of the fight that FINALLY make you go through it.

It’s really a challenge of patience and questionning. It’s damn hard, but in my opinion it’s FAIR. And the feeling of finally getting it is what made it unforgettable for those who did it back then.

Share your tricks and skills here and be patients : If you try long and hard enough, you’ll succeed.

For info I don’t have any gems on my stuff, mostly heirloom stuff and I intend to suceed with this !

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I wonder and I hope someone knows… is it possible for me with this gear to do the challenge?

I dont mind that its hard and I can imagen the task with no or bad gear might be impossible. But I remember doing the green fire quest with my warlock when undergeared and I did manage to pull that off.

Yes, the challenge is downscaled to ilvl 50 it’s more mechanical check then gear ones, even if twinking make it easier


Completed it in Legion, albeit in the Argus patch. I remember the mechanics pretty well, but for now I’m hard stuck on P1.

It seems the frostbolts are hitting way harder than they used to, and we’re suffering from a drastically nerfed leech compared to what we had back in Legion. As soon as interrupts are on CD, I don’t have nearly enough self-heal to keep me in check, being reliant on RNG to give me a soul essence every second chaos strike. And given the length of P1, that’s a losing battle at every try.

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It was very easy during argus patch and is nowhere the same difficulty.

done it. hard but possible. someone wrote about builds for p1 and p2. consumables from bfa etc from shadowlands. you need a bit lucky and some tries. i has hymnar of the path - very strong trinkcet for both phases. crit from trincket over 1.5k+. and good healing on p1. good luck, i believe you can do it!
p. s. i has about 25% vers inside, ~21 haste/mastery and ~11% crit
1 trink was hymnal
2 phial of putrefaction (i choose it cause on 2 phase when you killing adds DoT still damage boss, and it damage boss on 1 phase while you run to him through platform)

Didn’t do it in Legion on a DH nor other classes that faced Xylem but just completed the TW version and honestly I feel like it’s fine apart from the end boss.

I’m okay with having to pick specific talents just to survive the encounter but I had to buy drums to get enough DPS to make it during the last phase and even then I cut very close with around 900 DPS. I feel like that shouldn’t have had to do that?
Just nerf his health by, like, up to 10% and it’ll be a good challenge.

buy food/runes with agility, pot with 1 min during and use shadow core oil on both weapons and enchants lightless force on both or lightless force and celestial guidance. use BfA flask (giving more agility than others)
on 2 phase dont use drums from the start (drums of shadowlands better scaling with 1 min pot for stats). use drums and metamorphosis after killing first adds and you will have about 40-42 sec before next).
!keep the boss at the very edge of the platform as far as possible. don’t be afraid to fall there is an invisible wall, lean against it.
and good luck ofc!
P. S. use hymnar of the path if it possible. very strong trincket for this fight. second trinck that i used was phial of putrefaction. it damage boss while you run to him on first phase and still damage him while you killing adds on second phase

Having to min/max it with consumables kinda takes the skill out of it, I’ll wait until they’ve fixed the numbers instead.

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Yeah it’s really overtuned atm, it’s a fair challenge but it is just too tight for the majority of the playerbase.
Xylem is getting a nerf 100% it’s probably the hardest challenge i have tried so far.

I’m at the point where P1 is mastered and isn’t really an issue anymore, easily survivable even if incredibly unforgiving (compared to Legion at least).
In P2 my best try was taking him down to 55% health and the room was already completely filled, and yes I do switch talents/gear but just can’t get past that.

The only stuff I haven’t used yet were the BFA flask and the Hymnar trinket.

So yeah, I’ll sit this one out for now :stuck_out_tongue:

Super hard, in about 60 pulls i only got to p3 once, the darkenss sollow is insane and we have to be lucky with the souls that drop on p1 and p2, it really needs a nerf

Does anyone have any tips on how to get him back to the centre before he switches from Arcane Barrage to Annihilation in P1?
Whenever I interrupt him during that stage, he just goes right back to casting before teleporting to the other side of the room.

I helped my daughter to make it. I bought her crusader enchants on lvl45weps. Yes str is no use for dh but that proc gave healing that helped alot. Before final phase we changed normal weapons and got him down

I can’t even make it to the second phase, using the most HP regen build there is, I just run dry of souls and end up taking more damage than I can heal, even post nerf.

Mage tower is garbage.

really needs nerf, in demonic phase, i dont have enough dps

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